Time Well Spent

We live in such a complex time in the evolution of human consciousness. Never have we had access to so much information and knowledge. And, never have we seemed more committed to ignoring what we know, sense and feel. For most people who read my weekly ramblings, I have to assume that we are similar. We are developing and expanding our spiritual nature. We are committed to connecting to and hearing our own internal guidance. We are doing what we can to honor our truth and to stay the course for what feels authentic and real. Yet we live in a time when we are bombarded with negative, violent, manipulative and distorted images and messages! How do we stay the course, while being overwhelmed with the exact opposite of what we are trying to create in our lives? I must admit that when I look at my life, I feel blessed. There is very little I would want to change. Not only is life comfortable… It is fulfilling and fun. Yet, when I look around at what is happening in the world and on our planet, it is hard not to wonder if we will even survive as a species! We are on a collision course with disaster… And, we appear to be doing little about it. Or is that true? You see, one of the things I have been thinking about a lot lately is… Are we actually becoming the change we want to see in the world, without even being aware of it? Think about this for a moment. If you dig beneath the surface of what...

Transformational Speaking

Last weekend I spent 4 days in Santa Fe at a workshop intensive called “Transformational Speaking” with Gail Larsen. This intensive was not about techniques, instead it was about helping you connect with your personal message or as Gail calls it (from her Shaman background) “Original Medicine”. To give you a sense of why this is called an intensive or immersion, she limits these workshops to only 6 participants. It was at times intense, often spacious and always Soulful. I went unsure of why I even signed-up. I have been teaching classes regularly for the past five years. I write weekly… as you know from reading these posts… and it is not like I am imagining being on a large stage in front of people. However, something drew me there. A few months back, a dear friend Keri was visiting here in Phoenix. She was telling me about an experience her and a couple of our mutual friends shared. When she said Gail’s name… I knew I would be going and participating in this program. Come to find out, opening to, following and trusting my intuition is actually a big part of MY Original Medicine! Hearing the guidance, and subtle messages that are always there, is one of the most important skills I can and have developed in the last 20 years! And, without knowing it before this past weekend, also a critical component of helping to transition to a new way of Being on and for the planet. Not only is it important to me… I think it is imperative for the map-makers, way-finders and explorers of today....

Modern Mystics

This past week I attended Victoria Barna and Gisela Arenas’ workshop called “New Year… New Beginnings”. One of their main areas of focus was to look at each participants “Numerology”. Life Path number, Challenge number, Personal Year number. That sort of thing. Then a couple of days later I had my semi-annual Astrology session with Jolinda Marshall (who has been my astrologer for over 25 years!). It never ceases to amaze me how these systems of study can be so accurate. They provide clarity and confirmation on the cycles of our lives and provide insights on the ups and downs. In both cases and even in Human Design (another system of study), the information that is shared is not so much predictive or specific to any single individual, as they are about energetic alignment or in some cases.., non-alignment. For an example, This is good time to make financial decisions, not a good time to make major relationship choices, etc. I find that when I tap into these ancient arts, I am pulled out of the details of my life and begin to recognize and appreciate the phases and cycles of life. Something that we all experience. I have been connected to Astrology for so long that I even seem to know when something is off in my chart. Perhaps I am seeing or experiencing things from a perspective that is not normal for me. Sometimes when it lasts more than a few days, I will call Jolinda to find out what is up and how long that particular “transit” is going to be around. In the numerology portion...

Technology and the Altruistic New World

These are amazing times that we live in. There are so many wonderful things that are happening and being revealed. And, we live in a time when many of the original systems, organizations and structures that were design to support and assist us are distorted and actually being used against us. Government, corporations, religions, medical/pharmaceutical industries… These at one time were altruistic in nature and were measured based upon their ability to support the communities and people they served. The opposite of altruistic is egotistical… And that is what the majority of these institutions have become. They cater to only a few or small percentage. Specifically those individuals who have been endorsed and selected for leadership roles. Greed, the hunger for power and an intense focus on creating a protected class of elite has distorted much of what was once an important part of the infrastructures that was designed to support all of us. Let’s face it “We have lost our balance”. Before you go imagining that this is all doom and gloom, I am here to say it is not! Instead, I believe we must go through this time to find our own authority. This is a powerful time for the individual to find their own voice and to connect with what resonates from within. This is a time for us to be more connected to one another. Time to build relationships, organizations and communities that honor the common good and individuality. AND, Technology is here to help! The ability for us to connect with one another across the globe in a matter of seconds or minutes is...

Keep it Simple

I looked up the word simple today. Easy to understand, deal with or use; not complex or compounded; not complicated; not elaborate or adorned. Actually for such a common word, there were quite a few definitions. However they all speak to “simple” being the stripped down essence of something… be it chemistry, botany, math, grammar, plants or people. I should explain that the reason I am looking up the word simple in the first place, is because that is the word that comes up when I think about the future. Simple is the word that comes up when I think about how to navigate, plan and approach the day to day activities of my life. Literally, there may be many things vying for my attention, however if I see them in their simplest form; each different thing, when not compounded with the others, is pretty straight forward. Simple is also a big part of what our spiritual journeys are all about! It hasn’t always felt this way for me. For the longest time, I felt I was searching for something. If I found the right equation or the magic formula, I might shift or change my experience and all of a sudden I would arrive at some nirvana or enlightened state. I would be evolved and know exactly how to create and have the life of my dreams. Well, I have the life of my dreams. So how did I get here if I haven’t yet found that perfect equation or magic formula? Then it dawns on me… Simplicity lead me here. I just have a tendency to make...

Dancing Along the Continuum

There is nothing like a new year to get me thinking about making changes and shifts in my life. It is a momentous occasion. One that is recognized around the world as a time of transformation; even if for some it is just a numerical shift. These days, we seem to be going through so many shifts and changes all the time. I even wrote in an earlier post about how changes that use to take months are taking days, etc. It makes you wonder, if we are going through constant shifts and changes all the time, is the transition to a new year still a big deal? As I contemplate this, there are two things that standout. First, this is the one time each year when so many people around the world are focused on creating change. And second, Imagine with all those intentions being set, how much extra support our own intentions have during the crossing of the threshold into the new year! Powerful stuff! So what are the changes you are intending for yourself in the new year? What are you creating, releasing, setting down or moving? Are any of these new? How many are repeats? How many of the changes you want to make are things you’ve tried before, yet somehow they have not quite come to fruition? I only ask because personally.., I have a stack of those!! 🙂 I bring up this stack of old resolutions that are still hanging around and unfulfilled, because maybe there is a slightly new way to approach them. If you are anything like me, these have become...

Soul Star & Earth Star

I love this time of year, as we prepare to move from one year to the next. There is something about the anticipation of the New Year and all the possibilities it brings, that awakens the dreamer inside. This makes the next few weeks is an ideal time to work with the energy centers that are located just outside your physical body. There is one above your head, which some call the “Soul Star”, because it connects you to your Soul’s purpose. It is where we connect with all “Possibilities” for this lifetime. Any possible futures we want to create are seeded through this energy center. Think of it as the magician’s hat. Anything you can imagine (and beyond), can be pulled from this hat and become part of what you are creating. Imagine this energy center (or chakra), being about 6″ to 8″ above your head. It is always there, and it is what connects you (and your Higher Self) to Soul, which is where we are one with All-That-Is, the Divine, God or the Universe. We never lose this connection, even when sometimes it feels hard to access. The other energy center is located about 6″ to 8″ below your feet. It is what is sometimes referred to as the “Earth Star” energy center. This is the energy center that brings the possibilities you are attracting through your Soul Star into the realm of “Probability”. The Earth Star energy center takes the energetic information of “possibility” you are aligned with, and begins to ground that frequency into your physical world. It helps it to find the greatest...

Lessons from a Car

This week Fito sold his car and is in the process of buying a new one. New to him at least. In many ways this is just the nature of the beast when you deal with cars. They come and go. You drive them, repair them, and eventually you replace them. He is now in the process of deciding what is next and jumping into the haggling process, which of course he doesn’t mind, because he’s a real estate broker. He does it all the time. While all of this is happening, I am going through my own process. New realizations and awareness of all that has transpired in my life since 2002. You see, that is the year I bought the car that Fito just sold and the same year I brought Utility Saving Expert insurance. Back then I had just moved back to Phoenix from a few years in San Francisco. I was celebrating my 20th year with the company I worked for, and was financially comfortable. 2002 was also the year that Lexus first introduced there hardtop convertible sports car! It was a car lovers dream. As soon as I drove it, I knew it was mine and it was a car I was going to “keep for the rest of my life”. Boys and their toys. Who knows when and how these things happen, but eventually, my toy, became Fito’s car for everyday commuting. It wasn’t so much a decision as just a natural evolution. It made sense for what we were doing at the time. No regrets there, it made sense. And Fito will...

So Passé

How do we change the world? How does one person make a difference? How do we shift the energy of “stalemate” that seems so pervasive around us? I guess the first question should have been “do we think the world needs changing?”. When I stop and ponder these questions, I realize that “duality” is on loudspeaker! Duality meaning that our most common way of viewing the events around us is to see them as good or bad, right or wrong, black or white, light or dark, left or right. It seems that no matter where I look, there is a line drawn in the sand, and we are expected to make a decision. Which side of this line are you standing on? Once we decide which side of the line, issue, or topic we are on; we are equipped with battle gear! We are given the weapons (usually words) to defend ourselves. Sound bites that can deflect the majority of what is projected at us and that can also be hurled at the other side! We are ready, willing and able. As long as we are on “our side”. I am battle-weary. I am exhausted from constantly defending and protecting my position, my side of the line.., my half of duality! Even when we are not doing this out loud, our thoughts are oftentimes doing this dance. Choosing sides, staking a position. Even when the position is to stay “outside” the fray. Choosing not to participate is making a choice. So how do we shift this stalemate? I need to say right here and now: I don’t know the...

The Gift of ME-time

Do you ever have times of apathy? Times when it feels like you are surrounded by opportunity, potential or work to be done; yet it is hard to get motivated or inspired by any of it? Tell me you do! Apathy loves company… Or at least I do when I am feeling apathetic! I am quite aware of the cycles of life; the ebb and flow. At the same time, it can catch me by surprise. Each high or low can feel like it comes from nowhere, and usually disappears or shifts in much the same way. This is true even when the only thing that is going on, is looking at the projects that are awaiting my attention, with a sense that none of them seem compelling. Even though they are MY projects! It is easy to start giving yourself a hard time about being in a state of apathy, especially when it is not the way you normally experience the world. However, this just adds water to the fire. (You know.., it makes the fire you are trying to kindle and stoke feel all soggy!) Then I remember, this is where the concepts of Intentional Living and Spiritual Awareness actually support me during these times. Sometimes doing nothing is “going with the flow”. I forget that I spent most of my life doing, doing, doing. Sometimes I just need to BE. When I start to look at these times as a natural form of downtime, instead of judging myself for not accomplishing enough or perhaps not having enough clarity or decisiveness; I become more compassionate, patient and...

The Authentic You and Me

Words are so important.  They are one of the most powerful ways that we share our energy and our frequency with others.  When we are excited and filled with creative thoughts we share that excitement with the words we choose to describe our experience.  When we are sad, grieving, hurt or down, we also express this through the words we choose. Of course there are more than words happening.  Our emotions are seeping into our energetic field and finding their own way of being seen and known.  Our body expresses itself physically, aligning with our thoughts and feelings, adding primal and instinctive expression.  Yet the words we choose to define our experiences are our signature. The words we use determine how much of what is going on for us we are willing to share.  Words are how we determine the level of vulnerability and exposure we will offer.  They are also the main way we attempt to protect and shield ourselves from judgment, disappointment, expectations and wild hope or desire.  They are the primary tool we use to “control” the situations and people in our lives. Words are powerful. As much as our words affect and influence others, the biggest impact they have is on us!  The person choosing and writing or saying (aloud or to themselves) these words or sometimes (and just as importantly), the words that want to be expressed that never are, affect the owner.  We are the most affected by the words we share (or hold in!). You see, once something is formed into words, it has been added to the morphogenic field.  It is...

Let the River Do the Work

I graduated from my 13 week program for small business owners this past week. What an amazing program it was… And all sponsored by the City of Phoenix. This program was such a huge gift in so many ways. It was just what I was looking for. And of course, as with many things in life, it has also been a complete surprise. I often say that no one learns or grows more at Storm Wisdom than I do! We all create the situations, relationships and circumstances of our lives to bring us the awareness and experience we are searching for. In this case, as much as what I have learned will help the business of Storm Wisdom; the personal growth it offers me, is even greater. I am smiling to myself, because as I write this, I realize it may seem like I am saying “I have already mastered the lessons offered through this program”. That is NOT what I am saying! In fact, in many ways, it is just the opposite! I have gone from not knowing what I don’t know, to knowing what I don’t know! And what I don’t know is a LOT! From unconscious incompetent to conscious incompetent! 🙂 This is a good thing! Because now that I am aware that there are things for me to become competent in or with, in order to continue to evolve and create my dreams. It feels like there are pieces of a map that have been revealed that will influence the direction(s) I take. This is how life works! In the past I might have punished...

Accelerated Transformation

Something is changing, and if you slow down and give yourself some quiet time, you will notice it. We’re changing. Not only that, but the speed at which we are changing is increasing. So a change, shift or transformation that use to take several years is happening in a matter of months. What use to take months is taking days. And many transitions are occurring in an instant. The reason this is on my mind is because if we are not aware that this is what is happening, it is easy to feel out of step with ourselves. We are creatures of habit in many ways, so it is easy to operate on autopilot. We do, say, or think something because it is what we have always done, only to feel off, or disappointed. It no longer feels right, however we are not sure why. We look to external situations or circumstances to see what is different. Yet, that is not where the change is. It is within! All of this internal change can feel like chaos and uncomfortable if we don’t embrace it. Or worse, if you are like me, you can spend a lot of time trying to control it. Trying to keep things the same. We can try to do that, but the reality is we are all rapidly shifting and changing at the same time. So unless you isolate yourself and minimize your exposure to others and the world; you’re fighting a loosing battle. It is time to face it, our lives are changing at an accelerated pace and unless we move into flow with...

Meditation Lessons

I should never be surprised when I learn something new about myself~because it seems to happen a LOT! Yet, every once in a awhile, something reveals itself and I am stunned! Here is what I have recently learned. I have resistance, a bunch of stories and some limiting beliefs about meditation! Meditation of all things!! The reason I find this so surprising is I have been meditating on and off for about 10 years. I was introduced to it through guided visualizations. And since I am very visual with an active imagination, I have experienced some amazing and powerful visual meditations! I also have used meditations to connect with and as the stimulus for writing about crystals. Leading crystal class participants in meditation is a standard part of every crystal class (which have been going on monthly for over 4 years!). So I am no stranger to meditation! We have been hosting Friday Night meditations for the past 3 1/2 years too. It is something where we rotate and shift the meditation leads. Many of them are sound meditations. Didgeridoo, Crystal Bowls, Angel Harp, and even occasionally gongs. These sound meditations are some of my favorites. So, durning the last couple of weeks, while participating in the Friday evening meditation, (didgeridoo and angel harp). I had this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the magic and intimacy of these experiences. I felt so blessed to be there and completely opened too and let myself get lost in the gift of these two sound meditations! And right behind my joy of being in the experience was an awareness that I had...

Letting Go – A State of Being

There is a theme that keeps recurring over and over in my thoughts. It is the theme of simplicity. The idea that the easiest way, to whatever it is we are trying to create, shift, or release is by keeping it simple. In my world, keeping it simple is not as easy as “I think”. Therein lies my challenge. You see, I actually like complex. I like things that need to be figured out. I am good at seeing the quickest route from point a to point b… and even, how to maximize the outcome and minimize the resistance. But that is because I “think” my way through the process… And then feel a sense of accomplishment for being able to figure it out! I also love to learn. So I take a class; or start a new project; or realize I have uncovered an interest in something that has caught my attention. Now it is time to figure it all out. Put on my thinking cap. Master something new. While exploring and attempting to understand my spiritual journey, I have been exposed to many concepts and ideas. And the ones that I have resisted the most are the simple ones~the basics. It is as if my mind tells me “it can’t be this simple”. “Stay in the moment”, “breathe”, “you are not your story”, “let go”… These are a few examples of concepts and teaching that we continually hear… yet, I always think that there has to be more. When we are feeling stressed and anxious… if you close your eyes, and begin to pay attention to your...

Natural Resistance

One morning this past week as I was having my coffee, this random thought crossed my mind.  “Your first reaction is to resist.”  This was followed by a couple of quick scenarios that have come up recently and my initial thought or reaction to them.  And I have to say this random thought seemed correct. Then I started to wonder is this a good or bad thing?  Something else I had to sit with for a moment as I reviewed these past conversations and situations.  I began to realize that as with many things in life… It can be a blessing and a curse! I think this natural resistance is what made me ideal in the corporate world, especially when it came to evaluating and selecting a direction for a project, operational design or guiding someone’s career path.  You see this resistance includes an awareness of possible challenges and areas of risk.  By understanding the challenges and risks that come with a particular path or choice, you can plan contingencies for the challenges and ways to mitigate the risks. Yet, I could also see how if I always use it as my default response, others could see that as being negative or a pessimist.  I don’t think of myself as either of those two things, and still can see how there is an element of both to having this initial resistance to new concepts or ideas. On the other hand, to not acknowledge the challenges that come with a situation or being able to assess the risk, you increase the potential for being caught off guard or unprepared when...

In Our Own Skin

There is magic in the air in Phoenix! It is Fall, time for the harvest, time to reap the benefits of all we’ve sown. A time to reflect of our journey of growth and evolution. Time to open the doors and windows! There is magic in the air! In Phoenix, I’m not so sure that gardening is the best metaphor for our summer experience! Let’s face it sometimes it is hotter than hell, and the last thing any of us are thinking of is being in dirt, pulling weeds and tending soil! However, there is a natural cycle of life that we all can relate to. Each year we create the experiences that lead us to deeper levels of personal understanding and self-awareness. We prepare, nurture, coax, resist, insist and more. We envision the outcomes, imagine the rewards or perhaps, fear the results. Yet we are creating who we are becoming. And that is the beauty of this time of year! Besides the incredible weather, it feels like there is an invitation in the air! An invitation to reflect on and embrace the growth we’ve had this past year. To reflect on the movement and growth. To celebrate the beauty and bounty of what we are creating. Time to shed the warm cocoon of summer and expand into the colorful days of autumn! When I reflect on this past year, I realize that much of what has shifted for me is how I choose to react or respond to situations. Maybe that is what being 55 is all about for me. I can think of a number of situations...

Solo Retreat: Day 1

Today is my first day at Spirit Sky… A solo retreat for 6 days.  The cabin is located in Pine AZ… About 20 miles beyond Payson.  I have never been in this area before.  It is quite beautiful.  It is a much higher elevation than Phoenix (approximately 5500ft), which means it is cooler here.  Today when I left Phoenix at about 11:30am, it was already about 90 degrees.  The temperature when I arrived here at the cabin, was about 74. It is not what I expected, and it is still perfect.  Somehow I had imagined being in a location where no one was around for miles… Isolated on a hilltop.  The truth is… It is 4 acres on a hilltop that has a home being built about 50 yards away, and one roofline just over the crest of the hill… And a cabin/home that is not quite visible below. I think I imagined in my mind that the isolation would intensify the experience.  It would offer a level of freedom that would allow me to tap into some primitive or untapped energies.  A vision quest of sort… Out on the land, surviving in the elements and by my resourcefulness.  AND… the truth is, that is not what I am doing.  I am spending a week, in a comfortable cabin, with amazing views, surrounded by nature (I saw my first deer coming up the drive… And my first elk shortly after dinner, right out side the cabin!) I come with very little.  I kept trying to sneak in projects… And you have no idea how much I wanted to bring...

Solo Retreat: Day 2

I slept well enough last night.  The bed is probably a bit soft for my liking.  A little before 6am I got up for a bit and went outside to enjoy the cool morning.  Very peaceful at that time.  Still, it felt like I could still sleep some more.  The next time I awoke, there were two elk wandering the property.  Not as close as I would like… But still a beautiful morning sight. There are benches all around the property.  The one that I am most drawn to is across the drive on the knoll.  It is placed inside a cluster of small alligator junipers.  So it is in the shade most of the time.  Today, the breeze is beautiful.  Fresh air, cool breeze and just the sounds of nature to keep me company. On the one hand it is peaceful.  On the other, I wonder what I will be doing for my time here?  Moving from bench to chair, to rock to bench?  It is odd not having something to do.  Some place to go, something to prepare for, something to get done. I guess in some way, this is similar to a day off at home.  Except at home, I have things to read.  News on my iPad…or games.  Music to listen to. Laundry to get done.  There are distractions.  And… Sometimes it is similar.  I am simply existing. This morning I laid out a crystal grid for the day.  This one was focused on Authenticity.  Mind, body, spirit, Love, joy, clarity, compassion, strength, vitality, ease, grace and spirituality.  It will be up until tomorrow morning…...

Solo Retreat: Day 3

This mornings grid is for “Fun”.  The components are confident, stimulating, guided, flowing, foundational, natural, abundant, prosperous, mind, body, spirit. Initially when I awoke, I was feeling as though maybe I was sinking in or settling into this solo retreat thing.  However, as the day wears on, I think instead maybe it is my mind, or more accurately my ego, playing a game with me. I find myself having thoughts about how I have already got what I needed from this experience… And perhaps it would be okay to go online… Maybe download a book.  At one point I was thinking about exploring Pine. It took a bit for me to notice what was going on and to realize that this is uncomfortable.  I am not sure what do do with myself, if I don’t have something to do.  I can even find resistance to the mundane or chores… Folding my clothes, making the bed, that sort of thing.  It is as if there is a voice inside my head saying… You can’t make me! It is interesting to catch this… As I think this is something that happens all the time.  Our egos are resourceful… And they have different tapes or recordings they can pull out when the current message begins to lose its affect, keeping us in line or, from the egos perspective, safe. For the last two days I have been very aware of (because my ego has been talking to me about) my weight, energy level and health.  Today… (The message from my ego is that) Everything is fine and I don’t have to stick...

Solo Retreat: Day 4

My crystal grid this morning is for Harmony.  The components these crystals represent are Harmony, entrainment, flow, spectrum, balance, steady, ease, elegance, negotiation, uplifting and resonance. Today my retreat is starting out as a bit of a surprise.  Even though I have tried to remain open for what this experience would bring… I realize I did have a few expectations or assumptions. I thought by giving myself this time, I would sink deeper into myself and start to see or recognize patterns, triggers, behaviors and such.  You know, the ones that make life complicated or seem to get in the way of me having things the way I think they should be!  Boy, is that a mouthful! However, my experience is just the opposite.  I find it hard to focus on anything… It just doesn’t seem that interesting!  My mind wanders… However, it doesn’t go to what is wrong… Instead, my eyes are drawn to beauty.  There are much more than elk here!  Now, don’t get me wrong… I don’t think this is a bad thing.  It just seems like maybe I spend to much time worrying about the wrong things… Actually anything! Even as I write these words, I realize I spend a lot of time trying to control outcomes!  Here there is nothing for me to control.  If I want to sit by the stream, I do.  If I want to lay down, I do.  If I feel like making some notes on my iPad.., guess what?  I do. Now mind you I still have a few days here and plenty more could be revealed.  However… Nothing...

Solo Retreat: Day 5

Crystal grid for today is “Releasing Anger”.  The crystals represent the following… Discovery, comprehending, contemplation, expression, learning, savor, own, release, breathe, allow, adjust. I went to sleep last night knowing that there was something brewing.  Something that wanted to reveal itself, that had gone unnoticed.  This morning, I think I know what that is and it the reason I chose the particular grid for today. This may be a bit had to convey properly, because I don’t want to leave you with the wrong impression.  So let me start by saying up front… I love being gay and I love the Spiritual Being that I am. Yet last night, I was aware that I was angry about both! The other thing that I realized as I sat with this, is that when I trace the anger back or try to find who I am angry with… It is God.  Which of course makes me aware that in this instance… I am thinking of God in the Christian sense.  Old bearded white guy sitting on a throne somewhere. So this is my first clue that this anger is being held by my adolescent-self.  And he doesn’t think God played fair!  Life would be so much easier if I didn’t have to deal with being gay, or connecting to my spiritual journey in a unique way!  If I could just look and be like the majority… If I could conform… If I fit in… Life would be easier! I think one of the things that reminded me of this was yesterday I was doing a video blog.  I heard myself say,...

Solo Retreat: Day 6

I am going home later today.  The last crystal grid here at Spirit Skies is “Contentment”.  The crystals in this grid represent Contentment, breathing, relaxation, joyful, peace, stability, belonging, communication, decisive, and beauty. It is interesting to be thinking about leaving.  There are parts of me that are ready and can’t wait to be back at home with Fito, my amazing husband, our dog Archie and to just sleep in my own bed!  There is so much I appreciate about my life… Perhaps even more as a result of stepping away from it. There is also a part of me that is in fear that I won’t be able to hold on to the piece and tranquility I have found this past week.  That some of the clarity and resolve that was found so easily here in nature…, will be lost in the day-to-day grind that is our lives. Just sitting with this today makes me aware that once again, my mind wanted to make this retreat a destination, and not simply part of the journey.  I can see how I had invested a lot of energy into thinking that this retreat would “change” everything that felt out of alignment.  That my problems would be solved and I would have clarity of direction. The truth is… We all probably need to give ourselves a week, once a year to de-stress!  We need to find a way to slow down, check out and let our minds clear.  This is not a destination… This is PART of the journey.  The gift of time to ourselves is priceless. I leave here more...

Count Your Blessings

Another year under the belt..! How fun to gather and celebrate four years of being a part of and a gathering place for this spiritual community! I am always amazed at how celebrating a milestone, be it birthday, anniversary, birth, death, or any other significant life event, creates a deeper awareness of the journey we’ve been on. I hadn’t spent much time recently, thinking about our 3rd Anniversary celebration… Until setting up and experiencing the 4th! For the past couple of days, it has been front and center in my thoughts. Maybe some of it is comparisons. How the food, drinks, decorations and entertainment were set-up. Who was participating.., who was not. Yet, the bigger awareness is what a different place I am in emotionally, mentally and even physically. I had very clear memories of how stressful it was going into our third year. It was not unusual to be wondering (in fear), if we would even survive as a business. Would it become profitable before my personal resources were drained. Worry, fret, worry, fret. This year… That has energetically moved on. It is not the sort of thing that I burn brain cells on. How fun to come to this realization. How thrilling to realize that it is simply an old story. It’s perfectly in its place, as a story from the past… One that doesn’t need to be relived or kept alive. A memory. This reflecting on the past also supports looking to and imagining an even more amazing optimal future! If everything can shift so dramatically in a few short months… What else is possible?? Something...