What About Control?

Over the past couple of weeks I can’t believe how many people I’ve talked to that are having opportunities to recognize and address “control” stuff. Yes, this includes me too!! I keep thinking I’ve completely dealt with my need or desire to “control” things. What I realize is that “dealing” with it is still a form of wanting to “control” the outcome. Hmmm. “How did “control” show up for me this time”, you ask?  Imagine you’re on a road trip and riding as a passenger. Imagine you have total faith and trust in the driver. Now imagine your right foot starts applying the brake because you feel that you are too close to the car in front of you! Yes, and imagine this happening a number of times during the trip and wondering, “What in the heck is going on?” You tell the driver during a stop, “I’m sorry for applying the brake so often. I trust your driving completely. Is this something new?” They said, “No, it’s happened before but it’s ok!” Wow. I had a choice to make. I could relax, acknowledge, accept, and try not to dig a hole in the floor of the car or I could beat myself up and judge myself. Guess what I chose to do? LOL When we returned home and I had time to reflect on what happened I realized that this was an example of how uncomfortable I was because I wasn’t driving and feeling in “control”. Whew! We have so many opportunities to see layers of ourselves, don’t we? They can appear in a variety of ways. A...

In Silence

How has your week been? Lots of doing and being active? Have you had a chance to create a few moments of silence this week to experience and visit what I call “the inner monastery”? You might think of this as your heart space as well. I know that everyday living can be hectic and taking time for inner reflection often falls low on the list of priorities. However, I believe creating time for a few moments to BE silent is essential to our well being and personal growth. I find that it really doesn’t matter where silence can be created. For example, some find opportunities to BE in silence while in nature. Others find silence in church, during meditation, a quiet place at home, or even while driving! If you’re driving please don’t close your eyes! LOL  Seriously, driving can provide you moments of silence to help quiet your racing thoughts through deep breathing. This gives you an opportunity to clear your mind and gain clarity. There are many ways that opportunities to BE in silence and experience the benefits of entering your “inner monastery”.  Your imagination is endless so enjoy the opportunities to explore creating your own favorite place to BE in silence. Through the years I’ve noticed that every time I enter my inner monastery my experience is always different. Why? I’m always different! When I leave the silence of my inner monastery I feel better and sometimes, when I least expect it, I feel such an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love and gratitude! I experienced it again while traveling recently and spending time with my...

Enjoy – Now Dance!

I was recently reminded how serious, focused and intense I can be! My corporate training and background certainly reinforced this and I found this behavior was rewarded. Today, not so much. Today, I recognize that living a more balanced life is more important. This doesn’t mean you can’t live in a balanced way while working for corporations. At the time I worked for one I found it more challenging since I was rewarded and recognized for my work successes. My conscious awakening had not begun! I began to learn and choose living with more balance after marriage and having a child. The journey of balance, celebrating, and having fun has been an amazing and at times a challenging one for me. Changing behavior isn’t always easy but along the way I’ve learned to be more self-accepting instead of judging myself when I fall back on old habits! LOL. Let’s play for a minute. Imagine it’s the end of your work week. Close your eyes and engage your senses. First, bring your awareness into your heart space. Now, notice what you hear. Imagine hearing lively and uplifting music. Hear laughter and conversation all around you. People are sharing the joys and challenges of the work week. In fact, so are you! Imagine your friends or partner close by and feel the happiness and joy surrounding you. Maybe you’re at a restaurant, block party, or in your home. It doesn’t matter. Just notice how you feel as the tension of the long week melts away. Notice your body relaxing. Feel its’ sigh of contentment and happiness. Now, feel the beat of...

Explore Your Inner World!

So many images and words continue to be shown of physically imprisoned migrant children, men and women. My heart hurts! My soul cries out at such inhumane  treatment. Why are people used in such inhumane ways to further political gain? Why is this considered acceptable by some? This shouldn’t be a political decision. It’s a humanitarian one. Do we remain silent or let our voices be heard? I continue to ask myself, “What’s mine to do and how can I contribute to the change that needs to take place?” Does the color of someone’s skin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs justify persecution and inhumane treatment? No way! Obviously there are others that do. For me this isn’t about politics. It’s about treating others humanely! With my heart and soul feeling the suffering of so many this week I feel like I must share a few thoughts although I don’t have all of the answers. My intention is to shine some light on what we as individuals are being invited to explore beyond the obvious. I know that many of you are doing things to improve inhumane conditions that others are experiencing. Some of you volunteer, use your professional skills, vote, and make financial donations to name a few. There are things that we, as individuals, can do to affect change through our inner world as well. So much is coming into the light right now for change and transformation. Systems are broken and often things must de-construct before the new solutions can be created and put in place. Rather than feel paralyzed by what we are seeing and...

Choose Freedom!

Once again I find myself choosing to write about freedom! I know I’ve written on this topic in different ways before and yet it still feels appropriate to write about it again in light of the 4th of July celebrations this week. What an opportunity for each one of us to reflect and ask, “What does freedom or being free mean to me?” For me it’s kind of hard to forget since the 4th of July is my birthday! LOL Although I will say as a kid I looked forward to the fireworks, birthday cake, and my mom always calling me her little firecracker! Yes, regardless of my age I was always her little firecracker! As I’ve progressed on my journey of awakening I look at the 4th of July differently. I’m amazed at how many artists sing about freedom in a variety of ways. I’m reminded of Bob Marley’s Redemption Song; The Star Spangled Banner, our National Anthem; Freedom Songs by Beyonce, Jason Mraz, and Pharrell; Blackbird by the Beatles; Born in the USA by Bruce Springston; America the Beautiful; Freedom to Stay by Tina Turner; and Think by Aretha Franklin! These are just a few examples. Painters have also created paintings depicting victory and freedom. Our country gained independence and freedom through the sacrifice of many. Our founders created the framework for a Democratic government through the Constitution! Freedom is not to be taken for granted. Let go of complacency if you feel it. Freedom is a choice, isn’t it? For me, freedom to: choose, travel, vote, volunteer, work; believe what I want; live where I want;...

Hear Me Roar!

How do you think of yourself? Close your eyes for a moment and notice how you feel after you read these lyrics from Katy Perry, “‘Cause I’m a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar!” Hmmm. Sit with it for a moment. Notice the sensations you’re feeling. Do you feel good? Do you feel some resistance? Where do you feel the sensations in your body? I was reminded of how courageous many of you are when I had my channeling evening with Luminus this week. I notice it each and every month but for some reason it feels right to share it now. Luminus is a group of beings/consciousness without form who are filled with unconditional love. As a Trance Channel, I enter into a semi-trance and vocalize them. How often do you think about being courageous when you attend an event? Probably not very often, right? Why do I think of you as being courageous? You’re stepping into the unknown so to speak. There is never a theme for these evenings as they’ve evolved. The questions that are asked of Luminus are very personal. Some of you are there for the first time and yet you trust enough to be vulnerable and open to receive. I am grateful that such a safe environment is created that supports the courageous YOU! In the broader sense I feel that everyone who has made a conscious choice to keep going, exploring, and moving forward on their spiritual journey is courageous! I often think the journey of awakening isn’t for the faint of heart! LOL The desire to awaken and remember is...

Dream. Imagine. Vision

Dream. Imagine. Vision. Have you done it lately? Is there a right or wrong way to do it? Not really. When was the last time you let your imagination run wild? Yes, wild! Do you include fun, spontaneity, and/or limitless possibilities? Many of you may have celebrated the Summer Solstice this week on June 21st! It’s considered to be the longest day of the year and often the first day of summer. It’s a time of transition from one season to another and some of you may have created intentional rituals to acknowledge the new time. It can symbolize, for many, a letting go time and doors opening for new possibilities. It’s a great time to dream, imagine, and vision! Why not? It can be fun and easy if you take time to let your imagination out to play! Have you been holding it in check lately because you don’t see a way to have it be real? You don’t have to know how things will happen. The first step is to allow the dream and vision to emerge. Does this make sense? Get it out! You can speak it, draw it, write about it, or create a vision board to visually represent it with words and pictures for example. There are many ways to express it creatively. Maybe you want to sing it!! For it to work be conscious and intentional. Having hope, faith, and belief that it’s possible is key. Really “feel” it! Yes, notice how your body feels and responds when you imagine it becoming a reality. How will you celebrate? How will you “feel” when...

Meeting Soul!

The beauty deep within each and every sentient being yearns to awaken! This is Soul, the Divine Feminine, yearning to be acknowledged and connect more consciously with you. Soul may also be referred to as essence, life force, or your eternal self. Have you felt restless lately and don’t know why? Have you yearned for something more but don’t know what it is? Is there something you want to change in your life but it’s just out of your grasp? Have you listened to music or seen a beautiful piece of art and are so touched that your heart clenches or tears appear for no reason? These are indicators that Soul is awakening. Mine began awakening over 30 years ago while praying in church. The music touched me and tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn’t know until many years later what was going on. Why do I believe it’s important to engage Soul more consciously? In times of uncertainty and chaos, times like now, I feel that Soul can comfort and guide us. After thousands of years of suppressing women, people of color, LGBTQ, and those who believe differently Soul helps us to become more compassionate, kind, loving, lovable, unifying, and willing to listen to others. Soul also, along with High Self, holds a greater vision for each one of us. I know that I’ve mentioned this in earlier writings. What are ways to engage with Soul more consciously? I’m happy to share a couple of them with you. First, immerse yourself in beauty! Take a walk in nature. Notice the beauty around you. What colors, smells, or...

Be Free!

Have any of you thought about what being free or freedom means to you this week? I have. Throughout my life there have been times when I know that I’ve taken freedom for granted. More and more I’m grateful for being free to choose, vote; share my ideas and opinions; go to school, work, travel, help others, love, be loved; live where I want to live; and believe what I want to believe. These are some of the freedoms that are important to me. I’m grateful! I observed the honoring of Veterans who lost their lives during the Battle of Normandy this week and my heart and soul were touched at a deep level. I thought of my dad who wasn’t at Normandy but served on a Merchant Marine ship in the Pacific during World War II. Like some soldiers, during this war, he convinced his dad to lie about his age in order to serve. Protecting the country, our freedom, and helping our Allies was key. I was also reminded of several friends and acquaintances who were drafted or volunteered for the draft during the Vietnam war. Some returned and some did not. One of my brothers was stationed in South Korea while tensions rose with North Korea. I know that I’m not unique. Many of you have friends and family members who have served as well. The reasons behind these wars hasn’t always been clear. And yet, we continue to send troops around the world helping others protect their freedoms and ultimately ours. I thought about our founding fathers and those who fought for freedom as the...

Faith and Hope

Everyday seems to bring a new distraction. Government antics. International upsets. Personal tragedies. Community violence. Where does one turn to feel secure and safe? Truly, security and safety must be felt within each one of us first.  Hmmm. I ask, “How can I feel secure and safe within so much chaos?” The guidance I still receive is that security, safety, faith and hope must begin within me! If I hold that space and resonance it can change me and affect others. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Some days I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality and observing some really bizarre behaviors! Does this process still apply? Yes! So what’s the difference between faith and hope? Is it important to have both? To me, faith means believing in something without having any proof. Hope means that I have a desire and believe and expect something will happen. I suppose we can debate the nuances of both but let’s not! I believe that both can co-exist. For example, I believe that positive change will result from todays’ chaos. I’m hopeful! I trust it will be so. I have faith that things will change and be more positive in our world but don’t know how it will occur. Does this make sense? Faith and hope co-existing. Is it necessary for both to present at the same time? Maybe not. I’ll leave it up to you. What part do I play in all of this? Do I just wish, hope, and have faith that it will happen? No, this is only part of it. Taking personal time to be quiet and reflect...

Where Does Peace Begin?

Can you imagine living in a world where peace, kindness, caring, love and respect for one another prevail? For a few minutes let your imagination run wild! When was the last time you played with your imagination? Ready? Now close your eyes, take a few deep and cleansing breaths, bring your awareness into your heart space and imagine. What will change in your world? What does your world feel like? Engage your senses. Notice the smells, colors, and sounds. Notice what’s different in your surroundings. Notice how you feel. What will you have to change to live there? Each of our imagined worlds will most likely look different in some aspects. That’s ok! As I think about a more peaceful world I’m reflecting on Memorial Day. I know there will be many family gatherings during this long weekend. Along with celebrations there will be remembering. My Dad served during World War II. My brother served in South Korea and several people I know served in Vietnam. Some came home, some are still MIA, while others are memorialized in Washington, D.C. and in our hearts. We still have many loved ones deployed around the world today. I am grateful for their service. What if peace, kindness, caring, love and respect for one another prevail? How would we change? What will it take? Remember, peace must begin within each one of us first! Wait a minute! The world is huge, isn’t it? Isn’t there enough room for all of us to peacefully co-exist? What can I do to co-create and live in a peaceful world? It seems overwhelming at times when...

Choice is Mine!

What is it about having choices that feels so empowering? Hmmm. I’m reminded of a book that I wrote and published in 2007 entitled Choice, A Simple Way to Peace. I wrote it as Emily, a young teenager, who woke up one morning and began to ask questions like, “What will the world be like when I step into my future? Who can I turn to for answers?” Sound familiar? These questions have come up again, for me, as I listen to lawmake passing bills that, if upheld, take away women’s and human rights. I promise that this is not meant to be political. As a woman; however; I find it chilling that this is even on the table for consideration. I understand that a lot of underlying fear drives some of this restrictive behavior. For me, it triggers a feeling of dread. I understand that I can move through this dread, a perceived loss of personal freedom, and once I’m through it I will be able to see a new and more positive reality. When I wrote the book Choice over twelve years ago I noticed that many of the same concerns voiced by Emily are still prevalent now! She realized that the only way for things to change was for each person to change. “Peace begins within” as Thich Nhat Han reminds us. For something to change in our environment we must first change within ourselves! In other words, if I don’t change then how can I expect others around me to change? This brings me to the gift of choice that each one of us has....

The Gift of Flowers

I hope all of you who celebrate Mother’s Day enjoyed a beautiful day whether you’re considered a “traditional” or “un-traditional” mother! I applaud and celebrate all of you! As I think about Mother’s Day I remember my mom. Through the years we had our disagreements but I always knew she loved me and was there for me. She passed 2 years ago and I find myself thinking and remembering her when I least expect it. I miss her physical presence although she remains in my heart and memories. I also think about my role as a daughter and mom. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t find a “how to be a successful daughter or mom” book. LOL I looked to others and the maps they created to make it easier for me. There were times that I made my own. I realize that dwelling on the past looking at things that I would do differently is not realistic. Rather, learning from the past and being aware of the choices I make now is what’s important. As I talk to friends I realize that there are many ways that moms are celebrated! Sending and receiving flowers is one of them. To me, flowers have a language of their own. I love to receive flowers and when I receive them I feel happy! In fact, I like to receive them all year long and have them blooming in my garden as often as possible! There doesn’t have to be a special occasion! LOL I mentioned that I believe that flowers have their own language. What do I mean? When...

Think or Feel?

Are you a “thinker” or a “feeler”? Years ago I was asked to notice how many times I say, “I think and I feel”. It was an eye opener for me. I found that when I communicated I said, “I think more than I feel”. I was encouraged to begin to lean more into feeling. I’m not saying to stop thinking! For many of us it’s how we process. My journey of being more in touch with my emotions began at that point. So why am I sharing this with you now? Since then I’ve learned that emotions are what’s real and suppressing them can often create disharmony in our physical bodies. Having spent many years working for an international company I learned it was more acceptable to use logic and reason when expressing myself. My “thinking” self developed very large muscles, so to speak, and in turn carried over into how I always communicated! Until I was asked to notice how many times I said “I think” versus “I feel” I was unaware. Once again, I was reminded this week how important it is to express how I feel after reading a quote from Maya Angelou who said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I sometimes listen to Today’s Country on Pandora and it came up again when I heard Ed Sheeran singing about feelings through his lyrics, “How would you feel. . .?” I know there are many artists who sing and write about feelings and I’m sure...


I’m reminded of Kool and the Gang’s song lyrics, “Celebrate good times, come on! It’s a celebration. . .” Storm Wisdom is celebrating 10 years of serving the community! WooHoo! As I sat with what to write this week I couldn’t ignore this beautiful celebration. What does this celebration mean to me? There are two things that come to mind. First, it brings back memories of meeting Charles, Storm Wisdom’s owner, before the store opened. 10 years ago Gisela and I were facilitating an Intenders Circle at Angel’s Serenity in Phoenix. Charles attended. After the event ended that evening Charles told us about his new store, Storm Wisdom a crystal gallery, that would soon be opening. He invited us to stop by and see the space. Both of us were in the process of leaving A Peace of the Universe at the time so we said, “Yes, we would love to see it.” A few days later I still remember looking at the vacant interior through the the glass door at Storm Wisdom. As Charles showed us inside and explained his vision for Storm Wisdom, including having practitioner spaces, I felt excited! It was that day that the journey with Charles and Storm Wisdom began for both Gisela and me. Charles asked us if we wanted to work there and without hesitation we both said, “Yes!” It’s hard to believe that we’ve journeyed together and evolved as Storm Wisdom has evolved over 10 years. Gisela and I were there when Charles opened the doors for business. Ruthie, Charles’ mom, was there too for awhile. Not long after Stephanie and...

Resurrection and Liberation!

This week, for many, has been one of celebrating resurrection and liberation in the Christian and Jewish traditions. I realize that other traditions may not celebrate in this way; however, this isn’t meant to be a religious discussion. Rather, the themes of resurrection and liberation have presented an opportunity for reflection. Why do these themes appeal to me right now? Several people I’ve spoken with recently have expressed feeling restless; wanting to change but not knowing what to do; unable to see things clearly; feeling unusually fatigued; as well as having other symptoms. Others are looking for reasons to feel hopeful and not hopeless. What is ready to be freed or brought to life? There seems to be a huge shift in energies happening right now. Universal energies in 2019 support creativity and creative expression. Lunar energies of the full moon this week bring optimism and a sense of new beginnings. I’ve noticed that I, too, have felt some of these energies. Recently I’ve begun to feel new inspiration and creativity percolating. I’m choosing to hold the energies of hope and what’s possible – not dwelling on the negative. My revised website, VictoriaBarna.com, has a new tag line of Ignite the Spark of Hope! How fun, yes? Although our individual journey of awakening and expansion of consciousness may be unique and different from our friends we often forget that we are not alone! Our connectedness through the greater field of consciousness is always available. We are all from the one Source, God/Goddess/All That Is. During my personal reflections I’ve asked, “What in me has died and is ready to...

Heart-Based Living

For several years I’ve used imagery of moving into the heart space or heart chakra as a way to quiet my thoughts. As I lead guided visualizations I also use this imagery. Recently, while working with a young woman who has been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks due to a physical trauma, I used this imagery. After her experience she said, “I feel so much calmer and better. I feel clearer and I don’t feel as anxious!” Personally, I’ve experienced inner peace and calming using this imagery. Some of you have probably heard people talk about heart-based living. This is something I’ve embraced but I didn’t learn how to do it from anyone. As I laughingly tell people, “Some travel from point A to Z in a straight line and others zig and zag!” Guess which way I do it? Yes, I zig and zag. For me, it’s all about experiencing things! LOL Whichever way you use you will get there eventually! So, things have been percolating and I’ve been sitting with this for a few days. I asked, “What is heart-based living and what does it mean to me?” For those of you who like to investigate and understand things and you aren’t familiar with HeartMath Institute I encourage you to take a look at their website. There have been lots of studies done looking at brain, heart and consciousness. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath said, “Heart-based living is about including your heart’s intuition as you navigate through life’s relationships and events. This brings balance to your mind and emotions and unfolds your authentic self.” Amazing, isn’t it?...

A Time of Re-Birth!

Hello everyone! How have you been feeling lately? Some people that I’ve talked to recently are experiencing physical symptoms. They describe them as allergies, flu, or colds, to name a few. I know that I’ve had some sneezing fits, itchy eyes, and low energy on a couple of days. Allergies? Maybe. Can it be something else? Maybe. I’ve been checking in and have found myself saying “Yes” to allergies although I haven’t really been affected by them most of my life. The next time I check in I find myself feeling it’s more of an energy shift or what some may call a “resonance shakedown”! Hmmmm. Maybe both? As I reflect on what’s happened in the environment recently there has been a lot of conversation around climate change. Severe rain, snow, tornados, and hurricanes are happening more frequently and in ways that are new. Big shifts in barometric pressure as well. I know that the Earth is changing and at times I feel like precious Gaia is screaming in pain. For some of you sensitives I know that you can also feel her pain. This, too, can be felt in the physical body. How much of Mother Earth’s pain is affecting how we feel? I’m also reminded that the Spring Equinox recently occurred on March 20th. What impact might the Equinox have contributed to how we feel? The Spring Equinox, also known as the Vernal Equinox, heralds the first day of Spring which symbolizes new growth and re-birth. This one had a Full Worm Moon and Super Moon. The lunar energy has been very powerful for those of you...

Ignite the Spark of Hope!

Hi everyone! Some of you have asked whether my husband’s wallet was returned after losing it last weekend. I’m happy to say, “Yes, it’s in the mail as we speak. Thank you for asking!” We received a phone call a couple of days ago and found that it was returned by a kind soul to an art gallery close to where we were enjoying the weather and music. Although we took appropriate actions like freezing credit cards we still held space for hope! We were ok if it wasn’t returned, sad to lose irreplaceable photos; but we are very happy to have it back! Interestingly the person my husband spoke to at the art gallery mentioned there was good Karma involved! During my channeling evening with Luminus this week the theme also seemed to be “Hope”. No coincidence I believe. So what is it about “hope” that speaks to me? There are so many things everyday that can create doubt, complacency, and decision making paralysis. In fact, with so much distraction and chaos it can feel overwhelming most days. Have you felt like this recently? Have you wondered how or if there’s anything that you can do to make a difference? Have you felt powerless or wondered if anyone will hear your voice expressing your thoughts and opinions? If you have then maybe it feels easier to do nothing or continue seeking signs for what’s yours to do. I know, I’ve had moments like this. It doesn’t feel good when I’m in this place because I want to help and be of service to others. Reflecting on “Hope” this...

Ride the Wave of Emotions First!

Have you ever had an experience that when you looked back on it you wondered if the outcome would have been different if you had responded differently? Hmmm. . .yes, hindsight is wonderful isn’t it? In the moment I know it’s often hard to even think about how to respond especially when emotions are flying high! I’ve been reminded recently that riding the wave of emotion, if possible, is better than responding immediately. Take a deep breath first as the emotions pass. Then decide what actions need to be taken. Here’s an example that happened recently when my husband and I were out of town for a few days. We were sitting in a courtyard after a lovely lunch listening to a violinist play. We were enjoying the music and beauty of the day. The sun was out. The flowers were bright with color. The fountain nearby sounded lovely. People were all around and yet it seemed like we were in a private space. It was a moment filled with Grace! I asked, “Do you have some change for the musician?” My husband took his wallet out from his pocket and placed the money in her violin case along with her other tips and sat back down with me. Soon we decided to leave and walked around the plaza and suddenly my husband said, “Where’s my wallet? I can’t find it!” Were we concerned? Absolutely! However, we had a choice to make although it happened so fast I’m not sure we really were consciously thinking about it. We chose to remain calm and retrace our steps a couple of...


Have you ever received positive feedback from someone and downplayed it? This happened to me recently. I realized it’s a habit I’ve had for a very long time. I began to ask myself, “Why do I find it so hard to receive compliments? Why does it make me feel so uncomfortable and why do others see strengths in me that I don’t see?” Whew! I’ve been thinking about this and sitting with it for awhile and realized it was time to figure it out. It really doesn’t feel good when I downplay the compliments with a comment like, “Oh, it’s no big deal!” Can you feel me squirming in my seat? Yikes! Why is it so hard to accept the compliment and say thank you? Some new awarenesses have come to me so I thought I would share them with you and invite you to share any you may have with me too! Let’s support one another in our journey of personal growth. We aren’t alone but sometimes it’s easy to forget, isn’t it? I realize in a deeper way that there are many ways and many different messengers that bring us information. Often in unexpected ways. The people who compliment us are sharing information often from our High Self or Source. Why? Information that is brought into our conscious awareness often can be hidden deep within our Soul and it’s time to bring it out and claim it! This is my belief anyway. So why dishonor or diminish the messenger or message? Recently I had a conversation with a dear friend and we talked about our culture and...

I Am A Channel!

I’m often asked, “How did you learn to channel?” Others have said, “I would love to learn how to channel!” I’ve been thinking about their comments and would like to share a few thoughts regarding channeling this week. I will use my own experience as an example and encourage anyone who is interested to explore channeling. What is channeling? Annie Bossingham has said that, “Channeling is the process of receiving information or inspiration from realms beyond our physical reality. The source is not as important as the essence of what is brought through to this reality.” Does this make sense? This explanation works for me. Does it mean as a channel you are possessed or taken over by an entity? Absolutely not! Some channels relay information. Others are semi-conscious and vocalize the beings or levels of consciousness. And still others can be unconscious as they channel. I have been channeling for many years and some of you have been too! I relay information at times and have evolved to being a Trance Channel who vocalizes the beings and consciousness that I channel. I’ve been Trance Channeling almost 4 years now. In the beginning of my channeling journey I didn’t take classes. I didn’t really know what channeling was. Looking back I realize that my experience of channeling began as I meditated. During these times my thoughts would quiet and a beautiful feeling of inner peace occurred. There were times, and still are, that I feel a huge wave of unconditional love that brings tears to my eyes. At times it’s overwhelming and I feel such gratitude! Later, after meditating...

You Are Unique!

Have you ever wondered why you can easily “read” people; find meditating challenging; need a power nap during the day; find that channeling is part of your destiny; or why you take on energies/emotions from other people? These are just a few things that me and others have wondered about. I believe that each one of us is individual and unique. Recently I was invited to accompany a friend and join her in her Human Design session with Gisela. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Human Design I like to think of it as a tool that helps you understand how you are “hardwired”. I know that sounds simple but it’s the easiest way for me to explain it. More importantly, through the understanding of how you are “hardwired” it creates opportunities to know and accept yourself more deeply, respond to others differently, and understand why some of the things you do are innate. Is Human Design the only tool that can help? No, there are many tools that are available to us. Each one provides different perspectives and understanding. I found it exciting and amazing as I watched my friend. As I watched her face a range of feelings appeared as she received information from Gisela. Acceptance, understanding, relief, humor, and so much more appeared.Two “ah ha” moments were beautiful to watch as my friend began to digest what she was hearing. First, she began to understand why she feels and takes on other people’s emotions. She found that an underlying and unconscious desire to want to fix things and make everyone happy emerged. She began...


A few days ago I was surprised to hear the words to John Lennon’s song “Imagine” playing over and over in my head. Has that ever happened to you when out of the blue you can’t let go of a song? It happens to me occasionally. The part of the song that especially touched me was the refrain: “You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope some day you’ll join us And the world will be as one.” When I listen to this song the words touch my soul. I wondered why I was remembering this particular song and what it was reflecting in my life. I thought about the words “people living for today; people living in peace; and people sharing all the world” as well. Wow!! This is a dream I hold too! 2019, using numerology, is supported by the 3 energy (2+0+1+9 = 1+2 = 3). I think of this energy as a creative one that supports creative expression, imagination, bringing people together, communication, passion, and surprise! Hmmm. I’ve felt a renewed sense of excitement and creativity bubbling inside of me lately. I’m not sure what it looks like yet. Have you felt this kind of energy lately? There are times I have felt like my imagination and desire to dream were lost! What happened? I remember how natural it was to imagine and dream when I was a child. As I grew up I found that dreaming and imagining weren’t always encouraged. Looking back I see that when I worked in a large corporation I chose to conform to...

Open to Possibilities!

I’ve spent this weekend with fellow adventurers and Annie Bossingham in the Advanced Artistry of Channeling class and WOW!! Although I’ve been a channel for many years “trance channeling” has opened possibilities to explore that I’ve never imagined. Whether you want to channel for others or not, for me, it has been the best personal growth experience I’ve ever had. How is that possible? When I began Annie’s Artistry of Channeling program almost 5 years ago I had no expectation of what the experience would be or what I would get out of it. Opening to possibilities and as Annie says, “Be willing to play the fool”, was key! As I look back I can see how much I wanted to control things. Truly, I know that the only thing I can control are my choices. In order to continue my personal growth I’ve had to release a lot of old and constrictive beliefs as well as an image of myself that I held closely for many years. Working in a corporate environment for many years solidified what I believed my image should be. Why? Certain attitudes and behaviors were considered acceptable and others weren’t. I flourished in that environment for many years and received lots of positive recognition as a result. I didn’t realize how much of my truer self was hidden until I began to spiritually awaken before I retired from corporate America. Then the “real” journey began! It’s been incredible and I’ve found I’ve opened more and more to what’s possible and continue to move into more expansive beliefs and experiences. For me, claiming and owning...

Love Yourself!

How do you feel about YOU? How often do you judge, criticize, or put yourself down? Sometimes when I get in that place I imagine Jiminy Cricket sitting on my shoulder whispering these things to me. In reality I’ve come to think of him as my negative ego – the one who’s never told me the truth! I’ve also learned that when this happens I know the things being said aren’t true so I take a deep breath, acknowledge Jiminy Cricket and then send him on a vacation! LOL Once Jiminy Cricket leaves I become more centered and see things more clearly. I find this behavior is more common than you might think. I’ve wondered if it’s because of our environment, social conditioning, past life interference, or current life experiences. I don’t believe it’s one or the other. In fact, it can be a combination of things that contribute to how we feel about ourselves. Many women that I know put themselves last. They feel that it’s easier to give than to receive or ask for help. It’s easier to find fault with themselves rather than look at a bigger picture. In years past I’ve found it challenging to “speak my truth”, wanting to please, and afraid of not living up to others’ expectations. Sound familiar? What has changed? I’ve changed! I live more consciously and make conscious choices. I believe I co-create my life! I’m the Author and Artist of my life! I love myself and believe I deserve love and that I’m loveable. I’m open to receive and “speak my truth” and I know that my family...

Holding Space

Have you ever found yourself creating an intention to “hold space” for someone? It could be a family member, friend, friend of a friend, sick pet, or someone you don’t even know except that you sense or may have been told about their need for support. I have told someone, “I’m holding space for you.” During the group healing evenings with the Messengers of Light I “hold space” for the group. During group meditations that I facilitate I also “hold space” for the participants. So, I’ve been reflecting on what “holding space” means to me this week. Have you used this intention or ever wondered about what it means to you? Hmmm. What I’ve found, for me, is that I generally use the intention to “hold space” when I’m creating a healing space for someone or a group. You might use it differently. What I find interesting is that I recognize I use it in situations when I personally have no control of the outcome. Yes, I realize that the only control I have are the choices I make and how I respond to others’ choices. Control is a figment of my imagination! LOL Through the years I’ve been able to release old beliefs around control and I know that many of you have too. I also realize that healing is up to the receiver of the healing. It requires an openness to receive and willingness to integrate the healing by each individual. There are many reasons why people choose not to heal and it isn’t always a conscious choice. It’s taken a long time for me to embrace...

What Are You Willing to Change?

Many people I talk to right now want to make changes in their life. Frequently I hear, “I don’t know what I want or how to go about it?” Seeing a path forward is often unclear. This is pretty common and yet there is an underlying anxious feeling that occurs when this happens. “Why can’t I figure this out?” I’m asked. There’s alot of self-judgment that happens. It’s important to stop beating yourself up! We always have a choice to change and a choice to change how we respond to others. That’s part of our super powers! It’s our choice! Through the years of working with many clients and drawing on my own personal experience I’ve found some common themes about why it’s challenging at times to make life changes. Let’s explore 2 of them. Fear of the unknown is a big one. When current routines are comfortable often fear creates blocks or resistance to creatively look outside of the box for answers, so to speak. It’s not always easy to change our habits and behaviors some of which we hold deeply in our sub-conscious or unconscious. Looking back I remember how frequently I’ve said, “I love change!” I’m now aware that I love change when I think I can control it! LOL Who doesn’t like to feel they’re in charge? How about playing it safe because you don’t want to disappoint someone? This can happen in relationships of all kinds; personal, professional, community, and others. Compromise is common for relationships to flourish isn’t it? Is it possible to successfully grow in a relationship without giving away your power?...

Find Your Happy Place!

How has your week been? How have you been impacted? There’s been a lot going on, right? Government shutdowns continue. Federal employees and women are marching. People are forced to work or have been furloughed and they aren’t getting paid. What else? Oh yeah, lots of finger pointing too! Wow! My heart goes out to the people who aren’t able to work and maintain their livelihoods. The hardships that many of them are enduring seem so unnecessary. I’m encouraged by many of the businesses who are open to provide some flexibility and support. I’m also encouraged by others who have been willing to provide services as a way of support. I’m also encouraged that some communities are pulling together to support families in the community. The spark of hope has ignited in many! Have you been able to remain centered during all of this? I know at times it’s easy to get caught in the drama. Even if that happens there are still ways to find your center. Why is it important? When you are able to free yourself from the drama and find your center it’s easier to see pathways forward. It’s easier to see things more clearly and not feel overwhelmed or wondering, “What can I do to help or how can I support my family, friends, neighbors, or community that are being affected?” Many people I’ve worked with through the years have expressed that they find it hard to meditate, quiet their thoughts, or find their center. I know that this can be challenging especially when beginning. One of the ways that I have found to...

Becoming More!

My journey of personal growth and expanding awareness has been amazing, exciting, and surprising at times. It’s been a journey of remembering, conscious awakening and choosing to keep going. I think of it as a journey of going Home! Home? Yes, a journey back to God/Goddess/All That Is or Source! Does that mean you have to leave the planet to go Home? I don’t believe so.  An image that comes to mind is an onion. There are layers and layers of illusion, habit, beliefs, promises, contracts, agreements, or vows that get shed as we live more consciously and remember who we are! As the layers are shed we draw closer and closer to our true nature – that which is Source and Love! I believe that our core essence, life force or some may call it Soul, is Source. Our physical bodies house our beautiful eternal essence/Soul which is a spark of Source! Our journey Home is remembering this. This awareness and feelings of what unconditional love feels like can occur during meditation or prayer while you are still here on Earth. Does this make sense? Many clients I see ask, “How do I become more spiritual?” My response is, “You are already spiritual and have chosen to be here enjoying a human experience.” People are often surprised when we have this conversation. How can we not be spiritual when our eternal Soul is from Source? We are both human and Divine! Not one or the other!  I’m also asked, “What’s my purpose?” BE the best you that you can be and help others! Have fun and do what...

An Invitation to BE or Not BE!

Happy 2019! I hope your holidays were beautiful and fun. It seems like every year seems to fly by faster and faster. Whew! How many of you have felt stuck, lacked clarity, or knew you were at a major change point in your life? I hear this often with clients that I see. I’ve experienced all of these at different times in my life. In fact, not too long ago I felt like I was having my 40 days and 40 nights in the desert but for me it lasted a couple of years! Recently I was talking to a very dear friend of mine about this who is going through his time in the desert. This experience happens in different ways for everyone as we journey into more and more personal growth, awareness, consciousness expansion and conscious living. For me, it wasn’t very comfortable. Why? I was so used to doing and creating things that when I felt my inspiration and creativity stop I didn’t know what to do.  During this time I took my website down because it no longer felt like an energetic match. I wanted to create a new one but I didn’t know what to create. Everything seemed wrong! I checked in with my astrologer periodically, who is wonderful by the way, and she would say, “It’s going to be awhile before it becomes clear and anything you create now you most likely will want to change later.” That really wasn’t what I wanted to hear!  This time truly was a gift in disguise even though I didn’t realize it at the time. In...

Expect the Unexpected

I hope your Holidays have been wonderful! I’m sure there are moments of joy, happiness, sadness, family gatherings and so much more. For some of you I’m sure that a full range of emotion has been experienced. Now we are on the Eve of moving from 2018 to 2019. Another New Year! Wow, I feel that the time goes by faster and faster each year. Do you find that to be true for you?  In numerology, generally speaking, 2018 has been a universal year of 2 which represents the energies of compassion, nurturing, balance, adaptability, and harmony. 2019 brings the universal energies of 3 which represents communication, optimism, creative expression, imagination, and surprise! You maybe feeling these shifts from one energy to another already. I know I have! For those of you who are familiar with Jach Pursel who has been channeling a non physical spark of consciousness called Lazaris since October, 1974, we are moving from a year of Acceptance into a year of Grace. I know that several clients I’ve met recently are exploring ways to BE more accepting and loving of self and others. Let me share something that happened to me and my family on Christmas Day! We had a beautiful family celebration on Christmas Eve. There was lots of food and fun. This is a family tradition and the host family rotates each year. On Christmas Day whoever is available joins at another family member’s home for a low key and delicious meal. As we waited for family members to join us we got a surprising phone call. Our niece who was joining us...

Happy Holidays!

Finding a sense of peace can seem illusive with all of the activity going on navigating day to day life and this doesn’t include what’s going on in the world. Focusing on what we can manage is easier. As I reflect on this holiday season I notice people rushing, more traffic, as well as stressed workers and shoppers. At times I feel my energy levels shifting and changing while I’m out and about which results in increased tension and stress in my body. As soon as I realize what’s going on I begin to take deep breaths even while I’m walking and shopping. I bring my awareness into my heart space and feel the tension and stress lower. Peace begins within! The holidays bring their own kinds of stress don’t they? Entertaining, working, decorating, shopping, traveling, and so much more. Don’t forget time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. During this hectic time remember to make time to consciously breathe and reflect on your good fortune. Why? This is one way to help keep things in perspective and remember what’s important during this time – family, friends, love, peace, health, and  community to name a few.  I’ve also noticed that we celebrate the holidays differently now that our kids live out of state and aren’t close. We used to go all out and decorate for each holiday and now we don’t. If we do it’s minimal. My husband and I were talking and both of us agree that it’s not the same without kids around. The joy, wonder and excitement is different, yes? Now we enjoy each other...

You Are Worthy!

I find that many people I see want to please others to the degree that they lose sight of their own needs. This is especially true for women. Wanting to please and take care of others can often result in stuffing feelings deep and not speaking what’s on their mind. I can relate to this myself. It’s taken me many years to feel comfortable in letting others know what I’m feeling.  Do you feel worthy? Do you feel like you deserve a happy and healthy life? Do you feel like you are cherished and admired by your partner, family, friends, or colleagues? Do you feel seen and heard? On the surface these questions may seem a little weird. However, in my practice I find that these themes come up frequently. Sometimes these feelings are deeply buried and it takes a commitment to get to the bottom of what the client is feeling and experiencing – putting words to what the client feels. First, it took me really getting in touch with what was important to me and what I desired in my life. For many years I feel like I put others first and I ignored what I needed. Fortunately I understand this now and I’m able to speak my truth so to speak. Once I got over the belief that my family would divorce me if I changed it became easier. It’s amazing the stories we make up and perpetuate in our minds, isn’t it? Today, I’m comfortable with being seen, heard, and more vulnerable. How did this happen? I realized that for things to change I had...

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction!

What? A Rolling Stones hit? What’s up with that? LOL Some of you might think my writing process is a bit weird! All I can say is, “It is what it is and seems to work for me!” There have been a few topics percolating within me all week and today this title came so I’ve sat with it this morning to see how it unfolded. The first layer that came was that satisfaction comes from within not from others or externally. I believe that’s true just as “Peace comes from within” (Thich Nhat Han). The journey of re-awakening is an inward one. A journey of shedding layers of illusion to the truths that are accessed deep within us. There really is nothing “out there”. It’s all within you and me! For change to happen in our lives we must first change within ourselves. We are the authors of our life, the artist of our canvas and the master gardener of our beautiful inner gardens so to speak. I was talking to my oldest son on the phone yesterday. He’s been in Georgia for a couple of months working on a disaster recovery and environmental clean up team due to the recent hurricanes. He’s on his way home back to his family in Northern California and may join the efforts in Paradise, CA that were devastated by the recent fires. As we talked we reflected on our past white collar jobs and choices we have made. I mentioned that hindsight was wonderful and there are choices that I’ve made through the years that I’ve regretted. We laughed. I realize...

Young People are Awakening

Recently I’ve had an opportunity to work with an 11 year old girl at the request of her mother. Her mother gifted her a session with me for her birthday at her daughter’s request. I was surprised and honored. I really didn’t know what to expect when we met. I asked if she wanted her mother to join us and her mom left the choice up to her. She asked her mom to stay. The session was beautiful and both mom and daughter seemed to get a lot out of it. Questions were asked and answers shared. I was impressed that this young girl had a clear vision of what she wanted to do with her life as well. I recorded the session and sent the recording to her mom for their reference. Opportunities for conversation between the two of them opened in different ways. Why am I bringing this up now? It was a beautiful reminder of how open many of our young people are today. They are having experiences that are different from most of their friends. They have questions and yet don’t know how to talk about their experiences with their friends or teachers. In some cases there is fear because they feel different. They know things but don’t have a language to talk about them. Sometimes their thought processes are so fast they get bored easily in school and their grades begin to slip. They feel different and often isolated. Fortunately, in the case of my client, her mom was very “tuned in” and supportive. I was asked if I offered programs for this age...

What Does Family Mean?

Celebrating and hosting Thanksgiving dinner this week has made me think a lot about who family is for me. We were blessed to have our youngest son and his wife here for a few days since they live out of state. It was really special. Unfortunately our oldest and his family couldn’t be with us. We enjoyed having many of my husband’s family, living in Arizona, join us as well. Other friends who are close to us joined in too. We even had a few new people join us. They fit in so well and engaged with everyone so easily that it felt like they were part of the family too! So, I asked myself, “Who is family for me?” Our family is multi-generational and ranges in age from 3 years to 80+. I know that we have our birth and adopted families. For some there are others who may be closer than our birth or adopted families. Then there are Soul Family members who have found one another to fulfill agreements made before entering this human experience. Does this make them any less a family member? Although I’m the oldest of four kids each of us moved to different states as we became adults and really weren’t close. We had different interests. We’ve reconnected though since my dad passed in 2013 and mom passed last year. We still live in different states but make a conscious effort now to stay in touch! I’ve seen how family relationships ebb and flow and how new extended members enter and leave. Another group that I think of as family is my...

Happy Thanksgiving!

How have you been this week? Every day is a new day, isn’t it? Looking ahead I realize Thanksgiving is here all of a sudden. I can’t believe how fast this year has flown. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I love to share it with family and friends. As I think of menus, shopping, and guests for Thanksgiving my heart hurts and goes out to those who have lost their homes in California and in some cases their lives. There are so many still missing. I remember many years ago when I lived in Oakland, California, we lived through the Oakland Hills fire and were evacuated for 3 days. If the wind hadn’t changed late that day and the fire turned we would have lost our home too. Fortunately for us our home survived. 2500 other families weren’t as lucky. The community came together and helped the families that had to rebuild. I see that communities are coming together now as well. In times of crisis people come together. Differences are set aside. Compassion is felt and the question, “How can I help” prevails. So why bring this up now while getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving? I feel so thankful for everyday I’m here and for the health and well-being of my family. Our children and their families still live in Northern California and although they live far from the fire the air quality is bad. Schools have closed briefly. The kids and their families are ok though and I’m thankful! Our friends in Southern California are ok including a family living in Malibu! For 2...

Hold Space for Healing

Once again there is so much going on. Voting, shootings, protests, fires, division, smack talk and so much more. These are situations but what about the emotions? Anger, hope, joy, sadness, sorrow, loss and others. How have you managed through all of this?  There is a great opportunity for healing isn’t there? Healing for the Earth, families, individuals, communities, our country and the world. How can we, as individuals, hold space for healing? Are you wondering? What does it mean to heal? A healer is one who heals and to heal means to restore to a healthy condition according to Miriam Webster. Hmmm. Do you think of yourself as a healer? Does being a healer mean you must have a medical degree? For some types of healing a medical degree is necessary. For other types of healing you don’t. Think about your daily lives and the times you have helped someone that has resulted in healing either mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. Healing can happen through your words, intentions, prayers, touch, beliefs and just by listening to someone share their joy, concerns or grief. Remember the times you’ve reached out to someone who has told you that they’ve felt better after being with you. If you’ve ever offered comfort to someone who has experienced trauma you have helped their healing process. It doesn’t mean that immediately results are apparent as much as we would like to see them. The receiver of healing is always in control. Their openness and willingness to receive healing makes a difference.  I realize that there are many people who are suffering right now in...

Hold a Greater Vision

THOUGHTS MATTER, WORDS MATTER,  AND ACTIONS MATTER! This has been a very emotional week for many people including me. I feel like I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions that go from being happy to being  disillusioned and then shocked by such hate and violence. With mid-term elections coming Tuesday, November 6th, it seems the frenzy continues to escalate! It’s so easy to get caught up in the frenzy, isn’t it? I’ve asked myself every day, “What’s mine to do? How do I feel about what’s going on? How do I remain hopeful in spite of all of the misdirection and untruths? How can I still make a difference with integrity and love?” That’s a lot to work through isn’t it? I would love to hear from you to see how you are handling it all. The way I’m dealing with it is to continue my daily practice of what’s worked for me for many years. Before I get out of bed I offer my gratitude for being alive, healthy, this Earth, my freedom to choose, and for my family and friends. Yep, I really do. Then I set my intention to make a difference in someone’s life that day! I never know how that will happen. Sometimes it comes by working with my clients in person or over the phone and sometimes it’s totally unexpected like being kind to a stranger. It really varies.  Next I envision a world filled with peace, acceptance, compassion, love, beauty, and so much more! I hold a greater vision than is taking place in the moment! This ritual, so to speak, starts...

Navigating Chaos

Hi there! I’m happy to be writing the blog again. I appreciate your support and love that Charles is honoring his personal journey right now. In last weeks’ blog Charles mentioned welcoming your thoughts about things you would like to hear about. I welcome your ideas and will do my best to respond. Another idea we are considering is having “guest bloggers” in the future. I will keep you posted as it unfolds. Please let me know if you are interested in being a “guest blogger”. So much is happening this week that I wonder how you’re feeling? Notice, I asked, “How are you feeling rather than how are you doing?” Most of us are very good at doing and not feeling! It’s taken me a long time to feel more comfortable with and express my feelings! Oh my, it’s felt so uncomfortable feeling vulnerable but I’ve found it’s healthier for me! Have you felt this way too?  The reason I ask is that with so much going on in the world right now chaos is everywhere. It seems that here, in the U.S., election passions have brought out weird behaviors. It’s easy to be affected by all of the energies that are swirling around us. Remember, we are all a part of the whole and come from the one Source! At our core we are all connected and not separate. So many have forgotten this. Everyday there seems to be a new distraction and I ask, “What more can there be?” There always seems to be more. I feel that I can get sucked into the chaos or...

In Awe of the Universe

I love how the Universe always seems to line up to support us! For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to decide what direction to take this blog.  You see ever since I returned from doing the Spanish Immersion program in Mexico, I have not been in much of a mood for writing.  In fact, things have shifted so much for me that I am not sure what I am feeling…, other than a sense of “in-between”. On the one hand I am more grateful for my life than I have ever been, and feel very present.  On the other, I am not sure what I am doing or what is next.  This means things are great and awkward / uncomfortable at the same time. Part of me wants to figure out “what is next” as quickly as possible.  Then the logical me will be content because I have a plan!  Another part, the one that appears to be getting my attention, wants me to be patient and simply BE in and with the unknown.  To learn to be comfortable in the Void. At the same time.., Victoria is finding her voice anew.  She has been a writer, teacher, guide and healer for a long time.  Yet,  she is at a point of personal expansion that appears to be about greater visibility and shared intimacy.  The experience of writing weekly and sharing it with you over this past summer, has given her new insights into her own journey and the direction she wants to go! Change is happening for both of us.., in slightly different ways!...

Things That Didn’t Work Out

Do you ever wonder how or why things turn out the way they do? What turn, decision or detour changed the direction of your life? That is where my thoughts have been recently. For many years I felt like I was in charge of my destiny. That I could control the outcomes and circumstances of my life. There were even extended periods of time when, what I was ‘planning’ and what was actually happening seemed to be completely aligned. It reinforced my belief that I was in charge. But now when I reflect on the journey so far, I realize there is no way I could have predicted this outcome. It is so much more than I even knew to dream. Life is filled with challenges and obstacles. It is also filled with smooth sailing and fast lanes. There are just as many highways as there are deadend streets and off-road trails. Sometimes it feels like the road your on has a red light at every intersection. Then suddenly it is smooth sailing and every light turns green as you approach. It is easy to celebrate the journey when everything is flowing and aligned with ‘the plan’. Yet it is our reactions to the road blocks and rough patches that tend to define us. They can motivate us or strengthens our resolve, send us into a downward spiral, or anything in between. But how many of these rough patches or detours are the experiences that really shape the long term richness of our lives? A couple of weeks ago while I was writing one of these weekly blog posts,...

Changing Perceptions 

Perception is a powerful filter.  We all see the world through a personal series of overlays or transparencies that are so embedded in our daily existence, that most of the time, we forget (or don’t know) that they’re there. Our perceptions frame every experience and determine how we view the situations and events of our lives.  They become the lenses and gels from which we view every experience.  Focusing on and coloring the things we encounter and immediately aligning and defining them based on our beliefs. Our perceptions seem real.  So well-established, that oftentimes, they seem impermeable. Probably because they are forged from our past experiences, memories, relationship dynamics, culture, etc… Our beliefs, attitudes, values, all melded together to provide a world view that is unique to each one of us! We may feel as if we have found a tribe that seems to look through the same filters.  But if we really took the time to get into the specifics, we would find that there are always differences.  Sometimes subtle, sometimes stark.  We are all part of the same continuum… yet invariably unique. Think of when you have recalled a childhood experience that is vivid and tangible for you; yet the friend or sibling you shared it with can’t remember it or has a completely different memory or view of what happened.  Two different perceptions of the same event. Our perceptions are so much apart of us, they are almost impossible to experience as separate.  Almost. For those who choose to winnow the limiting layers of beliefs, patterns, and habits that influence our decision making.., we often find...

Someone’s Feeling Blessed

I turned 60 this week! If I’m completely honest, there’s apart of me that wonders how this is even possible! Wasn’t 40 just a few minutes ago? At the same time, turning 60 is much easier than I might have imagined at earlier times in my life. As I’ve thought about this, I realize this is because “I fit in my life”. The who, what, how, where and why all make sense and feel right. As aligned as everything feels right now, it hasn’t always been the case. There were times when my life didn’t make sense. I wanted something different than my own reality. I was either chasing the dime or trying to be something I wasn’t. I spent a lot of time wishing “things were different” than how they actually were… or pursuing someone or something that wasn’t really available or in hindsight just not right for me. All of these situations lead to wasted time regretting what wasn’t and not enough time appreciating what was. This doesn’t mean life wasn’t good… or even that these situations didn’t have their benefits at the time. It simply means I wasn’t really very present. I was too busy trying to navigate or maybe more accurately… manipulate and control the future. But at 60, those times of angst, struggle, perceived disappointment or trivial pursuit make sense now. They are part of the journey that lead me to this point in time. This moment when all feels right in my world. There is a beauty and wisdom that comes with the passing years. The lessons learned along the way begin to...

Something Seems Different

Last week I said “I’m not the same person I was when I left”. This week I continue to be aware of this as I re-enter and integrate back into day-to-day life. It makes me wonder how many times in the past have I either rushed into something new without ever being aware of the shifts or changes; or avoided the call to something new altogether, because letting go of what was known was harder than stepping into a new unknown. I find myself contemplating a situation or opportunity, only to realize I am having an internal dialog about what is present, and how I use to deal with or approach something. Not necessarily big things either. In fact many of them are small and mundane. The best or simplest example is the food I eat. Most of us get into a routine or pattern of eating. There is nothing wrong with that. We go to the same restaurants or prepare the same meals. It is our comfort zone. Since returning, I’ve noticed that many of the food choices that were staples, simply are not doing it for me! Some, when I think of them, I get this sinking feeling of resistance. They just don’t appeal to me. This is where the dialog comes in. I try to convince myself that it is a viable option, because it is a dish “I use to make”, or it is a restaurant where “I use to eat”. I try to justify that at least it is simple and doesn’t require time. Efficiency has always held sway for me!! But there is...

A Fresh Start

Starting to write is harder than I thought it would be.  I have enjoyed the cathartic process of writing this weekly blog for over 9 years.  But a three month break has been pretty awesome too!  It has offered a level of freedom that was unexpected.  I am so grateful that Victoria was at a point in her own journey, that she was ready to reveal and share more of herself AND do it in the form of this weekly share. Thank You Victoria! I’ve been home for a couple of weeks now.  3 months in San Miguel was awesome and amazing.  Studying Spanish and living with a Mexican family along with other students was just what I was hoping for in many ways.  But I also realize I went with some faulty expectations.  Expectations that I didn’t even realize I had. About half way through, one of the instructors indicated it would take about 6 months of schooling, practice and experience to really feel comfortable or fluid in a second language.  I realized when I heard him say it, that I was expecting that to happen in just 3 months! After returning home, it’s pretty obvious that outside of the structure and context of going to school.., understanding, hearing and speaking Spanish on a daily basis is much more challenging than in the comfort of a classroom.  The classroom offered a great foundation.., but there is still so much to learn!  Thankfully Fito is a patient partner… who happens to love Spanish and languages in general!   Stepping out of your life for three months is an amazing...

I Am Grateful By Victoria Barna

Hi everyone! I’m sure that many of you have heard that our beloved Charles is back from his adventure!! I’m very happy for him and can’t wait to hear about his wonderful experiences and see what insights he shares. Welcome back Charles!! So, this is my last Storm Wisdom Newsletter for now! I’m grateful to each one of you! Thank you for your love, feedback and support over the last three months. I’m grateful to Charles for trusting me to “fill in” for him, so to speak, although we all know that no one can take his place! LOL As I wondered what I would write about it seemed so fitting to write about gratitude. Not only am I grateful for Charles’ trust I’m also grateful for the opportunity to begin writing again. Some of you know that I’ve written a number of channeled books, co-created with Michelle Radomski Mandela coloring books, and co-created a Numerology workbook with Gisela Arenas along with some meditation CDS. Those of you who create art, music, books, or other things may understand when I say that I haven’t felt inspired to write for some time. I’ve been on an amazing “inward” journey of meeting, accepting and loving self more! Does this make sense? My journey has led me to destinations that included who I’ve been, who I was in the moment, and who I wanted to become more of! Of course I’m not finished. I continue to become more of my truer self. Allowing time to grieve the loss of my old self, integrate parts of me that were ready to be embraced,...

The Gift of Receiving By Victoria Barna

Why is it so hard to receive from or ask for help from others? What do I mean? For many years I’ve always found it more comfortable to be the one giving or offering help to others. I’ve found it uncomfortable receiving gifts, compliments, and help. How about you? For me, it’s always been easier to be the one giving. In my client practice; relationships with other practitioners, friends and caregivers giving seems to be much easier than receiving for many of them as well. It’s more common than you might think. Why is that? I feel like I’m much better these days about receiving but I notice there are times when receiving a compliment, for example, I’m still uncomfortable. In fact, I feel my body tighten up a little. Does this make sense? So I decided to do some inner reflection and see what insights would come up. What I found are words that came up first. Control, independence, obligation, being strong, and image to name a few. Whew! Let’s explore them a little bit because I know that holding on to these words and the energy behind them can get in the way of being authentic. Words have power! I asked myself, “What do these words mean to me? What power have I given them?” I believe that control can be an illusion. By that I mean that I have learned that the only thing I control are my choices and how I respond to the choices of others. I can’t control others. Through the years I’ve given a lot of power to “control”. So, I’ve chosen...

Freedom and Respect By Victoria Barna

I was saddened to hear of Aretha Franklin’s passing this week. What an amazing woman. I’ve always loved her music but I also realized that there was so much more to her than her music. Her artistry and voice have been seen and heard by millions. She’s won numerous Grammys and awards and received honorary degrees by esteemed colleges. She has shown us how to be an advocate for social justice and freedom often quietly and behind the scenes. Her Grace, beauty, and talent will touch many generations to come! As I’ve listened to her music throughout the years I realize it is timeless and has significance now. Songs like RESPECT, (You Make Me Feel Like) A NATURAL WOMAN, and FREEDOM have touched me deeply. So how does her experience affect me and you? Given that each one of us is individual and unique I know that our experiences will vary. However, I thought I would share my insights and invite you to explore your own. I would love to hear them as well! As I’ve reflected on freedom and respect I believe that some of the reasons we volunteer to be here on the Earth plane is to experience freedom, respect self and all life, help others, and be the best we can be – being more loving, accepting, kind, and compassionate. We also come to speak our truth and shed the many layers of illusion of who we aren’t! In other words, we come to become more of our truer nature which is our Divine self that which is Source and LOVE. How we live and express...

Lions’ Gate Opens By Victoria Barna

Have you felt different this week? Perhaps more stressed and doubting yourself more than usual? Have you felt a little brain fog or couldn’t see things clearly? A friend told me she was feeling a bit wonky! Since the full moon and lunar eclipse the energies have been swirling and shifting a lot. Why was this week even more intense and different? I remembered that an amazing energetic event happened on August 8th. It’s referred to as the Lion’s Gate and it opened. I really didn’t know what the significance of the Lion’s Gate was so I decided to check into it and see how the changes everyone was feeling are connected. Now that I know more about the Lion’s Gate I can see how its’ opening has significantly affected people. Especially those of you who are sensitive and feel energies. Major shifts that are meant to bring harmony and peace are here! What in your life isn’t harmonious and peaceful? Are there beliefs, habits, perceptions, or things to let go of? What are you willing to change? Did you know that on the physical plane the Lion’s Gate is a place? It’s located in the Old City Walls of Jerusalem, Israel and plays a significant role in traditional Christian history. Astrologists believe it opens a time of major shifts. It’s an opportunity for us to recharge – regain balance, confidence, and energy. When you look at the sky and see the brightest star, Sirius, there is also a belief held by many that accelerated awakening of new frequencies, possibilities, and higher consciousness have been released from Sirius. Numerologists...

Make a Difference By Victoria Barna

I love how the Universe works! So many signs and signals appear in each moment. One of the challenges is to be open to receive them! Yes, are we listening or ignoring them or are we just on auto-pilot? I’ve been looking at where I focus my energy lately. It’s been like a huge closet cleaning exercise. What am I ready to let go of in order for new possibilities to emerge? Have you felt like this too? One of the things I do daily is to create an intention to make a difference in someone’s life. I never know how this will happen and sometimes I’m not sure if I do. However, I trust even though I can’t always “see” it. Does this make sense? I had to laugh at myself recently. Why? Well actually I laugh at myself fairly often if you want to know the truth! (LOL) I was on my way to Storm Wisdom to facilitate a guided meditation. As I was driving I guess I was still in closet cleaning mode because I asked myself, “Is it time for me to stop doing these meditations?” Hmmm. This question comes up periodically and I haven’t had a clear signal to stop. In fact as I continued driving no clear answer came to me. I decided to remain open and be fully present to whoever attended the meditation that evening. So, what happened? Did I receive an answer? Was I open to receive the signs or signals that appeared? The answer became so clear to me after the participants shared their experiences. One person said, “I...

Changing Times By Victoria Barna

How has your week been? Wow, a total lunar eclipse and blood moon! It’s a time that heralds significant change!! WooHoo! For those of you who are sensitive you may have been feeling more emotional and restless. Some say that as doors close others will open. Has it affected you at all? I have found that I’ve become more sensitive during major lunar events. This week I’ve been experiencing some physical challenges and in the past I would have obsessed and worried about it; trying to figure out why it was happening. It’s nothing serious but I will call it more annoying. As I’ve been experiencing it this time I found myself in a place of acceptance and trusting that it would pass. Although, there have been times I’ve found myself starting to make up stories about why it was happening. (LOL) Maybe they were triggered by the lunar energy! I’m sure many of you have great stories to tell! I’m finding that for me it’s a day to day thing. One day there’s no story and I’m in an energy of acceptance then later I’m back in the groove of creating a new story. Is this one of those situations where mind over matter prevails? Do you experience the same thing? Hmmm. In addition, a dear friend of mine spent a few days in the hospital and required surgery. Although I knew things would be ok I still worried. Today, I’m asking myself, “How does worrying about things help? What role does creating stories play in the whole scheme of things and what impact are these lunar energies...

Cultivate Your Inner Garden By Victoria Barna

You are a Master Gardener!! Have you ever thought of yourself that way? What is the garden you are cultivating? Is it the one in your outdoor environment or is it your inner garden? I’m sure that many of you have beautiful outdoor gardens. However, the one I’m speaking about today is the garden within each one of us. You might be scratching your head and asking, “What in the heck does she mean?” Recently I was walking with my husband in the beautiful gardens of the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. He said to me, “This is something to write about – even in chaos there is beauty.” As I’ve thought about his comment I realize that he’s right. I know that my soul is happy when I immerse myself in beauty. By that I mean I begin to take notice of the beauty that surrounds me everyday. The beauty that I take for granted. When I immerse myself in beauty I feel my soul sigh with happiness and I feel an inner peace. During my quiet time this morning I began to imagine what my inner garden looks like and what it means to be a Master Gardener. Ok, some of you might be saying, “But I don’t have a green thumb!” (LOL) It’s ok! Imagine your thumb can’t be anything but green so to speak! Why? Because this is all about you and your inner world. You’re in charge! I suppose depending on how you nourish your inner garden will determine how green your thumb really is. So, what does it...

Where Do You Put Your Energy? By Victoria Barna

I never know exactly what I’m going to write about as I begin a newsletter. I find that usually I end up following the energy of what’s going on in the world so to speak! Several things have come to mind this week. It seems like everyday brings something new and often unexpected. It’s a wonder that anything gets accomplished in the world these days or maybe that’s the point, right? Divert and distract and when you least expect it BOOM!! I find myself shaking my head and wondering why I feel at times like Alice in Wonderland! I even find myself saying, “I know that this isn’t the reality I’m creating!!” (LOL) I guess it really is part of my reality creation. However, the role I’m playing is definitely not under investigation or in the hot seat. How about you? This morning while having breakfast with my husband we talked about energy and where we choose to put our focus. During our conversation I was reminded of several concepts that I’ve embraced through the years – “Where mind goes, energy flows from my Tai Chi and Qi Gong training; Thoughts become things from Mike Dooley; and we create our own reality from many metaphysical teachings I’ve studied!” It’s all about energy isn’t it? As I reflect on the power of thought, belief, and energy I’m reminded once again of personal choice! I have free will and the opportunity to make choices. I often ask myself, “Where do I choose to put my energy? Do I want to support distortion, distraction, and untruths or support something constructive and productive?...

Freedom to Choose! By Victoria Barna

In light of the 4th of July holiday and all that it means I’ve been reflecting on Freedom and what it means to me! I grew up with my mom calling me “her little firecracker” since it is also my birthday! Growing up I thought everyone celebrated my birthday! LOL Many people celebrate the 4th with family and friends. Picnics, parties, and fireworks are common. Is this what it means to be free? The United States is a country of diversity – people, beliefs, ethnicity, color, religion and so much more! Celebrating our independence is one way to express freedom!! For many years I’ve ignored the news but lately I’ve found it helpful to stay in touch with what’s going on in the world. I’m aware that much of what we see and hear is filtered and often biased. I think of what is going on in the world as a reflection of what’s happening in our inner world too! I’m amazed at how easy it is to become distracted often neglecting to take time to ask, “How is this distraction serving me now? How does it impact my freedom to make choices?” Recently I’ve walked the streets of downtown San Francisco and noticed all sizes, shapes, ethnicity, skin color, and ages of people. Young, old, middle aged, and homeless. How did I respond? It would have been easy to become fearful and judgmental based on how people looked. It would have been easy to look at everyone in fear because they appeared different from me. Some of the homeless, talking to themselves or unseen others, seemed to be...

Actor or Director? By Victoria Barna

I have to say that this week has been another eye opener for me. I’ve felt almost physically attacked with expressed strong feelings of hate, discord, distrust, sorrow at how people treat one another, lack of empathy or sympathy, and people lying to further their own gain. My heart hurts. What does that say about humanity? Many of you feel energies of others and may be reeling too! How can these turbulent times be navigated when so much is out of our control?  For me, it really is about conscious choice and conscious living. I can enter the drama and become one of the Actors or create a new story/reality to enter and become the Director. What will it be? Please understand that for many years I mastered the art of “stuffing” my emotions. That didn’t work so well (LOL). In fact, I found by doing this it began to take its toll on my physical body and immune system. Through my meditative time and connection with my High Self and God/Goddess/All that Is I began a few years ago to imagine the times where I didn’t speak my truth and “stuffed” my feelings.  One night in a semi dream state I saw 6 different vignettes, kind of like a movie screen, so to speak. Each one represented a significant time where I didn’t share how I was feeling about a given situation. It was amazing. I was able to enter each vignette individually and interact in a way that allowed me to change the outcome. Some might call this lucid dreaming. When I woke up the next morning...

What Are You Feeling? By Victoria Barna

Another week of emotional ups and downs, right? Once again, many opportunities to be distracted and choose sides – or not! So many metaphors have shown up for me. Borders, separation, questionable choices being made about children and families, political posturing, divisiveness and on and on. Whew!! So easy to feel overwhelmed, depressed, and hopeless! So I’ve taken many deep breaths, lol, and asked, “What is mine to know about all of this right now? How does it apply to me?” I’ve been deeply touched and felt so many emotions of sympathy, sorrow, incredulity, and wondered how I was going to navigate this landscape in a more positive and productive way. I noticed that I could sink deeper into the emotions and in the extreme I could feel hopeless and numb or I could “feel” the emotions and release them in a healthy way, accepting me and what I was feeling.  How do I cope? Through the years I’ve developed a meditative practice that I rely on to help me gain clarity. During my quiet and reflective time I realized that I am becoming more and more compassionate! I am feeling deeper levels of compassion. Compassion is feeling deep sympathy and sorrow for others who are suffering and wanting to help them by removing their suffering. I realize that how I help and support people can perhaps ease their suffering a bit. However, I recognize it’s time to become more comfortable with my own feelings. This is a great reminder for me not to “stuff” or ignore my own feelings while I look for ways to help others. I...

See Through the Lens of Love! By Victoria Barna

People I’ve talked to this week have said, “I don’t know what I’m feeling but there seems to be a heaviness in the air!” I can relate. I asked myself, “Is what I’m feeling mine or does it belong to someone else?” I realize that there’s a lot going on in the environment, country, and for everyone personally. I try not to get wrapped up in politics but this week there has been so much going on at our borders with children being separated from their parents that it’s been hard for me to ignore. Instead of dwelling on the political drama I decided to look at why I felt so triggered beyond the obvious. As I reflected about this heartbreaking situation I was reminded of who we truly are. I believe our Spiritual Being is Source who is eternal and is Unconditional Love. We are here as Source expressing ourselves as human beings who have free will. Many have forgotten this and our journey is to remember! I know that each one of us is at different levels of awareness and belief and yet how can we as human beings create a situation like this and have people justify their actions by quoting the Bible? One of the things that I learned in Theology school is that LOVE, compassion and kindness are core beliefs in most religions. How we treat one another is key! I realized that I could easily get caught up in the drama of what was happening. However, I began to look at this situation as an opportunity to look at myself because my choices...

Acceptance is a Choice! By Victoria Barna

Have you felt restless or had trouble sleeping lately? Several people I’ve talked to have mentioned this. It’s been challenging for me at times too! I found myself trying to analyze why. Really? How much of me wanting to figure it out contributed to my situation? Rather than “accept” my situation I began to analyze and judge “why” it was happening! Does this sound familiar? Feeling restless and not sleeping seemed to be symptoms of something deeper that eventually showed up! Driving home after having dinner with an acquaintance during the week, I remembered and began to dwell on something that happened between us several years ago. The experience created a big change in our relationship where trust was lost. I was surprised that I still felt some anger, disappointment, betrayal, and lack of trust. I asked myself, “Why am I still holding on to this old grievance; why did I let myself get into this situation in the first place; and what in me is ready to change?” Today, I understand that I am a Divine/Spiritual Being, Source expressing itself as a human being. What is there not to “accept” and love? I realize that the only thing I can control are my choices and how I respond to choices made by others! There’s no way that I can change someone nor do I want to! I can only change me! I’ve come a long way in my understanding and personal growth since this experience happened. I realize that I didn’t speak my truth; stand up for myself; and I wanted to keep peace in this relationship! Looking...

A New Pair of Shoes By Victoria Barna

Have you ever noticed how comfortable we are with habits, beliefs, and the familiar even when they don’t work for us anymore? I wonder if holding on to them is easier than letting them go. Like old shoes they still feel good and new ones can take a little while to “break in” and feel comfortable. I’ve noticed that when I make a change there is often a settling in period until the new becomes more comfortable. Sometimes it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. How about you? For years I’ve been a PC user and have considered changing to an iPad. Well, I finally did it and I’m now an iPad user! I guess you can say that we are in the “getting to know you” phase right now. I know that this is an amazing opportunity to experience new things but haven’t reached a level of comfort with it yet. I wonder why I’ve resisted so long. Could it be that I was comfortable with my PC and laptop? Was there fear in learning something new? This may seem trivial to some of you; however, I can see parallels to changes that have occurred along the way in my journey of Spiritual awakening and growth through the years. When I look back I recognize times when I wasn’t comfortable changing a habit, belief or something I knew. In fact, there have been times that I’ve experienced a lot of resistance to changing. My awakening journey has zigged and zagged rather going in a straight line. There have been plenty of opportunities to “let go” of old shoes so to...

Change is a Given

Hi there! It’s Victoria here. Charles has asked me to write the newsletter while he’s in his new Spanish Immersion experience in Mexico for the next 3 months. I’m honored and like Charles, I’m open to your feedback. We’re going to miss him and I hope you will join me and send him lots of love!! For those of you who don’t know me I’m one of the Intuitive Consultants at Storm Wisdom. I’m also a Trance Channel, Healer, and Award Winning Author. Gisela and I have been with Charles since Storm Wisdom opened along with Paul who provides our website, newsletter, and IT support. As we’ve grown Stephanie, Millie and Mary Helen have joined us. We’re grateful for your support as we’ve grown and evolved over the past 9 years. Change is a given. Have you ever felt like your creativity has stopped or you’ve reached a standstill and aren’t sure what to do? You feel something is ready to change. I’ve felt like my desire to write has been dormant for more than three years and yet I know that there’s been a lot of inner and personal growth/integration taking place. I’ve changed in many ways during this time; not judging myself and stopping the “should be doing” has been challenging at times. I feel the “spark” of creativity has emerged again in my desire to write and create new offerings!! I recognize that taking time for inner exploration that can lead to letting go of old habits; making positive lifestyle changes; developing close and intimate relationships; or exploring what really makes us happy isn’t always encouraged....

Calling ME Home

I was having a conversation with a dear friend this week when I found myself overwhelmed with emotions. Sadness, regret, and disappointment. The tears took me by surprise.., and so did the accompanying awareness. I realized in that moment that so much of the personal and spiritual growth work I have done over the years has been about letting things go. Releasing old behaviors. Getting rid of old beliefs and biases. Clearing out the parts of me that were no longer aligned with where I saw myself going. Who I thought I was becoming. I took pride in ridding myself of the old and outdated aspects of myself, that going forward, I was sure I would never need again. Who knows how or why this particular conversation was such a strong catalyst for a new awareness. Who knows why it triggered a range of emotions that would make it almost impossible for me to speak. But in that instant I knew I had been betraying and shaming myself for being who I was… who I am. I had this flash of knowing that it was time to call back all aspects of my past. To embrace the younger versions of me that didn’t know the answers; who struggled with identity; who made choices or decisions with limited or incomplete knowledge; who pretended to be someone or something they weren’t. I had banished them to a place where I would not have to look at them again. Where who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming could live autonomously from one another. I took the powerful work...


I have been feeling like I’m wasting time. I have about three weeks before I leave. It seems as if I am just waiting. In the meantime being in this state of limbo, seems like watching the clock tick. Limbo is uncomfortable. It goes against most of the messages we are given about who and how we’re suppose to be! We should be DOING something! I am amused by this, as I have been focusing on staying present for almost a year now. Yet the more I think I am present, the more it also feels like I am waiting… for the future to arrive. How do we simply stay in the moment without our minds playing games? How do we experience now, without triggering emotions? On the one hand it feels like I should be getting prepared. I should be packing, shopping, taking care of details. But it’s too early to pack.., shopping for what.., what details..? My mind is on full alert… and wants me to hurry up. And wait. For what? This is an exciting time. So many circumstances are aligning perfectly for something new to emerge. And there is nothing for me to do about that. I don’t need to rush it along, fill the void, pre-plan my experience. It just is. So I am practicing being in observer mode. Watching how my mind tries to stay busy. Paying attention to the emotions that ebb and flow. Witnessing my beliefs, attitude and values reveal themselves. All, while hanging out in limbo. Sometimes I think this time is confusing. Other times I think it is chaos....

Walk Into the Mystery

Last night was our 9th Anniversary Celebration at the store. It was awesome to see so many friends and clients and share a hug and a laugh. I really enjoyed myself… and also felt a stirring of something else. Knowing that my next adventure is starting, in less than a month, was front and center. I could feel the excitement of that… But there was something else too. Perhaps a new awareness of something happening beyond “my plan”. Many time throughout my life I have jumped into something for one reason, for something else to emerge. Whatever motivated me, was eclipsed by something more profound than I could have seen or imagined, before the experience began. Just before Fito and I started dating, I had signed up for a year long program of workshops and retreats. My motivation was to help process and heal a previous relationship from a year or two before. I was so focused on figuring out why something went wrong or failed, that I couldn’t see that something new and even more significant was emerging. In fact I tried to sabotage and resist our relationship for the first 6 or 9 months. Simply because I was so focused on the past. That series of workshops was absolutely perfect for me… but not for the reasons I had imagined. I may have achieved some of the healing I was looking for… but more importantly they were a catalyst for me to see and be different in what has become the most important relationship (for me) of this lifetime. I am not sure we would be approaching...

9 Years Worth of Thanks

Let me start by saying THANK YOU! If you are reading this, you have been part of Storm Wisdom’s journey! You are one of the reasons we get to have a three day celebration this coming weekend for our 9th Anniversary. We would not exist without you. From the bottom of my heart… Thank You! Every year as these anniversaries approach I reflect of where I’m am.., and where Storm Wisdom is in its journey. This year I am very aware that we are a physical location. We are brick and mortar. We occupy space. When I was starting this business… there was of course an awareness of creating a location. But back then it was much more conceptual… it was more about renting or leasing the space, designing and layout…, features and functions. This idea of creating a destination based on a physical location was all in my head. Something that the reality of, probably would have been too stressful to bare. And trust me., at sometimes that is exactly how it’s felt… “to stressful to bare”. Storm Wisdom came into existence during a very transformational time. Many business were going virtual. They were giving up the expenses of maintaining physical locations and going online. Many had to, in order to compete with Amazon and the technology trend of shopping online. But it has also been a time when people were becoming more aware of the desire and impact of supporting local business and local artists. People started looking for products and services that were more natural, healthy and unique.., crafted or created by local artisans and craft-people....

My Next Adventure

I want to tell you what I am up to! I have had a number of clients and friends who’ve commented or ask about my absence from Storm Wisdom. I have gone from being there 5 days a week, to an hour or two each week. When I am there, I am frequently in my office., as that is where the “admin” stuff like payroll, accounting, and bill paying occurs. It is my way of keeping a finger on the pulse. I am not physically present.., but energetically I feed, nurture, and love Storm Wisdom… and the Storm Wisdom family as much as ever. Maybe even more. So I am still part of it, and it is part of me! However, more and more, my baby-business is growing up! It is becoming more and more independent. Gisela who manages the Center, along with Millie and Mary Helen who each provide their own unique signature and support have embraced their own version of owner/stewardship. They are an amazing team. So like any parent or guardian whose offspring is ready to strike out on their own, I have turned my attention back on myself. I began asking the question, “What’s next”? Last year I committed to being more present. Which as you know if you follow these weekly musings…, has been hugely transformative for me. It has allowed me to see how easily my mind (followed by triggered emotions) distracts and distances me from many experiences, by filtering it through projections into the future and anchors from the past. I am nowhere near the 100% mark for staying present… but I...

Dog with a Bone

Without a doubt, I am in a state of flux! My life is shifting and changing in ways I could not have imagined a few years ago. Yet, it is happening and I couldn’t be happier. Normally when I feel like everything around me is shifting and changing, it is because I am trying to achieve something. Trying to get something done! In the midst of my attempt to craft or create some desired outcome, I bump up against a wall. Or, something doesn’t go as planned. Whether it was easier than I imagined or harder. Either way I have to adapt and adjust to the circumstances. I struggle when things don’t go as I imagined. I visualize or intend a result.., and when it looks or feels different, I am spun around by the force of change. Chaos is not uncommon for me when I am in pursuit. A good metaphor for my determination would be ‘a dog with a bone’. However for the last 7 or 8 months my focus has been on staying present. Keeping my thoughts in this moment.., not six months from now. I have always known I have a “future-orientation”. As a result of consciously reminding myself to stay present… it has also become clear that I am also easily distracted by the past. Usually as a way to reinforce some limiting belief. Being present has been a huge gift. Although it feels chaotic sometimes too. Mostly because I have to self-manage my tendencies to overlay the past and future. Who knew it would require such attention for something that sounds so simple....


Where to begin! We live in a strange world, at a strange time in our history. The world and its challenges are so much more complex than they use to be. We are creating a global society based on dramatic changes in access to travel, communication, healthcare, technology, and information. For years I tried to keep up with current events, the news, and social change. I consumed information constantly and tried to put it into a context that made sense in my own daily life. However, the more internally reflective my life has become (read… spiritually oriented), the harder it is for me to correlate and coalesce all the news, images and information that we are bombarded with daily. At least with how I experience it in my microcosm of the world. We are exposed to content that is so dramatic, emotionally stimulating and draining (simultaneously!), and heavy at times. In fact a couple of years ago.., I stopped reading/watching the news for the most part. I read headlines and have conversations with people, but no longer devote a couple of hours a day to “being informed”. I couldn’t. It always made me feel out-of-balance. Always on edge.., or in a state of fear/anxiety. The other thing I noticed was, the more I paid attention to the idea of unity and oneness… the more the constant focus on duality in our daily lives really started to bother me. “Us against them”, right against left, Democrat versus Republican, rich against poor, White against Black, etc, etc.   It is downright uncomfortable. And yet it seems built into everything. There are...

Not the Time to Harvest

Spring is in the air and I feel it! I have this sensation of everything being completely new… yet the 3D world around me hasn’t changed… YET. Then I am reminded I am at the “beginning” of this new cycle. The planting and sprouting stage! This is a helpful reminder for me, because it engages me in the process of visualizing and creating what is new or emerging. Versus, waiting to see what it looks like or how things turn out! One of the things that has been most challenging for me during these beginning phases is that I tend to believe I have to bring the past with me. That who I was yesterday matters, because it is part of the whole. Part of me. The truth is… the past is behind us. It is how we got to where we are in this moment. There were hurdles and hurts, whirlwinds and wonder, mundane and madness. Our lives are full and complex, even when the journey seems to meander or even when it feels we’ve made a U turn. It is all part of our life experience. What I tend to forget, is that I don’t need every map, tool, and skill that I have ever used to get me to this point! I can set them down, instead of carrying them with me on this next leg of the journey. Instead, I can trust that new tools and skills will be available and revealed when they are needed. And the ‘me’ that encounters them will know how to use them. Or, at least be able to figure...

Wake Up

For quite awhile now, much of my focus has been on Intentional Living. Over time I have even developed a model or method for this which I have shared many times here on this blog. The eleven principles of living an intentional life that resonate the most for me. I live by these principles. Most of the time!! For the last week or two, I have also had numerous experiences of NOT being intentional…. Yet for some reason could only see this in hind-sight. This doesn’t mean I wasn’t getting clues and intuitive hits about what was going on. It means I wasn’t paying attention to them. Instead I was operating from a very unconscious place. Just walking along, not minding my business, only to discover I was creating circumstances and situations that didn’t line up with my beautiful life. In the past, these bumps in the road I would interpret as some sort of external anomaly, that was beyond or out of my control. Something I was a “victim” of… Yet.., because like you, I have been more and more aware of my own authority and reality creation, I knew there was something here to look at. Something to pay attention to. Why was this series of events happening? What is the lesson or here to be learned? In all of these circumstances, I wasn’t paying attention to my own preferences or desires. I wasn’t checking in with myself to see if something felt aligned or resonant. I was thinking of someone else first. In several of these situations, I put someone else’s comfort or preference ahead of...

The Resistance is Mine

Fain to create and move toward. Pursued, even stalked. Even a subtle drift of difference feeds a longing. Be it tempering, turn about or metamorphosis. Rapid or with the vicissitude of years. We author change, willing to transform.   Expansion, desire to learn, become more aware. Examining self to understand All. A journey that beckons to those who dwell near the abyss. Looking into the void with a knowing of more. Willing to venture alone into the mist. Trust that the more will be revealed or emerge. An understanding achieved through discovery. A new vista   So close it can be felt. A breath of dew grazing neckline, shivers palpable. Anew approaches.  Something prepared to emerge. Yet before it’s reveal, we gnarl in discomfort. Hideaway with insecurity. Longing for and pushing away simultaneously. It’s moniker – Resistance.   Do we know where this comes from? Do we know what it means? Could the dreams we’ve dreamt been wrong? Was something missed, or do we heed danger or folly? The answer to all is – No.   Resistance the partner of change. Regulator of speed, a signal of alteration. An internal reminder honoring that which is being abandoned. Celebrating what is, but will never be again. A necessity for integration.  Ally to initiation. Resistance, synchronous with our evolution. Necessary, and yet it still throws us a field.   The Resistance is mine....

It’s My Monkey-Wrench

I have just deleted the first line of this post and started over. I realized when I got the words on the page that they didn’t feel right. They are the words I use and even how I feel. But in writing them, they didn’t feel very empowered. So let’s find words that feel right and empowering too! We are learning and expanding Beings. We have chosen this time and place to take our Soul’s journey to the next level. To expand our own level of awareness and, in turn, expand the consciousness of All-That-Is. Often it feels that our focus is external. That our relationships, jobs, health, government, corporations, finances, etc.., are the drivers of our experience. However, the truth is those external circumstances are our creations. We use them as our playground.., or in some case the obstacle course for our internal evolution. We are here to become more – of Ourselves. And in this way, everything we encounter is “for” us. Even when we feel as if it is happening “to” us. We are right where we are suppose to be, encountering exactly what we want. Another opportunity to know ourselves in a way that we could not have known before. This is true whether what we’re encountering feels really rich and juicy… or extremely hard and challenging. We are creating the circumstances of our lives. We do this, always, as a way to expand. None of us came here to shrink or become less of ourselves. This leads me back to the beginning. The words that I wrote were “We are always taken care of…”....

Man in the Mirror

I was having a conversation yesterday with a friend who is going through a lot.  The end of a long term relationship.   Changes with their work.  Creating a new relationship with their body.  Even a possible move to another city. There are so many areas of their life that seem to be up in the air.  They were feeling the stress of it all.  Yet among the chaos there was another theme that was also coming to the surface.  Without planning it, it was obvious, this was the ideal time to focus on them! It really got me thinking about how important it is for all of us to do the same thing. Not just when the ups and downs or challenges of life are upon us.  But all the time.  To take care of ourselves and stay current with who we are and who we are becoming. Like so many of us, my friend is very comfortable in the role of giver.  Especially when it comes to family and friends.  But when the circumstances change, are we prepared to give to ourselves? Most of us would never consider ‘rushing’ one of the important people in our lives, through a grief or healing process.  Yet, are we willing to give ourselves time?  When someone close to us has a need, we step in and try to accommodate.  Would we spend or give the same to ourselves? We get so busy navigating the day-to-day and keeping the plates spinning that we forget to stop and assess whether or not those plates are even ours to spin anymore.  They might...

Ideal Crystals for Cleansing and Clearing

The following are popular and easy to find crystals that you can work with to cleanse and clear your space or your energetic field. Let me start by saying this: I truly believe that there are as many different ways to work with crystals as there are people. Anyone can intuitively connect with a crystal and figure out how it will most effectively support them. With that said, sometimes it is easier to find information that someone has already written based on their own experience. If what is written here (or in book your reading) resonates with you… go for it! If it doesn’t, let it go and wait until something else presents itself! Now, to the subject at hand. There are a number of crystals that have properties that support clearing or cleansing your space and or energetic field. The ones that I rely on the most are Selenite, Black Tourmaline, and Himalayan Salt. Before we get into the specifics about these crystals I would like to share my perspective of negative energies. For me, energy is energy. It isn’t good or bad, or.., right or wrong. It just is. That said, there are energies that resonate with us and feel aligned. There are others that don’t. Think of energies as being a part of a continuum. On one end are the ones that feel harmonious and aligned with our own energies. The energies near the center of this continuum often feel neutral or trigger very little reaction one way or the other. The rest, on the other end of this spectrum or continuum, are disharmonious or even...

Guilt Be Gone

You’ve probably noticed I don’t really edit my writing. It is a bit of a thought dump…, and if I really took the time to edit for grammar, punctuation and spelling, it would be too much of a task or burden. It would take me so long to “get it right”, that I probably would have given up on writing a long time ago. I do usually take one good look for those glaring mistakes – which I still sometimes miss anyway. The process is like this… I write…, I read it out loud to myself or Fito. Fix any obvious problems and then send it off to my trusty tech-guy Paul, who then gets it into the right template/format. When the entire newsletter is done, I get it back and do a review and approval… and send it off for publishing. What I found last week when I re-read the article (Ebb and Flow) after it was in the final format, was that I feeling ‘guilt’ while reading it. As if my present circumstances seemed too luxurious or like I wasn’t doing enough. I wasn’t “working hard enough”. Or maybe I was just being lazy. I have to say I was a bit surprised. I hadn’t noticed the guilt before that…, but once I did, I realize it has been there since I made the decision to step back and take this time for myself. So on the one hand I am thrilled about giving myself this time to be… on the other I feel guilt. These two are incongruent. They actually work against one another. The thing...

Ebb and Flow

It feels a little bit weird these days writing these articles. I have stepped away from the business of running Storm Wisdom and I’m really only there a few hours a week (at the most) Gisela, Millie and Mary Helen are running the place and actually have been in that role for a long time. For the last few years, I have been doing the accounting, bill paying, payroll and those sort of administrative duties. These functions only require a couple of hours a week at the most. This means I am finally realigning my time to match my effort. What that means when it comes to these newsletters is that I am not having all the juicy conversations that naturally come up when you’re in a spiritual center. I am not interacting with and learning from all the visitors, clients and friends who walk through the front door. These interactions were the catalysts for so many of the posts I have written in the past. Not being as engaged has shifted or changed a lot of that. AND.., I am spending more time alone. I have been hiking everyday. And that is the most consistent thing I can boast about or claim. It is cathartic and enjoyable… but it does not inspire the level of self-reflection that being inside the walls of Storm Wisdom does. Everything feels weird. But it also feels right. I love what I have created. I love what we have created. I am no less passionate about its success. But energetically supporting it and physically being there are two different things. I am in...

The Beauty of Transformation

Maybe you’ve noticed the banner below regarding ‘Casita Serena’. This is the guesthouse we originally built for my mom.., Ruthie. She lived here for just over 10 years. After her passing, we decided to convert it into a vacation rental. This is all new to us. And everything feels different! There is some work involved in setting up a space for guests. Everything from furniture, towels and linens, amenities, decor and even setting up the systems and calendars for this type of endeavor. The biggest adjustment is how to share your space with new guests, who for the most part, you don’t know. Of course the services such as AirBnB or VRBO do a lot of the screening and verification. But the truth is, we don’t know much about them till they arrive. Every guest (or group) is different. Knowing how to interact, what to offer or even recommend is a bit of a shot in the dark. You can’t know, until you know! You can hope you are hitting the mark. Yet in truth, you basically go into each rental with fingers crossed! However, what has surprised me the most, is how all this change has been so easy to adapt to! I knew it would be a bit easier for Fito as he co-owned an actual Bed & Breakfast before I met him. The truth is not only have I adapted.., I am quite enjoying the experience. Mind you it as only been a couple of months and a half dozen guests, but I can already feel the impact. It is as if I experience my home...

Magic is in the air!

Magic is in the air! Actually, magic is ALWAYS in the air. Sometimes we just need to pay attention. It is a bit like our intuition or should I say intuitive senses. We are all intuitive, but the more we pay attention to (and trust) these senses, the more they reveal themselves. This is true for magic too. We are always working with the energetic field that surrounds us. We are connected and an integral part of this unified field. Yet so often we feel disconnected or separate from it. As if we are going it alone! Harmony with the field is our natural state. However, our thoughts, beliefs, attitude and perception can often feel more powerful. It is easy to believe we are alone or disconnected from everything going on around us. Sometimes it feels like we “almost” grabbed the “brass ring”. It feels like something we want is within reach. It is right there, but we can’t quite put our hands on it. Rather than recognizing that this is something within us that is preventing that thing from manifesting.., we begin to feel like it is the Universe working against us. As if we are separate or on different sides. That is never the case. As we begin to own our power and authority… we begin to shift. We have more and more awareness of our connection to the energies around us… to All-That-Is. We begin to see how our behavior, habits, and patterns are preventing us from realizing our dreams. We begin to see that struggle is an internal perception that is a major component of...

Time To Live It

I have invested a lot of time and energy into getting to know myself as a spiritual being. It started as a part of what was likely a mid-life crisis. One that I didn’t realize I was in the middle of! I had a good life. Good job, friends, travel, home, and stuff. By all accounts, I was “successful”. But in the middle of all this success… there was still something missing. A longing. I was living my life…, but to what purpose? I had spent so much time trying to get where I was going, I forgot to ask ‘why’ I was going! I guess in someways it was societal… simply part of the time or generation I’m part of. My life looked good on paper because that is what we were taught or saw valued. Either way, I found myself in search of greater meaning. For the first time (consciously), I began looking inside for answers. Uncovering beliefs and attitudes that affected my every decision. Searching for meaning by dissecting my thoughts and feelings and their origins. Unmasking fear. Understanding the origins of pride and arrogance. Coming to terms with the magnificence and the mediocre of my own reality creation. Actually… maybe it was finally understanding that we all have ownership and responsibility for what we create in our day-to-day lives. I have been so invested in the pursuit of purpose and finding the spiritual being within; that it’s possible I missed that I actually “found myself”. The journey of self-discovery can be amazing. It can also seem never ending. But is that true? I have become...

A New Recipe

I am making a bunch of changes… but not because I have a problem. And it is this last piece that has me thinking. I wonder if my mind naturally wants to turn life into problems? It seems to me that I am more motivated to change when I think something is wrong. I am quicker to act when I don’t want or like something, then to change out of a desire for something I do! This is true in every area of my life too. As someone who tends to compartmentalize, this, in and of itself, is quite eye opening. I am just as likely to make changes because I am unhappy with my health, relationships, work, finances, or even home or personal interests! It’s time for a new perspective! How about doing something simply because that is what I want? Instead of getting healthier because I don’t feel healthy… do it because I like feeling of being in tune with my body. Instead of saving money because I don’t like feeling broke… do it because it feels good to have a cushion. Instead of figuring out new product lines or services because revenue isn’t where I think it should be, find cool new products because it is fun. I realize what I am talking about here is all semantics. But our words and our thoughts are powerful. They are the foundation of what we build our lives on… they trigger what we create. Even though most of the time, subconsciously, we’re not even aware that is what is happening. The majority of time, if I am motivated...

The Journey of Remembering

Drifting. The vastness. Shapeless, invisible, aware. Connected to all, part of all, All. Understanding expanded with intention by witnessing. Knowing an ah-ha after the fact. Watching matter shift and evolve. Physicality growing into and unto itself. Faster than any unseen cloud of pure consciousness could evolve by itself. A choice is made. Become physical. Much to gain. But loss as well. Existing knowledge, energetic awareness and wisdom, the water of the unseen.., will be forgotten. Unfathomable and immense understanding compressed. Now smaller than a seed. Entangled with the chosen, perfectly aligned. But even that forgot Being physical is hard. What to do with limbs and bones? Caste to a tribe with those who too have forgotten. Priorities, focus, desires driven by perceived ups, perceived downs. The draw of expanding consciousness forgotten, in this hard yet mailable world. All-ness a distant memory, replaced by walls, barriers, borders and bodies. Separation rules. But in the quiet there’s another truth. A sense. Connection to something. Resisting everything. Whispers pierce the noise of the smallness. A tug, a memory, an insight. A sign exposed in a moment of nakedness No noise to drown out internal knowing. Sudden familiarity with something not yet explored. The neb of a chord that longs to be pulled. Infinite, vast, expanded awareness has found the point of joining. Coupling physical matter with access to the more real. Forthwith the journey of remembering...

Plenty to Choose From

Have you thought about what your new year is going to be like? Your focus or where you will put your attention and intentions? I have. I have been thinking about the energy of 2018. My mind wants to circle the wagons and put together a strategy for the next year. It wants to come up with a plan. Complete with milestones, deliverables, measurements and end-goals. That is the nature of being someone who is left-brain oriented. That may not seem very compelling to you, but for those of us who relate to order and structure; it can be comforting and motivational. However for me, it can also be a trap. It engages old stories, limits my focus, and promises the illusion of some type of control. If I make it measurable, I have already decided what success looks like in the new year. When I operate from this space I am automatically engaged in the future. My orientation is toward what needs to happen next. Not.., what is actually happening now. I am not saying any of this is a bad thing. In fact, it has been hugely important to have and to develop those skills and traits. But just like anything that is over valued., it can be easily distorted. It can be taken from focus to obsession. This past year, I have done my best to focus on living in the moment. To walk the talk of living with intention. And my… it is amazing what has been revealed. So instead of thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2018.., or what I want to...

Staying Present-It’s Worth It

Okay… more on this “present moment” stuff! It really is amazing the number of insights that come up regarding how I take myself out of the present. However, I also need to start by saying… These insights don’t come to me while I am being present. No. They come to me after I realize something has already taken me out of the moment. It goes something like this: I am having my morning coffee, watching birds drink and play in a fountain outside my front window. I am only a few feet away, yet seem invisible to them. I look past this beauty to the front yard. The way the sun is hitting the shrubs and flowers along the walkway. I look around at our beautiful home and I am content. Feeling blessed, I silently whisper my gratitude to the Universe for this amazing life. About this time my adorable husband brings me a refill of hot coffee and joins me. We begin a conversation about our day. It’s a Sunday so we’re both technically ‘off’. We begin to imagine what we might like to do with this beautiful day. And somewhere in my mind.., I long for more. I want something to be different. I think that if I do or get these few things or make this change.., everything in my life will be “perfect”! Wow! The insight hits me! “I am no longer present”. Longing for or wanting anything different than what is happening in the current moment is a message to the Universe that my beautiful life is not enough! It is one way I...

We Are All in This Together

How do you stay in the middle… when everything around you, wants to pull or push you to one side? It seems to me that everything in our world has become so polarized. It seems as if we are constantly being divided into groups, colors, labels and categories. We live in a day and age where it has become common for us to be emotionally manipulated, simply for the sake of separation. It seems we have lost the skills of negotiation, compromise and meeting in the middle. It can be disheartening. At least to me. And then I realize or remember, that this is why I chose to be here on the planet at this time. I came to be apart of a unifying force. One where we coexist. Where we don’t have to take sides or feel divided. Oneness is a possibility in my vision for the world. And I don’t mean that in a Pollyanna, we are all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya sort of way. The human experience is hard sometimes. We are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beings. Each of these aspects of who we are can be challenging. We will get injured or sick. There will be days when we feel down or sad. We get stressed or run repetitive and even conflicting thoughts. Sometimes we will even lose sight of our Divine Nature and our connection to Source… however we define that. Oneness doesn’t mean that life is no longer challenging. Instead it means that there is room at the table for everyone and no one is marginalized. And it goes beyond...

A Positive Thing

I like to think of myself as a positive person. Someone who sees the upside of life, with the ability to cope with the challenges of living in a 3D world. And for the most part.., this is true. But boy does my mind like to mess with me! Since August I have been intentionally “staying in the moment”. The first thing I noticed was that all my thoughts about this choice were that it was “going to be hard” (not very positive). But as I settled into a routine of being more present, I found it wasn’t as challenging as I thought. So my mind went to “this can’t last” (also not very positive!). Well, I am several months into being more present…. and I completely get how these kinds of thoughts are one of the ways we distract ourselves from the present moment. As a matter of fact, I have discovered so many ways my mind attempts (sometimes quite successfully!) to take me out of the moment! Here I thought my need to “plan” things was the big (and only!) culprit. The good news is that as I am battling these limiting thoughts… my life is opening up, expanding and getting richer. Simply by focusing on staying present. You’re probably thinking “Duh!”. But some of us take awhile to catch on! There are so many small (and large) things that I notice, that in the past I would have missed. Missed because I was too busy planning how to get or have things my way! Things I would have missed because I was busy future-tripping or mining...

I’m Not Lost

I’m not lost. The path that I’ve traveled to this point is masked. Easy to find when I am willing to look back over a shoulder. But that is not compelling, There is no will. Instead I step, one foot forward. Into something that feels familiar, yet unknown. Something born of imagination, born of intention. Familiarity based on throwing a dream into the future. A longing or desire only known in conception. Not understanding or perhaps believing that it would materialize. Did I miss the power and importance of planting seeds? Still as my foot lands in this formally unknown terrain the ground feels solid. I recognize it from the pleas, demands and what ifs of yesterdays. This is my creation. Step with a knowing, plus a pinch of disbelief. It is worth it. The journey inside with a willingness to let go of tales and fables, without clinging to beliefs or lore. To allow new truth and different versions to appear. And.., as if by magic what was only imagined has become real. A different landscape revealed. I move peacefully into a new cadence. The pace is mollified. Itself matched to the present. An awareness floats by as if carried by mist. “This too is part of the journey, not an arrival.” Clearly, time for more seeds, aligned with the new world. To cast out into the near-far future a reality that before was undreamable. With a clarity of knowing that this too will manifest. As clearly as the road I walk upon this day. Unfamiliar, yet known. I’m not Lost. With Light, Love, and Laughter...

I Slip Between Worlds

The sensation is subtle when between multiple worlds I move. Directions change without plan or intent. Aligned and traversing forward so self-assured, then not. Everything up for review, introspection forced by the surprise of what’s new. Balance is sought as if it blankets against the dawn. But that too is an illusion when I slip between worlds. Could it be that easy or am I missing what is concrete? It happens in those moments, when thoughts disappear. Perhaps they are still there, but their noise becomes white. Their power buried beneath. Disconnected from story a new doorway appears. What happened to effort, where is the climb? It’s as if it belongs in another world, the one left behind. In a instant I am changed. What once was, feels distant.., no longer the dream. Is it always this simple or triggered by crossing a threshold that was never visible? That nuance or altered awareness whispers from afar or is it deep within. Mesmerized by the freshness of perspective whose staleness was cloaked. Only revealed by the journey in-between worlds. Vortices and portals accessible at will. Yet seem so elusive when struggle and a smallness have been given control. Remember the magic that has been all along. Opening doors and windows to new or unknown. Easily forgotten when attached to the past or distracted by a thousand possible futures. Determined to have my way and to stay the course. Until without notice I slip between worlds. With Light, Love, and Laughter...

Ride the Wave

Have you ever wondered about how external events affect you internally? Perhaps you realize that you’ve had a number of experiences that have a common theme. There’s a similarity of feeling or impact based on multiple situations that occur within a short time. This has been happening for me a lot recently. I am in a state of awe over how many things are happening that feel aligned or even connected, although one may have nothing to do with another. So a part of me started thinking about how to “ride the wave” of these energetically connected events. If there is all this magic happening that seems to support transformation or change, calmness or peace, confidence and decisiveness.., how do I maximize these opportunities. These external events that seem to be sharing a message. Then it hit me… I have it backwards. It is not the external events that are creating these energies. It is what is going on for me internally! The reason I am experiencing a new level of connection, is because I feel it on the inside and the Universe interprets that and creates the same in the 3D world. The reason so many events in my life seem to represent transformation is because I am transforming on the inside. Integration of ideas, concepts and experiences are happening all the time. Every once in awhile we seem to leap-frog forward and they simply become part of who we are. We have changed, and as a result how we experience the illusion that is our life or world changes too. There is nothing new about being aware...

Checked Out

I’ve checked out. I’m having a hard time staying focused on anything but my home. There is a lot of transition and transformation that is happening here in the space… so that is taking some focus and attention. But I still feel checked out from Storm Wisdom. On the one hand I feel very fortunate because I have such an amazing and loyal team. They know what they’re doing, and in fact have managed the day-to-day operations for years! The business doesn’t need me there to function. I take care of the admin stuff, like accounting, planning/forecasting, and such. At the same time.., I have always enjoyed being in the space. Right now., I am so distracted. I have a hard time being there for more than a couple of hours at a time. Places to go.., places to be. Distractions, distractions. I started to worry about this a few weeks ago. Questioning what it all means. Wondering what the future holds. Then I remembered what kind of business this actually is. Almost everything we do and promote is about Intentional Living. One of the principles of Intentional Living is “Follow the Energy”. When I remember this, it is easier to accept where I am. That right now, the energetic flow is in a different direction than what it was, say a few months ago. I am also reminded that in August I shifted my focus toward ‘being more present’. Instead of constantly living in the future and doing mental gymnastics with plans and schemes and projections… I chose to dance with whatever shows up in the moment. This...

You’ve Got This

As the earth and the entire human race shudder with the monumental shifts occurring, the pendulum seems to swing more dramatically back and forth from the darkness of isolation to the light of inclusion and connection. I believe the key to navigating these changes is to be willing to experience the full discomfort of the dark places, however briefly, and realize that though part of the experience, it is actually what is falling away , making room for a greater intimacy with each other and “All That Is”. For me personally, the entire month of October featured one experience after another that left me feeling wounded, rejected, unworthy, inadequate and fearful. Astrologically, the planet of Chiron, the Wounded Healer,( representing our deepest wounds and efforts to heal them) and the asteroid Black Moon Lilith, (representing our deepest fears and shadow side) feature prominently for all, bringing attention to these skeletons in our closets. November arrived and with it the determination to move through my fear paralysis. Painting time in the studio was being avoided due to a lack of clear direction. Fortunately, I had a commission, although I did not know if I could accomplish what had been asked (a horrifying prospect for me). I began anyway with little-to-no confidence, and what I saw on the canvas initially was quite unappealing. I heard, “Be with it in its ugliness”…I listened and persisted. As so often happens when surrender to the creative process is achieved, a magical painting resulted! Feeling triumphant, I moved on to the next item on the agenda, a meeting to discuss some ongoing issues with my...

Time is a Trickster

Time is acting strange! It is playing tricks on me. Sometimes it seems as if it is being extended or stretched. Then in the next moment, if feels like it is accelerating! When I think about all that has happened recently, it seems as if most of it took place months ago. It must have been months ago, it seems so distant. On the other hand, there are things coming up right now that make me wonder how they could have come up so quickly? When these events were first planned it seems like they were so far off in the distance. Yet here they are. So as I do this dance with time, I find myself pondering the meaning. Why does it feel like time is playing tricks on me? What I know for sure is that a couple of months ago (which seems like yesterday), I made a decision to stay “present”. The idea was to catch myself if my mind was running stories, plans or simply focused on the future.., and bring it back to the present moment. The same was true if I was replaying or obsessing about the past. You know, I’ve done pretty good. I have been developing a pattern or habit of coming back to the present moment. And here in lies a potential clue as to why time is playing games with my head. When I am present and living in the moment, Time is spacious. When I slip into the past, or project myself into the future… Time gets distorted. This is the likely origin of this odd sensation. So...

Mind Game

The awareness of how much things are shifting for me right now continues to be revealed. Last week the calmness in the midst of chaos was quite evident. This week it is about setting down the illusion of control. When I look back at the various times of my life, it is evident that I spent a lot of time trying to control outcomes. Sometimes, feeling like I was having great success. I imagine this is common for many of us ‘mental’ types who tend to run multiple thoughts per second. Add to this flurry of rapid mental gymnastics, the natural proclivity to live with your thoughts in the future, and you have the perfect recipe for a smug sense of winning or achievement! “Yay…, I got my way!” As time passes, our lives unfolds in their own unpredictable ways! Most of us end up realizing at some point, that life happens.., while we are busy planning a different version. The idea that we can manipulate, negotiate and control our way through it (unscathed), is either the ego’s arrogance or naiveté! It’s been a number of years now, that I’ve been aware of the futile nature of “control”. I am clear that plotting, planning, wishing or praying that my stealth attempts at getting my way via some mental super power, is pretty much a waste of time! BUT.., that doesn’t mean I stop doing it! Instead, now I call it “setting intentions” or “envisioning what I want to create” or “going for my preference”. Which, by the way, I actually do those things too. Yet, this is also how...

Keep On Keeping On

I have believed for a long time that we are currently in the midst of a dramatic shift of energies on the planet. On the one hand, this shift or change feels very personal because it is aligned with and influences everything about my own spiritual journey. On the other, it feels as if it is massive and beyond humanities focus and attention. As the energies shift and change on the planet, who I am and how I interact with the 3D world around me, also shifts and change. Because so much of what I believe is based on my internal senses, my intuition and energy awareness intensifies too! This can make it all seem like my way of coping with these worldly changes is very esoteric or based on my imagination, hopes and dreams. Which actually works for me. Whether this makes any logical sense to anyone else doesn’t really matter, because it is simply one way to navigate this journey called life. That said… even if my version is off… I still believe humans are conditioned to survive and as a species, we will figure out how to overcome the self-destructive behaviors that seem to threaten the planet and our very existence. Even if that means scrapping everything that is currently considered the “status-quo”. Here is why I am writing about this right now., this week. For awhile now, I have had this amazing feeling of being content. Knowing that everything in my life is as it should be. Feeling blessed and hopeful. Knowing I am exactly where I am suppose to be, going through exactly what...

She Did it Her Way

I had a sense when I was writing last weeks post, that my mother Ruthie’s body was failing and in the process of letting go. She died the next night, Monday October 2, 2017 at 8:10pm. It was a beautiful experience to share with my sisters (Mary Jane and Cheri), who arrived in Phoenix the previous Friday for a long anticipated vacation. We were surrounding her as she transitioned, each sending her off with love and encouragement. By the time of her passing, we realized she was very much the captain of her destiny. There were to many synchronicities for it to be otherwise. Her wish was to go quickly, before her mind deteriorated beyond her body, and at home. Her biggest fear was that with the Alzheimers, she would forget her kids. On the day of her death she had beautiful, but brief encounters with all of us. It was obvious that she knew exactly who she was talking with. Cheri is known for spending her entire vacation in the pool… and Mom asked her “Are you swimming everyday?” When Fito asked if she knew who he was… she responded “Of course… Fito.., my son-in-law”. I am of course grieving… but not as much as I am celebrating her life and the beautiful way in which it ended. About 2 weeks ago, she asked me “How did I end up here in Arizona.., was it because of money?” I said to her “No.., you ended up here because we were suppose to spend these last 10 years together.” We both learned and grew so much from one another....

Improvised Dance

My mother is really sick this week. I have no idea if it is some kind of flu or bug… or if it is simply her body in decline and showing signs of weakness and susceptibility. This would be hard to watch at any time, but this week, two of my sisters are here visiting from Maine. It makes me think of how sometimes our best laid plans, can still go a rye. They have all been looking forward to this visit and spending time together. Especially mom. These are the events she tracks, does a countdown too, and spends time imagining. It is not what any of us expected or anticipated. To be fair, they still have a week, so I am hopeful they will get some quality and fun time with each other. Still, it makes me think of how I get locked into how I think something should be and what happens when it doesn’t turn out my way. First of all, it creates some improvised dance with whatever does show up… Second, there is the mental and emotional fall out that comes from “not as planned”. And as you know if you have been following my blog for the past month or so… ‘planning’ and/or ‘not planning’ is taking up a bit of head-space as I’ve been trying to stay more present. I have been noticing that because of this recent focus, responding to what is happening in the moment has been easier. Not easy…, because sometimes it sucks.., but easier. To be present to what needs to occur in the moment. It has me...

Being a Performer

A couple of months ago I was invited to be apart of Melinda Vail’s weekly Facebook Live event. It was basically a very fun “get to know one another” event. When it was almost over, she said something to me I will never forget. She said (paraphrasing) “You are so down to earth, so real.., this must come naturally to you”. My response was “No, this is something I have really had to work at.” Being authentic (for some of us) is hard work. We want to be liked. We want to be popular. We also want to be perceived as smart, or talented, funny, loyal, hard working, trustworthy, or etc.., etc… So some of us take that on in a serious way! For me, it meant that most of my adult life I spent performing for others. Trying to get their approval or acceptance. Trying to control their perception of me. Basically trying to be all things, to all people. By the time I figured this out.., I was exhausted. I couldn’t do it any longer. And the worst part is, when you’ve spent your whole life performing for others, it can be really hard to know what and who you really are. Suddenly, you have to figure out what actually matters ‘TO YOU’! So I have spent the last ten years, trying to stay out of performer mode. Paying attention to what matters or resonates with me. And conversely, what doesn’t. Usually just about the time I think I’ve finally moved beyond the role of “performer”; it shows up again. Like this weekend!! I am participating is...

Now – The New Normal

Life is in transition. Something new is emerging and I feel the rightness of it. All of this is happening while I am intentionally focusing on staying present and not initiating anything new. This means not taking on new, long term ventures or projects. I’ve given myself 6 months to just focus on the moment. As new ideas pop-up or new directions reveal themselves, I simply write it on a piece of paper and stick it on my office wall to be reviewed next year. And yet.., everything is changing. Life has its own momentum, that in the past, I’m sure my ego thought I was crafting. It was MY agenda unfolding. Of course, when my mind takes over and begins to drive towards an end result, any hiccups, barriers or blocks, feel personal. As if they are happening to or against me. Then my emotions get into the game as well. It all becomes so personal. So now, as I am simply observing and staying present.., none of that is happening. My mind isn’t racing into the future (to much!) to figure it out or come up with a plan. And my emotions are in ‘observer’ mode too. There is nothing to get upset about or disappointed by when I am not attached to an outcome. That is a pretty profound awareness for someone who tends to want to be in charge and control of his own destiny! Everything seems a bit detached in one way. But in another, because of this focus on staying present, I feel like I am even more apart of it. I am...

Letting Go

I am reading David R. Hawkins book “Letting Go, The Pathway of Surrender”. It comes at an ideal time for me. This whole time period is about staying connected to the present and boy are things being revealed. If someone told me I would be “happy”.., while doing this, I might have thought them crazy! In my mind, I want to make this hard. I want it to be a major challenge. Mainly because my mind wants something to work on. It wants a project it can really sink its teeth into. Something that has to be chewed into submission. But that is not what is happening. As a result, my mind doesn’t know what to do with itself. Here is where this book has been helpful. I am sure I have heard or read this before, but there is a way that Mr Hawkins has helped to crystallize it and make it more clear. He says… you can’t work with your thoughts to surrender or let go.., you have to work with your emotions. His perspective is (all paraphrasing based on how his writing hit me…) that we have 100s of thousands of thoughts per day, and to focus on the thoughts, just creates more of them. His premise is that all of our thoughts, we consciously or subconsciously attach to our emotions. And if we want to shift or change the impact of the thoughts, then we should focus on the emotion(s). AND when we successfully let go and surrender these emotions, we alter, eliminate, or shift tons of thoughts we have attached to them at the...

Today is our Anniversary!

It hardly seems like it could be 11 years since Fito and I exchanged vows and rings! In someways it feels like 4 or 5 years. In others, I can barely remember a time when we weren’t together. Without a doubt, our relationship is the greatest gift in my life. It is foundational to everything else. It is easy to think that because our relationship is strong, that the past 11 years have been easy. I suppose in the ways that really matter, like communication, compatibility and joy, it has been. At the same time…, man, have we been through the wringer! Everything has been turned upside down and backwards. What was, has been destroyed. What is, has been reconstructed and built from the ground up. There are a few things like the home we live in that are familiar. However, so much is new; so much has changed. This is where time really gets distorted. My mother moved here to be with us a year after we got married. I started my business 2 years after that. Fito started his the following year. There are so many people, in our lives now, that seem like they were or should have been with us when we made our commitment to one another 11 years ago! Here is the thing. I’m not sure anything that has happened in the past 11 years.., would have, if we had not had this relationship. It is not that we couldn’t have done them on our own.., it is more a question of ‘would we’!?! I know for me, it was becoming apart of...

I Believe in the Properties of Crystals

I just read this article (https://greatist.com/live/healing-crystals-are-probably-wack) titled “Crystal are Probably Bullsh*t, but I Love Them” by Derek Flanzraich. There is a lot I like about this piece. Especially the awareness of being intentional or the power of setting intentions. However what it really got me thinking about why I’m so drawn to Crystals. What I believe about them.., and what I don’t. In the article above, the author writes “In practice, there’s no evidence crystals have special powers. In fact, science has evidence against it.” Yet we live in a time of technologies that at their core, under the plastic casings, behind the glass screens, and connected by touch sensitive keypads, are based on Crystals! Cellphones, computers, radio, television, tools, lasers, home appliances and even our cars are made possible, more effective, and useful by the natural properties of Crystals. So the way I see it, Science and technology don’t believe Crystals have any natural properties that you or I can access or use on our own. But they use them in chips, capacitors, batteries, and so much more. The majority of their research tools, equipment, and products are only possible because of the natural properties of Crystals and metals…. All from the Mineral Kingdom. And I haven’t even mentioned the foundation of modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Or the absolute requirement of daily minerals from food and water that our bodies crave and need! So once they are modified, produced and for sale, then these crystals which have been sliced, pulverized, encased or otherwise unrecognizable to their native form… are now powerful products and everyday items that they want...


With all that has been going on lately, I have intentionally decided to stay more present and in the moment.  And as easy as that sounds.., it is actually quite challenging for someone who LOVES to spend time future-tripping! Mind you I am better at being present today than I was 10 to 15 years ago.  But as a result of really paying attention to this.., I also realize I have a long ways to go.  My mind naturally wants to hangout in the future! Originally I thought ‘staying in the moment’ meant I would not be planning anything!  However, I quickly realized that is not possible.  Our lives require planning.  Which in and of itself, is an indicator of how much our world values busy thinking!  Multi-tasking! In truth, it means I am not launching into any new projects.  Anything that is not already established.  If it is on the drawing board, it is staying on the drawing board.  They can be in the dreaming and imagination phase.  But that is where they stay. It is fascinating to use this time to focus on being present.  I tend to get knotted up because of how challenging I find it.  Yet, I am also having some success!  As I remind myself to come back to the present.., it becomes apparent pretty quickly that we can shift or change our perspective. When I spend a lot of time fretting about the future or even the past, it is easy for stories to take over.  Often with fear or worry as featured players.  When that happens, it can feel like that...

The Basics (and an Eclipse!)

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung There are lots of ideas about what the cosmic impact of this weeks solar eclipse will be on our country and our world. However, for me the greatest impact will be to us individually. Like any event, cosmic or otherwise, the impact is not simply felt during the time it is occurring. It begins weeks before. It ends weeks after. How we are changed by an event lasts forever. Even when it slips from our memories. We have become experts at adapting and integrating. Almost to the point where it can feel imperceptible. Often, it is only in hind-sight, when we look back, that we recognize how much we’ve changed. By then, associating it with any cosmic events is highly unlikely. Shared events or experiences are perhaps harder to forget.., at least in terms of remembering where we were or what we were doing. Right now, many people are experiencing personal shifts and changes, however, associating them with the phenomena of an eclipse may be more challenging. We have become accustomed to the idea of being a witness…, which makes many of the events in our lives separate from or external to us. Personally, it feels like the past few weeks have been preparation for the portal or opening this eclipse represents. It is shake up time. It is wake-up time. Now that is pretty interesting to consider, especially when I have a tendency to believe I am already awake. There in lies the...

Why We Exist

I want to tell you why we are here.  Why we do what we do and why we exist.  And it is quite simple: We are here to connect and create connections. Here is what I mean.  Life is busy, hectic, distracting, and demanding.  Most of us are being pulled in multiple directions, most of time.  We have family, work, health, relationship and social commitments that are all vying for our attention. And if that is not enough, we are saturated with global information, news and content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Anything that is happening, anywhere in the world is or can be known within minutes if not seconds. As we go about our days juggling our ‘to-do-list’ amidst the buzz and noise of a technology-based world.., it is often hard to get our own needs met.  We are eating on the run.   Checking in with loved ones between meetings. Trying to get home early enough to relax or catch-up on rest, before starting it all over again. We have become experts at multi-tasking.., yet at the same time it can be hard to connect with the most important person in this equation.  Ourselves.  Believe it or not our connection to Self Is the first and most important connection we are here to make. We are naturally evolving Beings.  We are crafting and creating our lives from moment to moment.  But when it feels like time is flying by, how do we slow down enough to connect to any given moment.  It is a challenge for many of us. You may have a sense...

A Crystal Cocktail for Being in the Moment

Energetically this is an amazing time to experience a deeper level of present moment awareness. To intentionally enhance our ability to ‘Be in the Moment’. As a result, the following combination of Crystals may be ideal to work with during this time. To help with our continued awareness AND with incorporating these new energies. Rose Quartz, Fuchsite with Ruby, and Amethyst.., and here’s why.   Rose Quartz is considered the ultimate Crystal for connecting to the energy of unconditional love. It does this by establishing a stronger connection to our Heart Energy Center. It is this connection to our Heart that is important in the desire to be more present or in the moment. You see the Heart does not recall or tell stories. That is the domain of the mind. The more we can stay connected to our Heart Center, the less likely we are to be pulled to stories of the past or to attempt to predict or control the future. Allow the Rose Quartz to open your heart and quiet the mind. Then the Fuchsite with Ruby can do its work of birthing something new. In this case, for many of us, the desire to live in the present moment is not new. In fact, it is foundational to many spiritual practices. However, there are new levels of ‘present moment awareness’ that are available to all of us. Fuchsite helps strengthen the hearts desire, while the Ruby works with our Root Energy Center and grounds that desire into our physical body. Our physical body wants to support our highest transformation. When we align our body with...

Freeing the Courageous Man

Are you a courageous man? This was the opening question for a conversation I was part of.., almost a year in the making.  The only real ground rule, was to say what quickly came to mind.  With the understanding that we would break it down further.  However, it was important to capture the initial ‘hit’ or insight. What a time to be having this conversation.  The perfect time. You see, it was in the discussion that followed where I realized there’s a part of me who is out-of-sync.  A part of me thinks that I was more ‘courageous’ in the past.  I was more courageous when I was committed to a career in the corporate world.  When my identity and image were defined by a title, box on an organizational chart, salary, address… even what I wore. There is a part of me that is holding onto the past.  There are unspoken measurements, this part of me uses, to define success and even meaning in my life.  Yet now.., when I slow down and take the time to think about these measurements,  I realize they are actually pretty low or meaningless to me in the scheme of things.  At least as they apply to my life now. I am very aware of how my mind is distracted by the future.  I know the way it wants to plan, plot and manipulate events, circumstances and situations as it’s feeble way to ‘control’ outcomes.  I am intimate with the dance I do with the future.  In fact, I love the facile way my mind works.  It serves me well – when...

My Time

Last week I wrote about Treading Water.  About how exhausting it can be to keep your head above water when you are not sure which direction to take.  I was really hoping that this was going to be one of those quick cycles that moves in for a few days and then is gone. Instead, when I talked with my Astrologer and Spiritual Guide of the past 29 years…  I got a different perspective and insight. The fear, anxiety and worry that had me in its grips last week, although seemingly about the state of my business, was really about me.  They are part of the transitions and evolutions I am going through.  And guess what… they will likely be with me for the entire year. But this year is not about being in a state of constant worry or fear… it is about energetically being willing to stay connected to my own truth.  What I know about myself.  Who I am in the world.  And being willing to stay present and open to what is happening in the moment, so that I can be in the flow. UHGGGG… this is NOT what I wanted to hear.  I wanted it to be easy.  I wanted it to be a quick challenge and then back to my beautiful life. Which of course is the point.  We are not confronted by challenging emotions because we need to experience hell.  NO…, we experience these emotions to help us understand ourselves better and to embody the internal strengths we have developed on our journey toward self-awareness.  To live from our highest potential.  To...

Treading Water

Ideas come and go. Projects start and finish. Success ebbs and flows. Nothing seems to be constant anymore. Or was it ever? I suppose if you look at the trajectory of life, you can see if you’re climbing or descending with regard to the areas where you are putting your focus. But sometimes, when you in the middle of all of it, it can feel as if you’re standing still. Treading water. That is a bit how it has been for me for the past week or so. Treading water…, that sense of just trying to keep a float. Doing what I need to do to keep from letting my head go under. Usually with little to no energy in reserve to push forward. To start moving in a more decisive direction. These are the times when most of us begin to reflect on what we’re doing and why we are doing it. A time of self-assessment. A time to check in with ourselves and make sure that we are still on the right track. That we are where we want to be. For some of us, this is happening all to often these days. The periods of treading water seem to be getting longer. Or, it is challenging to hold our energy and focus on things that use to seem effortless. It can feel as if we are at odds-with ourselves. What I have come to realize for myself is that these ebbs in the cycle of life are not the time to be making long-term decisions. When you feel exhausted from keeping pace with the world, it...

Circle of Life

While I was on vacation I found something amazing! It is the piece of pipe you see in the picture above with the Calcite growth inside. Let me tell you a little bit about it! There is a natural geyser is Calistoga, CA. There are also a number of natural springs that are home to some amazing spas, offering mud baths, steam treatments, scrubs, massage, soaks and more. One of these spas uses the water from the geyser to feed its natural mineral bath. The water is piped from the geyser to this location. What you are looking at is a small section of one of the pipes that is used to direct the flow of water to the spa! The mineral content of the water is so high, that these Calcite crystals form and then grow – quickly. So quickly that they have to replace the pipes (3 different sizes and this is the largest) every nine months to a year! I know crystals live and grow in all kinds of environments, but this still kinda amazes me! The speed at which they form. I was sharing this story with a friend whose name is Trish, last week. We were both marveling at the uniqueness and the story of these pipes. And it opened up a metaphor for me, that I have been thinking about for the past few days! We humans are like these pipes. We are an essential part of All-That-Is. Just as these pipes are essential to the system that connects the hot springs to their source – the geyser. We may not think of...


By the time you read this my 10 day vacation will be over. My adventure in California is in the past, and it is time to once again get focused. Where I am going and what we are doing is once again becoming the priority. But I am resisting that. I am tired of trying to plan and plot a course into some unknown future. I feel drained of ideas. Each attempt to view down the path feels uninspired. As if it is a rehash of something already tried or a road already traveled. There is a uneasiness about this time. A questioning. A resistance to more of what has been. I wish I could say I feel like something new wants to emerge. But that would simply be me saying what I think I am suppose to say. The truth is ‘nothing’ is what is on my mind. While I was away, I disconnected from my own day-to-day life. I shut off the routine I know so well. I forgot about the duties and obligations of running a small business. Of paying bills, planning events, and setting priorities and projects in motion. It all stopped. Miraculously I might add. I got lost in the non-routine. I got lost in the moment. And I am having a hard time letting that go. I am hoarding the next 24 hours. I am being stingy with where I put my energy and focus. I am resisting ‘coming back’ from vacation. Even though I know, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I love my life and what I get to...

Soul Star & Earth Star – Revisited

I am on vacation in Northern California… so this week I want to re-share one of our most popular posts from the archives, with just a couple of minor updates. Enjoy. Soul Star & Earth Star There is something about this time of year and all the possibilities that are presenting themselves. It is something that awakens the dreamer inside. This makes it an ideal time to work with the energy centers that are located just outside your physical body. There is one above your head, which some call the “Soul Star”, because it connects you to your Soul’s purpose. It is where we connect with all “Possibilities” for this lifetime. Any possible futures we want to create are seeded through this energy center. Think of it as the magician’s hat. Anything you can imagine (and beyond), can be pulled from this hat and become part of what you are creating. Imagine this energy center (or chakra), being about 6″ to 8″ above your head. It is always there, and it is what connects you (and your Higher Self) to Soul, which is where we are one with All-That-Is, the Divine, God or the Universe. We never lose this connection, even when sometimes it feels hard to access. The other energy center is located about 6″ to 8″ below your feet. It is what is sometimes referred to as the “Earth Star” energy center. This is the energy center that brings the possibilities you are attracting through your Soul Star into the realm of “Probability”. The Earth Star energy center takes the energetic information of “possibility” you are aligned...

Where We Go From Here

There are so many choices I have made in my life, that at the time, were motivated by one thing. Only later, to discover that the real payoff was something else. Something that my busy plotting mind could never have projected or predicted. In every case, the end results or impact has been so much greater than anything I could have imagined! Perhaps this is one of the reasons I have always felt guided and blessed. I have begun many journeys with a destination in mind, only to surpass what my limited vision could imagine at the start. One past example that comes to mind was over 30 years ago now. I was a fairly new manager in the corporate world. I was pretty young compared to many of my peers. I had a hard time relating to their authoritarian style. “Facilitative” management was an approach that was emerging at the time. I thought this would be a better fit for me. So I began to study or research what that would mean. I looked for every opportunity to practice or expand my skills of being more facilitative. This was in the mid 80s and the height of the AIDS epidemic. A time when the government was doing little to address the disease. So organizations like the San Diego AIDS Project were stepping in to address the growing challenges. I decided to volunteer to be a support group facilitator! I thought.., what better way to develop my facilitation skills! Oh my!! I might have gone into that 5 year experience with one thing in mind. But the gifts, awareness,...


I’ve been apart of two completely different conversations about the same thing this week and it has me wondering WTH? And these conversations have been about inanimate objects. Specifically the two large mirrors that hang in our group space. In one of the conversations, someone who was leading a workshop in the space felt that as they were talking or working one-on-one with participants, there was a negative energy they could sense flowing out of the mirror. It made them uncomfortable. In the next, it was someone who was reviewing the space as a potential place to host her workshops and events. One of the areas she teaches about is Feng Shui. She loved the room and specifically called out the mirrors for being the reason. She was awed by the way they reflected the Light and positive energy around the room. Of course it is easier to hear that someone likes and enjoys your space, than it is to hear that it makes someone uncomfortable. But what intrigues me more.., is why after 8 years are these mirrors being brought into my awareness. Actual conversations about them. When in truth, I haven’t really thought about them much more than cleaning them and their utilitarian function. If you believe that everything that happens around you is a reflection of your own reality creation… than synchronous, unsolicited, conversations about the same object must mean something. There must be at least a whisper. Maybe theses conversations are about me taking a good look in the mirror. Perhaps it is about the ebb and flow of energies that we experience on a...

Comfort Zone

Everything changes. I’ve known this for years. And yet, sometimes it still surprises me. We plan for change or expect it when we experience major life events or experience. When we change jobs, get into or out of a relationship, move or experience a birth or death. We know change will occur then. But sometimes it just happens in our day-to-day existence. When nothing in particular seems to be the motivating factor. We are navigating our comfort zone, only to realize our comfort zone no longer fits. I am experiencing this awareness on both ends of the spectrum. There are amazing new people, opportunities, experiences and things drawing me toward them… At the same time, there are others that are disappearing or I am no longer connected to. I am having a hard time relating to somethings, that a short time ago, might have seemed like solid part of my comfort zone. They are slipping away. As I reflect on this phenomenon today, I have a theory. I have been reminding myself (and the people around me!) to ‘follow the energy’. To stay attuned to what feels right, aligned, joyful or fun. So my theory is that if we follow the energy, our own energies morph. It is a bit like the particle and the wave. When a particle is observed, it becomes a wave.., just by the act of being observed. To relate this back to “following the energy”; when we focus on and watch the energy… it shifts our state of being. We move from being a particle to a wave. We are changing based on where...

A Feisty Adolescent

Years ago, when I first started exploring Spirituality and a deeper connection to internal guidance, I was introduced to the concept of the various ‘Aspects of Self’, that we all have within us. If you look at archetypical systems, you can find many different versions of this. In different cultures, religions and societal structures. This is the one I first worked with and therefore is easiest for me to relate to. ‘Aspects of Self’ such as the child, adolescent, nurturing parent, indulgent parent, negative ego, healthy adult, etc. All of these are voices in our head, that depending on the situations or circumstances, come forward and begin to raise their voice. They get our attention and influence our behaviors! Especially in situations where in the past, we were heavily influenced by similar events. Learning to quiet the noise of our monkey-minds, so we can hear and distinguish how these different voices or ‘Aspects of Self’ present themselves takes focus. We begin to start seeing the patterns that trigger them to come forward. Developing relationships with all ‘Aspects of Self’ is important integration work. It is valuable personal growth work. I know for me it has been a central part of my own process. YET! Here I am discovering another layer of one of these ‘Aspects of Self’ that I didn’t know was at play! My adolescent HATES rules. Words such as never, always, should, shouldn’t, must, can’t and have to… send them into rebellious defiance. And man, are they stubborn! Now mind you, I have had a lot of awareness about this resistance as it relates to organizations, systems...

Whispers Instead of Shouts

Today felt like the perfect day to write in new surroundings… Well, new for my writing routine. I normally enjoy being in my comfy-chair, alone with my thoughts. But today, I wanted the energy of people around me. It is different writing with hustle and bustle going on so nearby. Yet today it feels right. I am someone who relies on routine. Structure is my friend. The more predictable a situation is, the more I like it. Most of the time. I think we are all this way. We like things the way we like them. Now I am not saying everyone relates to or wants routine. It could be that spontaneity is your preference. Or perhaps even chaos! We all have our preferences. The way we like things. BUT.., when something else is drawing us or we feel the call to change it up.., it is important to pay attention. To stay with what feels right in the moment. On the one hand you could say this is “following the energy”, which is true. But today, it feels more like “Taking Care of Myself”. You see, when I first started thinking about shifting my morning routine, my first thought was to resist. I realize I had a story. I was locked into a routine. And to tell you the truth, I wasn’t aware of it. I don’t want to make it seem like this minor choice took me hours or anything. However it was interesting to hear the internal messages I was bombarding myself with.., even if just for a few minutes. Would I be able to concentrate?...


“I will not sabotage myself”. This has been my mantra for the last week or ten days. I say this whenever I am tempted to do something that goes against my happiness, health, or well-being. And strangely enough, I am saying it more than I might imagine! I am always changing something. Always in the process of personal improvement. It is a constant game of wanting things in my life to be different than how they are currently. Perhaps it is more accurate to say I want the me who shows-up in my life to be different. But the constant pursuit of being something or someone different than I already am is exhausting. It is tedious. This means inevitably, I let down my guard or resent the discipline that is required to maintain a state of mind to constantly “improve”. For a lot of us, who navigate life using our connection to internal guidance, our spirituality or to All-That-Is, the exploration for that deeper more expanded connection can become addicting. The more we explore, the more we want to explore. As we shift and change, we want to shift and change even more. Let’s face it, my life is completely different than it was before I used my spirituality as the guiding motivation. I am different. And because I feel more fulfilled than ever. I long for more fulfillment. And… There’s the rub! That pursuit of “more” personal fulfillment, is taking me out of the moment. It is actually working against one of the core principles of Intentional Living: Stay Present. If I am constantly looking for deeper levels...


I met a couple who were visiting from out of town, John and Diane. I ran into them at a pop-up event I was doing, and they decided to come check out the store. Diane was on a mission. John was providing encouragement and support. The conversations were lively and covered a wide range of topics. However it was a quick exchange that happened near the end of our visit that really stuck with me. We were talking about the kind of experiences, where once you have them, it takes awhile to process and integrate them. It can be such a slow process that it might take days or weeks. Often we forget we are still in the absorption of the content or experience. Then John said something about “when we stop learning.., we are done”. Meaning – that is when we die. On one level I get this. It makes sense to me. But then it made me think about the difference between learning and personal expansion. I have spent a lot of time learning things where I felt like there was very little growth or personal expansion. Or is that true? Is it even possible to learn something new and NOT be changed by it. This is where I realize I have a limiting belief around what is “valuable” for me to spend time learning or studying! I am still operating from an old paradigm. It is as if I think that anything I spend my time on has to contribute to some goal or end-result. Or, I get no payoff for the time invested. The truth...

Simply Fantastic

What if life is simply fantastic, but we refuse to see it? What if, what we are creating, is amazing 100% of the time, but we only allow ourselves to experience 70-80% of it? Sometimes this ‘human’ experience can be so confusing. What we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, touch with our hands, seems so real. Our thoughts seem important. Significant. Yet they are all made up! We use theses to craft and create the illusion that is our Life. We are a jumbled mix of beliefs, attitudes, experiences and lessons absorbed at a young age, that we then use to filter and interpret the rest of our lives. Until at some point, hopefully, we begin to realize that so much of what we believe is real, doesn’t even add up or make sense. This filter we are using is outdated. It is as if as adults, we are still trying to wear an old overcoat from childhood as protection from the elements. It just doesn’t fit! On top of that, the things that are actually real; our emotions.., we have divided up into categories and assigned values to. Good or Bad. Right or Wrong. The ones we should always strive for and the ones that should be avoided at all costs. We seem to be missing the point. Our emotions are our fuel. They inform us. They help us navigate. They are our connection to our Soul and Spirit. ALL of THEM! Our anger, sadness, sorrow and despair are as important to experience as our happiness, contentment, joy and hopefulness. They all inform and influence...

A Thousand Miles

There are great quotes, messages or inspiring thoughts about how to approach a new project or goal, that at the start, might seem overwhelming. Such as “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” by the Chinese philosopher Laozi. However, right now it feels like that first step is so daunting, that I feel a bit frozen. I have been thinking about a new personal endeavor for awhile now. I have the bandwidth, desire and know what I want to create. I have some experience with portions of this new dream. I am not starting from scratch. Yet, even though what I want to tackle next, is perfectly aligned with what I am already doing. I am stalled. Treading water. Procrastinating. What do you suppose causes us to do this to ourselves? I know I am not the only one. I know many people who are actually contemplating major changes. The projects or goals they are being called to, require career, relationship, location or significant lifestyle changes. So in someways, I feel fortunate that what I am contemplating is not major in those ways. Those kinds of changes create the “unknown”. Something that most of us have some fear of. And yet I am resisting. In fact, I am making it much more challenging than it needs to be. I am the one turning it into a thousand mile journey! I wonder if my biggest resistance is about ‘intimacy’. As I try to find the words to write this down, I realize this new journey will require a new level of self-exploration. A deep-dive into beliefs,...

Breathe That In

“Breathe that in.” This is what I kept saying to myself last night as people were sharing their experience and feelings of/for Storm Wisdom…, and me. I thought about how many times I have said that to others. “Breathe that in.” Someone getting heartfelt acknowledgement or recognition for who they are or their impact on others.., and trying to bypass it, or move to the next topic. As good as hearing the words might feel, often we attempt to minimize them. Because receiving those kinds of compliments or words of praise are sometimes hard for us to receive. But to not take those words in is a dis-service to ourselves and to the person who is offering their sincere feedback. So I kept saying to myself “Breathe that in.” Why is this hard for so many of us? Actually, why is this so hard for me? It is not as if I am not proud of my role in what we have created. I am in awe and appreciation everyday. But my knee jerk reaction is to dismiss or diminish my impact. But last night, my mantra was “Breathe that in.” Here is the thing. What we have created is amazing. And when I say we.., I mean you too! Even if the only way we are connected is through this weekly newsletter or on social media… you are still part of this growing and evolving community. There is an energetic cord that connects us. Your energy helps us expand and thrive. Breathe that in! Then imagine if you are one of the many who come visit us, shop...

Sending Love to James

As I think about how to start this message, I realize that there are three different situations or areas of thought converging at the same time. First, friendship has been on my mind and part of the conversations I’ve been in, because of last week’s newsletter. The second thing is the upcoming anniversary of Storm Wisdom, which we will celebrate this coming Saturday (4/29). And the third is James Betz. I had a visit with James this week. It was not the goofy, playful kind of interaction I am use to when we get together. Instead it was somber and serious. About the time I was dreaming Storm Wisdom into being. An acquaintance who was aware of my focus, met James and found out he was in the process of opening the ‘AHH Center’ (Arizona Holistic Healing). She thought that there might be some opportunity for us to collaborate, as it seemed we were moving in the same direction. I called James to find out what he was up to.., and we agreed to meet. The truth is, we were trying to create different things, so we decided to keep going in our unique directions. But we also decided to support and help one another in any way we could. So early on, James was my biggest ally. He was a part of cleaning up and preparing the space that would eventually become Storm Wisdom. 8 years ago when we opened, James was one of the first Spiritual Consultants (along with Gisela and Victoria) to see clients at the store. He was there every Sunday for a year and...

Friendship – You Light Me Up

Friendships can be such a blessing in our lives. But one of the things I have been contemplating this week is how limiting that word is. It is like the word ‘love’. In English we use the word love to describe so many things… as if we love pizza the same way we love our spouse or family. Or how we feel about our friends in comparison to a TV show. Like love, friendships have many layers and levels. For me, it would be nice if there were more options to choose from. An acquaintance feels to distant unless your talking about the checkout person in the grocery store or the guy who rotates your tires once a year. It isn’t always about how long you’ve been friends. Some people you connect with as soon as you meet. Others seem to evolve over time. And yet tenure in a relationship has it’s own significance. I saw a clip on a program I was watching where the fortune from a cookie read “Today’s friend is tomorrow’s family”. Not everyone we know will be resilient enough to hang with all the shifts and changes we go through in a lifetime. Some will disappear to never reappear. And yet everyone of them represents an important part of our journey… Regardless of how long or how short. The whole “reason, season or lifetime” analogy. I am sure this is on my mind because of our 8th Anniversary Celebration that is coming up soon. It stimulates memories of the early days when we first opened and it was pretty much me and my mother...

Bankruptcy – Something to be Grateful For

This is not something that I have shared with many people, mostly because it is really a private matter, but 5 years ago I filed for bankruptcy. I don’t usually talk about my finances with a lot of people, just because it doesn’t come up naturally in conversation. And in someways, since it is not something I ever imagined I would have to do, it feels a bit embarrassing. Or at least it did. But the reason I want to share it with you now is because I just completed 5 years of monthly payments and filing of “operating statements” for my business as a requirement of the terms. April 5th it was complete (or discharged in their language). And I am so grateful! On one hand it feels like those five years went by really quickly. On the other, it feels like it lasted forever. And to be clear, I am thankful it is over and the payments are done. But I am also grateful for the many gifts it brought me. It forced me to be even more intimate with my own business. It inspired me to fight for and keep our home. It also allowed me to transition from corporate life to that of a small business owner and entrepreneur. It was hard at times and always a stretch. And yet there are ways, that now in hindsight, I realize it has helped me to create a new foundation in my life. As a business owner whose business is almost 8 years old, to not have access to investment money or credit, has been a challenging...

The Beauty of Community

Yesterday Fito and I went to a fundraising event for ‘The Joy Bus’. It was a great afternoon, supporting a worthwhile cause, in a beautiful setting. One of the things that I really enjoyed was being immersed in community. Building community is part of our mission. It is important to know where to lean into when you are feeling alone or challenged. To be connected to like-hearted people who support you right where you are. And yesterday, I was reminded that community is an important motivator for gratitude and an important source of beauty. I felt surrounded and supported by a web of community. Each one of us connected in multiple ways. Each one in our own unique ways. The idea of six degrees of separation actually feels small and intimate when you are part of an organic gathering. There is such beauty in community. One of the things I witnessed several times was how easily others will connect into the web of community. Especially when they already feel a kinship or bond with someone who is part of the group. Maybe that is about trust. Perhaps we feel a sense of safety, when someone we are already aligned with creates an introduction. What I know is that there is a different energy that occurs when individuals gather.., and it is easier when there is already a sense of connectedness. I teach about creating Crystal Grids as intention setting or as a meditative practice. One of the most powerful things about working with Crystal Grids is the synergy that is created as crystals and intentions are added to a...

Stay Present – Going with the Flow

Life is very interesting these days. So much is happening and it has a tendency to feel busy. Yet it also feels a bit more calm. So the question is… which is more mellow.., life or me? There are a lot of crazy-making situations or circumstances everywhere. But they don’t seem to be triggering or getting me hooked. Instead, I seem to be “going with the flow”! Which although this is something I aspire to.., I am not always that good at! I seem to want to predict, manipulate or (attempt to) control outcomes! ‘Going with the flow’ frequently happens by accident! At least for me. What I am noticing lately is I am more willing to wait and see what naturally wants to happen. When something new begins to emerge, instead of rushing to reveal it, I wait. The same is true when something appears to be coming to conclusion. Instead of either trying to delay the end, or accelerate it. I simply reduce my attachment and see what happens. As I reflect on this I wish I could say I planned it this way or it has been my focus. But that feels inauthentic. Instead, it is as if because I have intended and valued ‘going with the flow’ long enough – it is becoming an easier place for me to access and hang out! In the past, when I experienced these periods of alignment or connection with my values and beliefs, I would worry that they wouldn’t last. But as I think about them now, it feels different. It is not about ‘going with the flow’...

Bathed in Beauty

Beauty is anything that gives us a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. One of the most amazing things about the inspiring and thought provoking effects of beauty is that it can be completely unique and different for each one of us. Our experience of, or what we find beautiful morphs and evolves over time. Spending a bit of time contemplating beauty can be a very eye-opening experience. Recognizing the beauty we are drawn to, frequently provide a quick realization of where we are in our personal transformation. And when I say beauty I mean people, place and things…, and also, the energetics of beauty. How something feels, even if what we experience with our five physical senses would not normally lend itself to that description. But then again.., as they say – “Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder”. I love how personal beauty is. I love how it opens and expands us. Like a piece of art that speaks to your soul. Whether because of the imagery, texture, colors, history or temperature of a piece. It can stimulate and trigger our imagination. Send us into dreamtime or fantasy. Or perhaps it soothes or awakens something inside of us. Beauty has the potential to trigger a vast array of experiences for us.., while at the same time creating the space for us to simply be. These are some of the reasons I think ‘surrounding yourself in beauty’ is one of the most potent principles of Intentional Living. Beauty has the potential to transform us instantaneously. We have all had the experience of being stopped in our tracks...

Taking My Hands off the Controls – Emotional Dexterity

This past week I hosted our annual staff appreciation dinner! Every year we gather to celebrate the year that has past and to look forward to the one in front of us. Every year the same thing happens for me. I am filled with gratitude. And as much as gratitude is a part of my life, I realize I also have it connected to a control switch. Meaning, if it feels like I am too grateful, it will trigger something that disrupts my gratitude. Or, that if I am grateful all the time.., my gratitude is diminished. So I attempt to keep my gratitude dialed into an acceptable range! Oh my… Now mind you, this is not all the time. But I catch myself doing it frequently enough that it puzzles me. I know better! Of all the generating energies we can embody, gratitude is probably the most potent. When we embrace and lean into our gratitude it expands and so does our ability to imagine, envision and create. So the more we are aligned with our gratitude, the easier it is to manifest and actualize our goals and desires. So why would I want to limit or control my gratitude? It makes me think about another situation that has me question the value of many spiritual teachings. The “I only experience Love” phenomenon. As if being able to feel and express only one emotion should be a goal. It kinda creeps me out. Saying “I only feel love” is like saying “I am always in neutral”. The real growth and expansion we seek is achieved by learning to...

Give Your Inner Critic a Break

For the second week in a row I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy, someone I admire, sharing their unique view of spirituality and mindfulness. This time it was Sarah McLean, founder of the McLean Meditation Institute in Sedona, Hay House Author and friend. She was sharing some of the motivation, experiences and insights that influenced her latest book ‘The Power of Attention’. I was reminded once again why I have always been so inspired by her methods for teaching and leading meditation. It is always based in self-care and compassion. Just hearing her speak again was a reminder that a meditation practice is not about getting it right or perfecting it. It is about how meditation is a gift that we give ourselves. It is about taking care of ourselves. Meditation has many scientifically based benefits…, and it shifts our resourcefulness as we navigate the rest of our lives. It does this by helping us respond to whatever life throws our way, versus just reacting to it. It made me realize when I think of Intentional Living and the principal “Take Care of Yourself” – I always seem to focus on things such as the food we consume, exercise, rest, and/or minimizing stressful situations. Even though I think of meditation as a great way to de-stress, I leave out the part about being more self-loving. Self supportive. Especially when it comes to those pesky internal messages or criticisms. I was reminded once again how critical and harsh the messages I give myself can be. How my expectations, for how and what I do, seem so high, and the self-judgments...

Setting Healthy Boundaries – Giving Myself Permission

It’s Sunday and I am at Susanne Wilson’s “Mediumship for Non-Mediums” event at the Embassy Suites in Paradise Valley. The room is full and the energy level is high. The first part of the morning was an introduction to Mediumship and covered information on what is happening in the field. This includes scientific research, evidence studies and new (and old) thoughts on the expansion of our connection with loved ones on the other side. Dr Gary Schwartz shared some of what he is working on that he calls “Soul Phone” which is about introducing technology to the field with the intention of creating a way to share messages between the physical world and spirit. Two-way messages. Yet what really struck me this morning has to do with the Intentional Living principle of “Setting Healthy Boundaries”. What I realized, as I was listening to Susanne, is that sometimes the setting of new boundaries, is really about expanding or pushing the boundary further than perhaps what we have allowed before. I tend to think of setting boundaries as part of the work of self-care. It is often about preventing others from taking advantage or crossing a line that we ourselves would not cross. So this was an eye opening awareness. Death is experienced in as many different ways as there are people on the planet. It is something that we all know is inevitable…, yet it also often creates a great deal of discomfort. Many of us do not really think about what happens after death until we experience a personal loss. Then, even if we have a vague idea of...

Follow the Energy – It’s All Yours

I belong to a small group that meets once a month to provide support and insight to each other. It never ceases to amaze me how often our processes seem to mirror one another. The circumstances and situations maybe different, but way we are experiencing them is uncanny. We had a great conversation this past week that has really stuck with me about ‘following the energy’. I think what we realized through this dialog was that we are really good at following the energy when it is what we want to do. While things are going the way we want them to. However, as soon as it seems different from what we expect or imagine… the first thing we do is try and change or alter the flow of energy. In other words… we begin to fight against it. Even as the conversation was unfolding, someone experienced a visual metaphor of floating down a river. Everything is great, but then we are suddenly locked in on something or view a different possibility as a distraction. The flow has changed but we are still trying to keep our momentum going. Even if that now means swimming upstream or toward the shore. We want to move in a different direction than the current naturally wants to flow. I think for me personally this is very true when there is a bend or obstacle in the river that prevents me from seeing what is ahead. I want to shift my vantage point and try and get a better view, so I know how to prepare. As if I am going to be...

Honor Your Uniqueness – A Cosmic Puzzle Piece

I am shockingly human! In many ways creating and living a fulfilling life comes easily to me. At other times I struggle with mundane upsets and challenges. Turning them into major obstacles that I tend to chew on for a while! Then I remember that these obstacles are all part of having the full life experience we are meant have. We are not here (on planet Earth) to be perfect. We are here to be perfectly imperfect. There is no time or place that we suddenly reach, where we are in a fully enlightened state and our emotions are all bliss and ecstasy. That is a fallacy. It is a beautiful aspiration and I believe it is worth it to get close. Yet it is like “Unconditional Love”. We aspire to not only give and receive unconditionally , but it is almost impossible to achieve because we are human! We only reach Nirvana once we give up our physical form! We are wired with beliefs and biases that filter everything we experience. Every relationship, opportunity, and/or situation is experienced via the unique lenses through which we view the world. Our emotions are real and we create them for a reason. They are the energy source that fuels our expansion and growth. I have spent to much time and energy trying to change my emotions. To make them something they are not. To contain, limit or control those that are uncomfortable. When instead it would have been much more effective to experience them as the rich resource that they are. Even when they feel heavy or make me feel vulnerable....

Stay Present – Created by the Future

One of the spiritual concepts that sometimes gets my mind all twisted up is that the future creates the present! For many years it seemed to me that our pasts were what determined the present. But not so! Our pasts influence and flavor our present. This happens all the time, especially when we are not being conscious. Beliefs, behaviors, habits, preferences, etc., all influence how we experience the present. But it is the future that creates the present moment. Of course we align ourselves with probable futures by allowing our imagination to feed images and ideas to them. (oftentimes based on past experiences!). Like I said, it can all get a little convoluted or confusing. But here is my current example. I decided to start teaching again. This time the focus is on the principles of ‘Intentional Living’. At Storm Wisdom we live and breathe these principles everyday. However, just recently I have been inspired to share these concepts and philosophies. To create conversation and dialog around them so that we might take them a little deeper. I had not said anything to anyone about where we will begin.., but I’ve known I wanted to start with the principle of ‘Owning Your Authority’. There are several reasons this particular starting point feels right. But I didn’t feel the need to predefined this. The conversation will go where it wants to go… I trust that. However, what is coming up for me is that by simply choosing that as a starting point, I am now being inundated by experiences around what it means to own my own authority. The actual...

Follow The Energy – It’s Who We Are Becoming

I confess I’m not sure where to start. How much backstory to give. How many details are important up front… or if any are. So here goes. Sometimes when our bodies are sick and we are in physical pain or discomfort… it has little to do with the dis-ease we are experiencing. Instead it is about us becoming more of who we really are. It is easy to be distracted by the symptoms, especially when there are aches and pain. Take any illness or diagnosis that puts us out flat and really most of our energy goes to feeling well again. It is hard to be introspective and to look for the silver-lining when you feel like shit. However, sometimes when we don’t feel well, or feel like ourselves, it is because we are becoming a new version of ourselves. The next version of who we are becoming. Some of us, get this awareness by watching someone else deal with the aches and pains. This is where I have been. I have watched my husband battle and deal with an illness and dis-ease in his body for almost a month now. It has been challenging for both of us in very different ways. For him it is tactical… How and what to do to feel better and get back to normal. For me it has been more strategic. Where is this leading him? How does it shift and change him? In my worldview, we are constantly shifting and changing who we are. Sometimes with ease, sometimes through hard-knocks. Sometimes we pursue the shifts, other times they just seem to...

Take Care of Yourself – Put Your Mask on First

Well this new year.., a 1 year no less, which is about new beginnings, is starting out kind of intensely! That doesn’t mean it lacks the sense or feeling of being a fresh start. But, wow. Not the way I imagined! In many ways I feel fortunate, because the most intense parts I have been more of a witness to or participant of. Not the focus of the challenge! But at the same time, I have had to constantly remind myself to be checking in with where I am. What I need to do to keep taking care of myself. I think this happens to a lot of us. We have partners, kids, parents, friends, clients or co-workers who are going through tough stuff. As a result what we are experiencing is altered too! We are empathetic and compassionate beings for the most part. So even when we think it is someone else who is confronting a major challenge, illness or obstacle; frequently it affects us too! Maybe not as severely.., but there is impact. It is easy to divert our focus or attention away from our own needs, when someone we love or care about needs our support/care. In fact, many of us were raised in family, cultural or societal situations that demanded we take care of others first. We are programmed to put other people’s needs in front of our own. Now there is nothing I would do different in terms of the support I have been providing since the first of the year. But I have also had to constantly remind myself to check-in and take...

Emotional Dexterity – Lost While on Track

I have a huge appreciation for the spiritual journey I have been on and all of it’s gifts. And I still find myself questioning how to incorporate it more fully into my daily existence. Many people think that meditation, yoga or other mind-body-spirit practices are done for the experiences you have while developing or participating in the practice itself. But the truth is, it is much more about how they affect or alter us as we go about our daily lives. I spend a good deal of time thinking about how to live my life in a more intentional way. In fact it is a big part of how and why I do what I do. How and why I would create a business like Storm Wisdom. YET.., this doesn’t mean everything is easy! There I times I really feel off track, or wonder if I have learned anything at all. The last couple of weeks has been like that for me. My beloved has been sick for two weeks. He is dealing with shifting and moving symptoms. We focus on one area of illness only to have it replaced with another. We get insight, information, direction and diagnosis/treatment on one thing and then something else takes its place. It is really hard to watch. It is really hard to know what to do next. And although he is much better than he was, he is still not feeling back to himself… and in fact today, is having similar symptoms as he had when this all first started on New Years Day. WTH!! I have been thinking a lot...

Personal Authority – The Right Direction

There is a lot of chaos in the world right now. Things that seemed stable and sure now feel mailable or appear to be dissolving. Institutions, organization, corporations and political or governing bodies that were trusted are now regularly viewed as corrupt or lacking integrity. People are looking for change, but are unsure where to find it. At the same time there is a sense that change is constant. As a result people are worried, anxious, scared or simply unsure what to do next. They wonder how to get back that feeling of being stable or sure. To once again have a sense of direction. It seems to me that one of the reasons we find ourselves in these situations is because we have given away our authority. Many of us abdicated our responsibility for authoring and crafting our own lives to those who we thought were more capable, educated, elected, etc., etc. Banks told us how to invest money. Doctors told us how to cure symptoms. Churches told us how to behave if we wanted a relationship with God. Government told us they would keep us safe. Corporations told us how to dress, what to drive and how to be successful. Any and all of these started out well intentioned. But as we gave them more authority for our lives, their roles became distorted. We believed they had the answers. Over time we gave them so much control over our lives that it seemed they knew us better than we know ourselves. But as we gifted them with more control over our lives, it morphed into “power over”....

Honor Your Uniqueness

We call ourselves “A Center for Intentional Living. There’s a reason for that! In the midst of an often hectic world, it can be easy to lose sight of the things that really matter. We live in a time where we are surrounded by images, sound bytes and messages that purport to tell us how we should look and act. What we should own, wear or desire if we want to be hip, successful or current. Our goal is to create a place where you can step off the treadmill of life for a moment and reconnect with your own personal truth. What matters to you. So that when you reengage with the daily ups and downs of life, you have a stronger sense of Self. You are intentional about creating exactly what you want! This is, after all, our only life where these particular circumstances, opportunities and experiences will ever manifest in this form. This amazingly unique lifetime! One of the challenges we all face is embracing our own Uniqueness. This is partially because we live in this time where we are bombarded at the earliest age with messages about what we should have or do if we want to be fun or cool. We are told in subtle but constant ways what we should strive for, etc. Technology makes this kind of mass and targeted marketing easy. Prior to the 1970s, marketing was geared toward mothers. With the idea or understanding that every mother wants what is best for their child. Very little money was spent marketing directly to kids. Now it is a multi-billion dollar industry!...

Right Time, Right Place

I spent the day setting up the store for our big End-of-Year Sale. This means looking at everything in the store and deciding markdowns, clearance and/or discounts for the the wide variety of products we carry. It is a bit of a labor intensive process, because not only do I have to find ways to label and mark things. It usually means moving them as well. For me, it is a time of intimacy. I don’t go in thinking that, but it always happens. There is a way that while the business is ‘Open’.., it becomes a moving machine. Many different parts all working together to create a (hopefully) seamless experience for all who walk through the door. Because there are several different aspects to this business(retail, events, intuitive services, product development, and room rental), they all have to be integrated and coordinated together as well. Requiring constant communication and hand-offs between the amazing people who work there. BUT on the one or two days a year that the Center is closed and I am there by myself (actually my friend James is usually there too helping me out!), I have an opportunity to connect in a deeper way with everything there. Move it, clean it, mark it, re-stage it, etc. It’s more than that though. It is also the fixtures, computers, carpet and flooring, and everything else. It is the memories of so many experiences that date back to the earliest days of this business. Without the need to engage with anyone, I can easily get lost in remembering when, where and how this all came to be....

Life can be a Roller Coaster

Turmoil. Chaos. Challenge. Possibility. Confusion. Hope. Wonder. Worry. Focus. Resignation. This list could go on and on. It represents some of the stages of the emotional roller coaster ride I feel like I have been on for awhile. Sometimes this feel intense and personal. Other times it seems like it is simply the energies of our time. So many people I know (and I include myself here!) feel like things are changing so quickly, that they can’t find their footing. Perhaps they have a strong awareness of the direction they want to go, but the way is blocked. Others who are normally decisive, are finding it hard to make a choice. There are so many ways these complex times are affecting us. And by affecting, I mean internally and externally. In fact for many, it seems the external world has gone crazy… For others, the people, situations and circumstances around them, are the same. They just don’t fit with them the way they use to. For me, it has been a time of reviewing and either re-choosing or releasing my beliefs. As an example, I believe everything happens for a reason. Whatever happens is for us and not to us. We are the authors of our own lives. So what happens when so many things around me feels like the opposite of what I would choose? This is where I have been hanging out. These are the thoughts I am contemplating. A lot! And the words I keep repeating over and over are Gandhi’s quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Never have these words...

Stop Whining

I like to think of myself as a positive upbeat guy. My goal is to see the good in life. Embrace situations for what they are and what they offer. I live with the motto everything that happens is ‘for us’ not ‘to us’. But boy, do I have an active internal whiner! When I get this way, I am not usually aware of it right away. Instead, I let it go on for awhile. I imagine I am trudging uphill in lead boots. Everything seems like an effort and the things I am trying to create seem elusive. Nothing seems to be working out! At least not the way I want them to. Somewhere along the way I begin to whine. Not necessarily to others.., but definitely to myself. Oh crap, who am I kidding… I whine to others as well. It is not my intention.., but when we are feeling something on the inside.., it is usually seeping out somewhere. I think I am a master at hiding these things! In fact for years I prided myself on my ability to perform for others. That somehow I could be all things to all people. If you can relate, then you know that type performance is all about “control”. One of the biggest illusions in life… control. So my whining has been seeping out. I am sure. The thing about whining is it gets old. It gets boring. It eventually becomes less subtle and even I have to acknowledge that ‘whining’ is where I have been hanging out! Damn it! So now that I am aware of this...

Being Human

I know that what we think about we create. I know that worrying about something is like envisioning something you don’t actually want. I know that our attitude affects the people, situations, and experiences we attract. I get all of that.., and I still can’t help doing an emotional dance with worry or fear. We are human. One of our primary opportunities here on earth is learning fluidity with our emotions. All of them. Not just the pretty ones. We can be up, hopeful and loving in one moment. Then find ourselves is anger or frustration the next. This is foundational to the human experience. Our emotions are real. It is not about avoiding any of the emotions. It is about experiencing them and deciding how that experience influences our next choice. How they alter our direction or perhaps perspective. They inform us. The problem is when they control us. When whatever emotion(s) we are experiencing become more important than our internal knowing. When they are so loud or persistent that they drown out the subtle voice of our own higher guidance. I usually feel like I am pretty good at seeing the patterns or pitfalls of particular emotions. I can trace the origin back to previous situations or similar circumstances. Or there is always the future-thinking that has the potential to trigger various emotions. But lately I feel kind of locked in. Like I have no option or choice about the emotions I hangout with. As a result I have been feeling ‘off’. At times I am aware this is what is happening and that at any moment...

Feeling Alone in a Crowd

Have you ever had that feeling of being all alone, while you are standing in a crowded room? I have been having that sensation a bit lately. At first it is a little unsettling. It is as if everything around me is moving at an altered speed. Sometimes slower, but oftentimes faster, than it seems, I am. When this happens, it really gives me pause. I find I must check-in with myself. I have to do a quick assessment to determine if there is something wrong or off. You know.., the sensation of being alone is often associated with being lonely. Do I feel lonely in the midst of family and/or friends? It is not that. In fact I realize I still feel and can find my connection to those around me. I don’t feel disconnected from them. Yet I feel cocooned in their midst. I am there, but instead of being a participant, I am an observer of everything going on around me. I realize that I am not only ‘not lonely’ – I am actually in a state of non-emotion. I am detached. One with everything, but also separate from all of it. In a state of observation. And just like that, the awareness or experience of observation is over, and I am right back in the midst of all that is going on! For many of us, learning to be the observer of ourselves has been a big part of our spiritual evolution. Seeing how we respond to situations, people or events in our lives. Seeing the patterns, beliefs or attitudes our responses reveal is what...

Grateful for Community

It is hard to imagine we are already here.., the week of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Holiday Season. The first part of the year seemed to pass at a normal pace. But since September it feels like we are leap-frogging the weeks. I am having a strange relationship with this year. 2016 is a 9 year in numerology. A year of completion. For most of this year I have had this sense of something new and fresh being close at hand. It has been so visceral at times that it felt like it could be any moment. And yet, that is all it has been. A sense of something new close at hand. Nothing ‘new’ has emerged. At least not in the way I have been feeling it. Now that this year is coming to an end, perhaps that was more what this was all about. The completion of what has been. Perhaps the the New Year will offer something more tangible, then just the “feeling” of something different, since 2017 will be a 1 year in numerology. We’ll see! What I can tell you about this year is that I feel more and more like a part of a community. When I opened Storm Wisdom over 7 years ago, I did not have a spiritual community that I was a part of here locally. I had (and still have) a great spiritual family, they just lived all over the world. Now, I am surrounded by loving and supportive people like you who help me feel connected and anchored right here. At a moment’s notice someone reaches...

When One Door Closes

I wonder if sometimes our greatest periods of growth come when we ‘give up’? I am a thinker. I analyze, evaluate, plot and plan. And sometimes, none of it works out. In fact, sometimes it is as if the exact opposite of what I was strategizing seems to manifest. My mind can’t fathom how I got things so wrong. Suddenly, it simply gives up! That is how I am feeling right now or at least I’m close. There are still a few how can I “save the day” scenarios running through my mind. But they are feeble at best. In truth, I’m at the point of “What’s the point?” And in the dense mist of fog that surrounds these energies of giving up; I hear a faint whisper. A subtle almost imperceptible voice that is calling me to be present. To forget the planning and future-tripping. A susurration that invites me to experience this moment. A clarion call for nothingness. And in those moments when that peaceful guidance from within can be heard, I am reminded that each and every experience, whether I view it as a challenge or an opportunity, is all mine. It is for me. It is a gift of this human experience and it is here to serve me. Those plans, ideas or dreams that have begun to deteriorate were not for my highest good. Even when they felt perfect and aligned. It was the dreaming of them that was important, not the reality. Or perhaps they represent something that wants to materialize, before (or after!) it’s time. Letting them go, allowing the internal destroyer...

Checked Out

I have had to really pull back and disconnect from the news, media and constant visual and auditory assault from corporate marketing. “Had to” may sound strong, but I believe there is truth in that for me. I had to for my own sanity and to connect with what feels right and true for me. Not what someone else wants me to think, do, wear, drive or vote for. I did this a few years ago during a week long silent retreat. I had rented a remote cabin with no TV, radio, internet or phone. I wasn’t doing it to break the habit or pattern of following the news and constant marketing. However I found that by shutting it off, I no longer was as stressed-out; in a state of emotional turmoil; or just plain angry, scared or fearful all the time! And I am someone who doesn’t normally think I am that easily hooked. But a week without the noise revealed a lot! We are bombarded by messages, memes images and positions from people who have a vested interest in separating us. Making us feel like we are missing something, under attack or losing something. Aligning or classifying us into assorted demographics. We are more easily influenced and manipulated when we are off balance. Off our center. And controlling and directing the message, side or perspective has become an blended combination of art and science. Everything has been taken into consideration. The color, font, image, sound, light, environment, clothing, size, shape, taste and more. We are saturated with marketing that influences our every choice. Some subtle.., but a...

My Latest Shit-Storm

Look around and see what the 3D world is trying to reflect back to you. What is happening in the external world that is trying to inform your inner world. There is always something the Universe is trying to share with us. In my case there is a shit-storm happening! The plaza where Storm Wisdom is located is under siege with major plumbing problems that are part of the original construction. 40+ year old pipes that are disintegrating. Old sewage that is backing up. Restricted flow of water. Stench that seeps up from out of nowhere. The plumbing issues affecting the plaza where Storm Wisdom is located highlight the critical importance of reliable and well-maintained infrastructure. While the plumbing problems are being addressed by commercial plumbers, it is equally crucial to ensure that other essential systems like electrical, grouting, and roofing services are inspected and maintained to prevent any potential complications. Collaborating with reputable service providers in these fields can help mitigate risks and ensure the overall functionality and safety of the plaza. When selecting professionals for these services, it is beneficial to consider the experiences and expertise of companies by checking richtek reviews, which provide valuable insights into the quality of their work. By prioritizing regular maintenance and timely interventions across multiple aspects of the plaza’s infrastructure, a sustainable and efficient environment can be maintained, promoting the well-being of businesses and individuals in the area. This has been going on for a few weeks, but is culminating now. Commercial Plumbers have been onsite for over a week with jackhammers, shovels, temporary pipes or tubes. Blocked off parking. Overflowing...

Time to Soar

Everyone always asks me “How’s it going?” at Storm Wisdom. My reply is almost always the same – “Good. Things are good.” But lately as I say it… I realize it always feels as if we are just getting by. We are making it. “Making it” or “getting by” is really hard sometimes. Mind you I am not complaining. Well not too much anyway! I am thrilled that a business that is 7 years old is still paying the bills. But in my mind, I always imagined that by this point in the evolution of my business I would be feeling the freedom of growth, expansion and increased income. I imagined I would create all forms of abundance. You see Storm Wisdom has helped me create a TON of abundance. Expanded family, friends and clients. Experiences. Beauty, magic and mystery. I also know myself at a much deeper level. Which for someone who is committed to expansion and understanding , this is a big, darn deal. But I don’t want to stop there. I don’t want to stop where we are. I want to expand, expand, expand in all the ways that expansion is possible. I want to see my community expand as well. I am not in it for me alone. I want us all to expand. To be and have as much as we can possibly receive. I feel like I am ready. And yet, there is still a veil between me and the next level of whatever I am creating. Is it that there are still lessons I need to learn on this plateau? Is there...

It’s All Energy Baby!

I am feeling a bit self-absorbed these days. If you read my blog-post last week you know I’m kicking off a new phase of my life. There was something about turning 58 that really had me stop and think. It is now or never. It will never be any easier. And.., the timing just feels right. At the same time, making a bunch of lifestyle changes all at once requires focus and attention. So it seems all I do these days is think about me. Aspects that are changing. What’s my plan for the rest of the day. The emotions and thoughts that are triggered by doing something new or skipping something old. I am only a couple of weeks into making the first round of shifts and changes, and I already want it to be complete. I am trying to figure out how to normalize it and make it “easy”. My confidence, willpower and determination are all over the map. Sometimes they feel rock solid. Other times they feel like they are running out of fuel. Up and down like a roller coaster. But maybe that is how it is suppose to be. Whenever we are doing personal/spiritual growth work we are changing our vibration. What we are really talking about is shifting our energetic field. Changing the frequency we operate in or emit. There is a concurrence that happens between the old and the new. It takes time for the thoughts, patterns, beliefs and feeling that are no longer harmonious with the new state of being to begin to diminish. Their dissonance is revealed. Some of course...

You Can’t Have it ALL (or can you?)

I’m back! First, a huge THANK YOU to Vikki Reed for filling in for me and sharing her unique gift of writing and art. I enjoyed each of the gems she shared and I hope you did too! Hopefully you signed up for her blog as well. She really knows how to stay present and share her truth in a very authentic and vulnerable way. Thanks Vikki! I had an amazing time while I was away! Fito and I took a crystal polishing and cutting class with the amazing Lawerence Stoller and his team (Ingrid and Tim!) up in Bend Oregon. Two and a half days of being submerged in the world of beauty and magic. So fun! Then I surprised my family and friends in Maine by dropping in for a visit. I got to meet a couple of great-nieces.. one a year old, the other just over a month. Saw two great-nephews with matching arm casts. I hung out with my sisters and their families – doing a lot of eating! Lobster Rolls!! Yum! My mom (Ruthie) was visiting Maine too. So we were both fortunate to experience the changing leaves of New England! Truly a natural wonder! Vacations are great and this one was extra juicy! And now I am back! It feels great, but it also feels odd and weird. It’s an exciting and scary time. It is another time of change. I have decided to write more. And, I have decided to share it even though it feels even more personal than these weekly musings. The inspiration to do this came out of the...

Still Center

In times that the world feels increasingly chaotic, I notice my tendency to reach for more reassurance from outer circumstances. Are my family and friends okay? Can I pay my bills? Is my job secure? Are my emails answered, errands done? Is my community safe? But wait! What about the state of the election, violence, global warming, terrorism, the refugee crisis, oh no! It is then remembered for the millionth time that the peace I seek can only be found by going within. I will find that I have been compromising the practices that I KNOW help me, meditation, Qi Gong, mandala creation, in order to accomplish more tasks, fulfill more responsibilities, cross more off my to-do list. Why is this journey to the inner realm resisted when it can offer such relief? I’ll admit that there are invariably some shadows and cobwebs encountered on the way in, the residue of difficult emotions that have been ignored and need acknowledgement. There is a misguided preference for the familiar, yet confining feel of my small self, avoiding the exhilarating, abundant, but strangely unsettling nature of my expanded Self. Persistence in the practice of centering, however, is always rewarded. The “Still Center” mandala began in an unusual way, from the exterior edge (I always start in the center). First featured are hearts, protected by little spikes, followed by spirals. Scrolls, diamonds and ovals cascade to the center, where an Om symbol resides, representing the soul itself, as well as ultimate reality and the entirety of the universe. Working the mandala in this way helped transition me from outer chaos to inner...

More Questions Than Answers

I love having the answers. From the time I was a young student in grammar school, it was exciting to be called on and hear the teacher say, “That’s correct!” It felt so gratifying and affirming to know, to be right. As I grew successively into the roles of employee, artist, wife, mother, friend and confidant, it was a source of pride for me that people in my life often came to me for guidance in times of trial. Knowing who I was, what to do, and be able to offer help to others satisfied me and gave me a sense of purpose. The shift began in 2000 and everything changed. My marriage failed, my creative expression evolved and became more challenging, relationships crumbled, my confidence eroded rapidly. I began my quest in earnest for healing, a deeper spiritual connection, in essence to find out what was “wrong” with me. In the 15 years that followed, my life has undergone, shall we say, a heavy remodel, basically, demolition to the very foundation. I have viewed this less often as an opportunity and more as tragic loss after loss. Creating mandalas, such as “More Questions Than Answers, Not Simply Black and White”, has been my way to make peace with my experience. Meeting with Charles just last Wednesday, he offered the suggestion that I teach. I replied that I felt empty, not knowing, without the answers that I assume everyone is seeking. He said, “What if you invited people into your process and let them see your search?” This syncs up perfectly with the vulnerability practice I have been studying....

More Space Means Less Stress

It is time to start developing our relationship with ‘space’.., and here’s why. We are experiencing great shifts and changes on the planet right now. There is a rebalance and harmonization that is occurring. Many things that use to be consistent and reliable are feelings questionable and unsure. Many things that worked easily in the past now require great effort. Usually with less satisfactory results. We are changing. We too are finding a new balance. A balance between doing and being. Feminine and masculine. A different connection or relationship between our hearts and minds. A blending of our unfamiliar intuitive senses and our physical senses. Many of our relationships are up for review. Some getting stronger and more significant, while others are slipping away. We are rebalancing as a part of the normal evolution of humanity and human consciousness. What that means to those who are paying attention is that, those circumstances, situations, institutions and/or relationships that feel out of balance are harder to tolerate. They grate on our nerves and senses. They push us away specifically because of the clumsiness of the imbalance. And all of this is forcing us to find new ways of navigating. The paths that use to be the most reliable routes to our favorite destinations are blocked, hidden or filled with new challenges. So even if we choose one of those routes, we must remain mindful and alert each step of the way. It may get us there.., but only if we remain conscious and prepared to adjust or course correct because of unforeseen obstacles or barriers. This is where building a new...

What’s the Point

I am having one of those “What’s the point?” kind of moments. And truth be told, this question has come up a few times recently. I guess it is something I need to pay attention to! Let me give you a couple of current examples. The presidential election, the DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline), mandatory vaccinations, immigration and climate change. Each one of these topics and events are pressing and visible in our country right now. Each one is polarizing. Each one has people taking sides. There are multiple perspectives that exist along an extensive continuum. Both for and against. Pros and cons. And I am just like everyone else! Trying to get my voice heard amongst all the noise and drama. Adding my two cents into the mix, trying to slide the weight of the issue toward the side of the spectrum that feels most aligned with my personal view. Trying to influence others around me toward that which feel ‘right’ to me. But why? What is the point? Do we actually shift or change the outcome of these situations by defending, promoting or stating our opinions or perspectives? Is anyone actually even open to shifting or changing perspectives? Or are we all just tooting our own horns to hear ourselves speak? To know, confirm or remind ourselves of what we already believe. There is a HUGE part of me that is afraid of what the outcome of these situations means for humanity and the planet. That by being quiet I am contributing to the demise of our human and personal rights, the planet and our sustainability, and our...


This past week I had a dream about the metal sculpture that is right inside our front door at Storm Wisdom. It is a work of kinetic/assemblage art created by an artist out of Utah. If you have been to the center, you have probably noticed it. On the one hand it has a very industrial look because of the 8.5′ collage of found metal, steel and iron that forms the structure of the piece. At the same time, it also has a very light and airy modern feel to it because it hosts an acrylic clear tube. The tube is filled with water which bubbles constantly because of the built-in air pump. The tube is lit by an LED bulb that makes the entire tube radiate at night! About a month before I opened Storm Wisdom (over 7 years ago!) I went to an exhibit at Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale. I wasn’t really in the market for a piece of art, but I have always admired Jason (the owner) and his eye for art. So I was there to support him and the gallery. Of course as soon as I saw this piece, I immediately associated it with the transformation my life was going through at the time. The heavy, intertwined, dense and stable structure of the steel represented the corporate world I had been apart of and was in the process of leaving behind. The radiant bubbling elements of water, air, fire, and earth that was symbolized by the more streamlined and fluid acrylic tube mirrored the new world of spirituality and intentionality I was stepping into....

An Emotional Teeter-totter!

I am teetering between absolute hope and uncomfortable doubt. The vacillating between these two emotional perspectives sometimes leaves me perched somewhere in the middle. A place of almost no movement. A neutral zone where both possibilities exist and hold sway when given attention or weight. I read a short message from someone who has been a promoter of the awakening spiritual journey for some time now. Suddenly they are questioning everything. They feel betrayed by their beliefs in the ongoing journey of mankind to something more harmonious than what we have been able to muster in the last few thousand years. They doubt whether it is possible for us to save ourselves before the complete destruction of sustainable life (for humans!) on this planet. They are questioning their faith in their spirituality and their guiding principles. It is all up for grabs for them. Their message puts my own doubts on the loudspeaker. Their message resonates with the part of me that does not trust our ability to shift from war, greed, anger and despair to co-creation, co-existence, compassion and care. The journey between these two polarities seems so far apart. When I allow this aspect of myself to hold my attention, there is plenty of fodder in our news cycles to confirm our spiral downwards and commitment to violence and destruction. Still.., there is another part of me that believes we are at a crucial turning point. A tipping point that represents the final stage of our need for separation. Where we realize that our true differences has little to do with the color of our skin, gender,...

The New / Next Version of You

“In order to move into this next level of consciousness, you are being squeezed through yet another birth canal right now.” – Sherryl Frauenglass When I first read these words in a post by my dear friend, I knew the truth of them. They resonated with what has been going on in my life for the past few months. I, along with many of the people around me, have been in this odd and awkward place of sensing or feeling the possibility of more, while also feeling constricted. It is as if something has completely surrounded us that offers something new. Yet, how to find the doorway or opening in the curtain that would allow us to fully experience it, seems elusive. We are drawn to it. Our internal senses are guiding us on. Guiding us forward. Even though it feels close, we feel the struggle, the longing, the hope of reaching this new/next level. Without even knowing what is really there. Perhaps this is why Sherryl’s analogy works so well for me. As Spiritual Beings who have chosen the journey inward as our way of connecting to All-That-Is, we have to move beyond the external limitations of a 3-D world that appear solid. In other words, we have been developing a stronger connection with what we sense and feel. Stronger even than what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Think about that for a moment. Many of us spent the majority of our life perceiving the world around us and believing what was right in front of us. We trusted what someone told us or what we...

Emotional Reduction Sauce

I’ve been thinking about how complex our lives are and how we often attempt to boil them down to their simplest form. A sort of emotional reduction sauce! Here is the thing, no matter how good or how bad we think things are in our lives, there is always another side. Another flavor. Regardless of how many opportunities or obstacles we face, it is how we distill them down that determines their impact. How we experience or define them. Whether they move us toward something positive and light or heavy and dark. I suppose a lot of this reflection comes naturally with age. The older we get, the easier it is to define what works for us versus what doesn’t. I remember when I was young being asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I also remember what a challenging question that was to answer. When we’re young we have little concept of all the possibilities. Most of us are just trying to figure out the world that is immediately around us. How we fit into what we know. All while new awareness is emerging. Constantly shifting and changing our perspective. It can be overwhelming. I know personally I could never figure it out. Instead it was more like following bread crumbs! Eventually discovering that all the external pursuits were actually pointing me to a more internal existence. One where opportunities or obstacles are defined by their emotional impact. How they affected my sense of SELF. There’s great value in the external circumstances in our lives. The challenges, shocks, rewards, and surprises inform and shape...

Master Juggler

Patience, impatience. Patience, impatience. Sometimes I think I am becoming so good at allowing things to unfold in their own timing. Then again.., sometimes not! It use to be that I could feel myself wishing time away. It is one of the luxuries of youth. When you feel immortal who cares that you are bypassing experiences of the moment in the rush to get to some new or different future. But then time begins to rush past and you realize it is one thing you will never get back. So we learn patience and forget the crazy notion of wishing away time. Until we find ourselves doing it again! Not because what is going on in our lives isn’t good. But because we feel the closeness of our dreams. What we have imagined or envisioned for ourselves. It is the closeness or proximity of this beckoning future that inspires impatience. Well, at least it does for me! Everything is amazing. Everything is awesome. Life couldn’t be better.., unless there were bundles or oodles more. And in many ways, that is what life is feeling like for me right now. It feels like a time of expansion. A time of more. So much so that I find myself wanting to get to and experience this sense of more… Right now! And then I remind myself that impatience is actually a form of resistance. And what we resist, persists! There is a balance that we must strike between dreaming and imagining our future, while staying connected to the present moment. Experiencing and celebrating the Now, while seeding the future. It may...

Embrace Magic

This may be a bit premature, but I wanted to share with you something that I am doing. I am writing about Magic. If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know I often refer to myself as a spiritual magicians. I refer to others in the same way. I suppose this originates from the understanding that everything we perceive as real is actually an illusion. It is our perspective based on beliefs, experiences, and our attitude. As spiritual magicians we recognize that the illusion is our own creation. We intentionally start to manipulate and change it based on a sense of ownership, authority and responsibility. We are playing with and using magic. We have begun to author or direct our own reality. The truth is you don’t have to be spiritual at all to alter the circumstances of your life. I know this because for many years I did this quite effectively. Many people do. I was able to craft and create many amazing things in my life without ever giving a single thought to spirituality or to our interconnectedness. I actually took pride in my ability to do it on my own. But there was something missing. I was disconnected from myself. I was distracted by the reality I was creating. The illusion was more important than me. I knew what I wanted to create..,I just wasn’t sure why. Like many I reached a point in my life where the question ‘why’ became a priority. The purpose of life. Why am I here? What inside me longs to be known, shared or...

What to Expect In Heaven

This article was originally published in Journey Magazine (Issue 84 | Summer 2016). There is room in Heaven for everyone. It is a place that is so loving that it accepts each of us, exactly as we are. It is a place where anything can happen. Magic is all around. As you think a thought, everything around you begins to move and shift in order to align with that thought. If what you imagine or desire is large or requires a big stage, then people and things, appear just as you need them. They will bring you gifts, insights, opportunities and more. They will offer to assist you in creating your dream. Sometimes they will offer ways to either simplify or make your vision more complex. All as a part of the magic of Heaven. For those who prefer to do things on their own, they have it their way too. Heaven values hard work and dedication as much as it does magic. The people and things around them will still realign themselves and be ready for them if they choose. But they will let them make the first move. They are happy to be a cheering section that marvels at their tenacity. Yet ready at a moments notice to pitch in and assist. There of course is entertainment in Heaven. All forms of music, art and dance. So many that it becomes obvious that everyone in Heaven is an artist of some type. Even those who think that there is not an artistic bone in their body. They don’t see or call what they do art, but everyone...


I’m in Oregon right now. This area around Sisters and Bend is beautiful. Each breath feels like you are drawing in Nature, pure and sweet. Add to that being surrounded by dear friends and as you can probably imagine, I am feeling a lot of gratitude! I am on an adventure! I can’t tell you much about that yet, because the weekend workshop I am here for begins today. But I already know that ‘Beauty’ is a huge part of what is unfolding. Last night we were hosted by Lawrence and Sunni Stoller at their enchanted home. Every inch of their home and property was stunning. Lawrence is an amazing artist and lapidary. His crystal creations are beyond imagination. His sculptures inspire and amaze. If you are not familiar with his work, google him! His first book “Frozen Light” is one of my favorite coffee table books. And he is working on his second, which promises to be even more amazing. I got to see some of it last night from his computer screen. Breathtaking is a great way to describe it. And it is about Beauty! Suddenly I am reminded once again about the power of Beauty. It moves us. It inspires us. It motivates us. And we choose it. We all see beauty in our own unique way. What speaks to us of beauty may be completely different or missed by someone else. The effect of Beauty is instantaneous. It shifts us. It is a graceful and effortless way to access our emotions. It also connects us to a deep knowing of ourselves. Something that is beyond...

Reflections on Becoming

This week I finished a 60 day ‘self-healing’! I am not sure where the idea came from. But I know there were several things I had been thinking about for awhile. They all seemed to converge at this same time. So when I say self-healing, I decided to focus on mind, body spirit. Writing about what I was experiencing and doing with my body. My thoughts and emotions. Even my spirituality. I would also include what I was not doing. Everyday I wrote. Sometimes for an hour sometimes for 10-15 minutes. Each day was about capturing the where, what, how and why of my day. I started out with one idea. To pay attention to what I was eating. Most of us know what’s good for us. That doesn’t mean we choose that. This was the one structure I knew I could track. Am I making the choices that feel best and aligned for me. Other than that, this has been an open expedition! What I discovered is a new me. I am not the same person who started the writing exercise. I didn’t have a particular agenda. But, my experience was completely different than what I imagined. I feel like I caught up with myself. I learned who I am by focusing on who I am becoming. I learned who I am by letting go of who I no longer am. There are stories I have been telling myself. Stories about who I am. What is challenging. What is working and what isn’t. I have been telling stories about who I am as a spiritual being, business owner,...

You Are Light

I couple of weeks ago, I posted the image above on our Storm Wisdom Facebook page. I guess the whole subject was on my mind. I’d been in several similar conversations with clients and friends. They were asking my thoughts on how to fight off negative energy. They were feeling drained by situations or people who they felt victimized by. Perhaps someone who was being intimidating, threatening or just plain manipulative. One of them works in an environment that feels toxic and draining. Where morale around them is low, yet people can’t afford to leave and they feel stuck. Sometimes life is hard. People can be jerks. Unfortunately, there are people who are vindictive and mean. There are people who enjoy making other people miserable. Maybe because they are unhappy themselves. Maybe they’re upset that they didn’t get what they want! Yuck. Who needs all that!?! But here’s the thing. Even if you find yourself in one of these crazy negative situations, do you want to spend your time and energy fighting it? Think about it. It is so easy to feel like you are forced to engage. Required to stand your ground. Need to protect yourself from these energetic attacks. But engaging with these energies, fighting them keeps them alive. The darkness feeds off of itself. Darkness wants more darkness. Darkness breeds decay. It is heavy. It feels consuming. Darkness wants to draw you in so that it can smother your Light. When you enter the ring with darkness, you are in it’s arena. You are playing its game. Instead, let go of the fight. Accept it for...

We Are Remembering

I wonder if I should tell you this? Even though you already know. Some people aren’t ready to hear this particular truth. But here it is: We are ALL intuitive and We are ALL empathic. Since you have likely been following my weekly musings for awhile now, it may not be that big of a shock. But I have to tell you, I meet people who believe that these natural senses are “special” gifts! They are not. There are those who believe that these are afflictions or a problem to solve. They are not. Still others are building identities around them! Some because they feel they are different and alone. Others feel burdened or saddled with these senses. It feels so profound for them that they feel they have no control over their lives. Everything is too much for them. They feel as if they are to sensitive. They are not. I have another perspective. We are ALL Remembering. We chose to come and play durning this time of expansion and change. We knew that this would be a time for humanity to reconnect. To remember the multidimensional and multi-sensory Beings that we have always been. To connect to the full expansiveness of our ability to shift and change physical matter. To shape it to our will and desire. We knew that this would be a time for going within to find our uniqueness. Uniqueness that has us appreciate and take responsibility for our own authority. To stand alone while feeling that sense of ‘together but different’. Knowing that this is how we find our way to the field...

No Way to Fail

Come to find out, I may not be a lazy oaf at all! Maybe I had an internal knowing that pushed me to do things I couldn’t understand! I was reading an article this morning about something called ‘the 5 hour rule’. The author said that many successful people, break up their day by doing something completely unrelated to their work. Even when they are under strict deadlines and don’t have a moment to spare. They step away and focus on something new. Read, write, learn about something they are unfamiliar with. Some just take quiet time and allow random thoughts to take their mind wherever it wants to go! I am sure there are other aspects of this ‘5 hour rule’ that I missed. But I liked reading this part! Probably because I do this all the time! Most of the time I am working on something and I am fully engaged. Then out of the blue, I find myself on an unrelated website, reading an article, or searching for an inspirational image of god-only-knows what! Perhaps I distract myself with conversation. Sometimes light and playful. Other times philosophical. But unlike the super smart or successful people that do this with intention and use it as a way to grow. I chastise myself. I have held it as a form of procrastination or an unnecessary distraction. I have even wondered if these breaks were were a sign of some weakness or lack of discipline! How freeing to think that when our mind needs a break, it takes one. That too much time spent focused on one thing actually...

The Gift of Storytelling

There is power in storytelling.  The ability to conjure a special setting or place.  Characters come to life.  An audience’s emotions in the palm of their hand.  A storyteller transports you into another adventure. They can make you feel as if you are part of it, or certainly a witness.  Someone who knows the inside and out of a situation by invitation of the storyteller. But what of the stories we tell ourselves? Today is day 34 of an exercise I am doing on self-healing.  Self-healing that is focused on a balance between mind, body and spirit.  An accounting of my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. Based on when, where, and how I spend my time with each.  For 60 days, I have committed to writing and paying attention to who I am becoming.  Being present with and for myself. And.., to be truthful.., to intentionally move into the next chapter of my life.  (If you are curious about this last sentence, here is an article I wrote last week.  The title is “Are We Living Multiple Lifetimes in One Lifetime” ) What stands out the most for me in this exercise is how the stories I am telling myself affect my day-to-day life.  The stories where I tell myself  I’m not ready.  That I must (or must not) do something. Stories about who I am. Oftentimes the reflections, perspectives or recollection of and from my past. I have been telling myself for years that ‘fear’ is part of me.  That even when it is quiet, it is always there. That fear rules my life.  But by reflecting and writing...

Hanging Out In the Middle – A Lesson 12 years in the Making

I am in an amazing space! I continue to be present. I continue to be in a place of contentment. Hovering somewhere in the middle of my life. And I realize the middle is the perfect place to hang out! I think in some past thought process I might have believed I wanted to spend my time in the top end of life. In the high. That my goal was to always be up!  Joyful, blissed out! Yet in this moment, that doesn’t feel quite right. At least not for me. I imagine the origin of wanting to live in the ‘high’ of life originates with an exercise I did back in 2004. A year of awakening and change. In fact I credit this as the year that I started my personal/spiritual journey. I was at a weekend workshop where we did an exercise that looked at how we spent our time and energy emotionally. Each participant had a deck of cards. Each card described different emotions or emotional situations. We were suppose to sort through these card and choose the five that we experienced the most. Which 5 felt the most consistent in our lives. The five words that I came up with at first seemed awesome! Happy, content, belonging, balance and peace.  I was quite pleased that I didn’t have words like anger, depressed, scarcity or fear.  But as I sat there in my state of contentment, I stated to notice other words that also weren’t in my five. Words such as thrilled, joyful, bliss and ecstasy. I knew these words but rarely (if ever) felt them....

The Universe Called – Roto-Rooter Answered

A couple of days ago, while doing some writing, I realized there was something I needed to do!  I was writing about “Who I am becoming”. There is so much happening right now and many of us are feeling the intensity of all this activity.  The world around us is shifting and changing.  Some people are adjusting and adapting to these changes. Some are disconnecting and finding new ways of being.  Others are still holding on to their old ways and wondering why they are not working like they use. I a lot of what I was reflecting on while writing was about being more intentional about who I am moving forward.  If you are like me, you have spent a long time being a student of Life.  This means looking deep within to discover your truth.  To discover your passion.  Even your purpose. I know it seems like we would/should know these things.  Aren’t we are the ones who have lived this experience or adventure we call our life?   But what many of us don’t realize is how much others have affected our perspective.  How our perspective influences how we interpret the events and circumstances we experience. In truth, most of us need to slow down.  To become the Observer of our own life.  To hear the internal messages from various aspects of ourselves.  Then we begin to realize we are running old stories that no longer fit or apply (if they ever did!). So this is where I was in my writing, when I had this thought.  “I need to create a meditation/visualization for myself”.  To focus...

Taking the Weight Off

I am obsessing right now with this idea of living as the me I am becoming – not living based on my past!  I know there is something powerful here and yet we are so conditioned to use the past as a guide or navigation tool, that it almost feels impossible. When I think about what it would be like to live into who I am becoming, I begin to realize how much we live based on our past.  Even sitting down to write this blog, I am aware that 99% of the time I write the article for my newsletter Sunday.  It is a routine, a habit, and a structure.  It is what I have done. It is based on my past. When I began to think about what I wanted to write about, my first thought was “okay, what happened last week?”.  I look to the past to decide what these musings will be about. There are so many ways that we reference the past as a way to navigate the present or to direct us to the future.  We are on auto-pilot.  And you know what I realize?  This is a good thing.  It give us structure, safety, routine, even simplicity in our lives.  We know the best way for us to do something because we have already figured it out.  Our minds help us to establish habits and routine.  They maximize our effectiveness in many ways and these habits are inherent. So what I recognize is that “living as the me I am becoming” is less about the routines and habits formed in my past...

Emotional Spring Cleaning

I started a 60 day journaling exercise.  I am focusing on health and self-healing.   Writing about what is going on day to day that affects my mind, body, spirit.  Of course since you follow my blog you realize this is an exercise I am familiar with. But for me, by doing it daily I am really becoming aware of somethings that perhaps in the past I have only given minor attention to!  What I am most aware of this first week is how much ‘Fear’ affects my life!  Darn it! Now mind you, this is not fear about my 60 days of journaling for self-healing. No, this is simply fear. Fear of not having enough money to pay my bills. Fear of failure. Fear of loss, fear of ‘fear’ being with me for the rest of my life. I have my own business, which I LOVE! I love what we do, what we offer to people and what we are building as a community. Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated our 7th Anniversary. There are so many wonderful things about this business, and what it brings to my life. But it also brings fear! You see although we are successful in many ways; we are not thriving yet. We have ups and downs. Good days and bad days. And I have become accustomed to worrying about where the money will come from for us to pay all of our bills. And by the way, these aren’t one-time bills! No, they just keep rolling in. Rent, taxes, salaries, inventory, utilities, supplies, marketing, product development, etc.., etc.., none of these...

As Much As Things Change…

What a great week!  Cheri and Cathy – two of my sisters were in Phoenix for a visit, and on the day they left, Anita a friend for the past 32 years was here for a short visit.  Plenty of laughs, reminiscing, and story telling! It really has me thinking about that old adage “As much as things change, things stay the same”! Sure we are all older now.  The bodies creak or don’t move as quickly as they use to.  There are even segments of time that are hard to recall.  Yet what is constant is that there is history, content and connection.  Perhaps that simply means is that there is Love. I usually feel quite solid in who I am; what works in my life and what doesn’t; a set of predictable reactions to various situations.  But when you are with friends and loved ones “who knew you when…”, all bets are off!  I find myself reverting back to behaviors, roles or forms of self-expression that I thought would never see the light of day again! This is not something that happens because the other person(s) demands or expects it.., it happens because of all those years of shared experience!  They know and remember things about me that I might have forgotten (or be trying to forget!).  Accomplishments; embarrassing things; stumbles and falls; successes; even bad hair or clothing choices!  Hey… Some of us lived through the 80s!!! And yet they are still here.  Still part of my life.  Still part of the unfolding story.  And vise-a-versa! One of the things I recognized for myself was the...

7 Amazing Years

This week I would like to share pictures with you from our 7th Anniversary Celebration!  We had such a great time with everyone!  Part of what made this special was the theme of “loving and supporting local artists”. Local Artists have been a part of our journey and our evolution since we first opened.  In fact a couple of the artists featured on this night (Vikki Reed and Paige Sullivan Ashmore) have been with us since our first year!  Two of the others (Ella Newkirk and Michelle Radomski) have been with us for over 5 years!  Then we had a couple of newbies (Sherri Rowland and Nancy Dorobiala) with us, who have been with us for about a year!  Each one part of our ever changing story.  Shaping us and helping us find our unique voice! We continue to find our way to uniquely expressing who we are and what we offer.  But one thing is for sure; Supporting Local Artists is an important part of that expression!  So thank you to ALL of the artists who have contributed to and been apart of Storm Wisdom so far!  There are so many and will be many more to come! Just this week we started working with an amazing metal artist named Shana Bell… Wait till you see her work!  You’re gonna love it! Link to event photos.                       The other “Joy-filled” part of our weekend was raising money for “The Joy Bus” and the soon to open “The Joy Bus Diner”!  Everyone who walked through our doors over the...

Stay in the Flow

Fito and I have both been having a similar experience, but not necessarily sharing it with one another.  Finally on one of our nightly walks, it came up. We have both been feeling the energies of ‘expansion’.  The energy of flow, abundance; the energy of more.  Yet prior to our conversation we had both been dealing with it in different ways.  Fito was not talking about or sharing his experience of these energies of expansion because he “didn’t want to jinx them”. He thought that somehow, if he talked about what he was sensing or feeling.., those energies would go away. I on the other hand have shared with you, through this blog, that I have been feeling these expansive energies since the beginning of the year.  However instead of being afraid I would cancel them out somehow by sharing them.., I have spent a lot of time looking for proof or evidence of this expansion in the 3-D world.   Do we have more clients, transactions, workshops, etc… Or is their more money in my bank account. What we decided was that both of us are putting barriers in our own path.  If you feel a new flow or rush of energies and then refuse to acknowledge it for fear it will go away; it is your fear that disrupts the flow. On the other hand, if you don’t trust it and begin to search for proof or start collecting evidence; that too can disrupt the flow. Instead, you have to simple bask in the energies that are flowing in and around you and be willing to “RECEIVE” them....

A Beautiful Constraint

Sometimes I think I might be a bit of a masochist! We have so many irons in the fire.., yet I take on more! That must be some kind of pleasure from torture… Right? As you know from last week’s newsletter, we are getting ready for our big celebration next weekend. It is a lot of work to pull off a big party… Fun.., but a lot of work too. Well in the middle of all that.., I decided to move another big display piece out of the showroom and into our group space! THEN… Decided to begin painting the space.., beginning with two major walls in the store! What was I thinking!?! Actually it is perfect. All of this I have been planning to do since the beginning of the year. I just haven’t had the time AND.., I have felt constrained by money. Big ideas.., small budget! Which is fascinating, because I have been reading a book called “A Beautiful Constraint” by Adam Morgan and Mark Barden. The whole concept of their book, written for entrepreneurs and business owners (but applicable to anyone!), is that often a constraint is actually an incredible opportunity and inspiration for creativity. They tell the story of many businesses that turned a seeming constraint into a strength, by being creative and resourceful. While reading the book, I felt hopeful.., but at the same time, unsure exactly how I was going to apply their process to what I am doing, and all the things I wanted to change and/or create. What I have noticed is that a lot of what has happened is...

Time to Celebrate – Save the Date

I can’t even begin to tell you how strange it feels to be celebrating our 7th Anniversary! May 1, 2009 was our first day of business. In many ways it feels like that was just yesterday. On the other hand, it is hard to remember a time when Storm Wisdom didn’t exist! It feels like it has always been part of my life. Of course 7 years ago what I imagined would happen and what has happened are worlds apart. Somethings I imagined or attempted have been colossal failures… While at the same time things I could not have imagined are now firmly engrained as a part of what we offer and what we do. It has been a time of fluid adaption. I imagine that will continue as long as we are doing what we do! For the weekend of Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st, we will be celebrating all day long. We will have drawings/door prizes, grab bags, food, festivities and surprises. On Saturday evening, we will have one of our parties.., which even if I say so myself.., we are known for!! We know how to throw a party!! This year we are celebrating 7 years of loving and supporting local artists! Since the beginning we have had amazing relationships with artists who are creating jewelry, art, lotions, sculptures, glass-work, beading, alters, inspirational art, clothing, silk dye, kaleidoscopes, leather goods, books, music, meditations, coloring mandalas, pendulums, orgonite, and much more. Working with local artists has allowed us to create a unique gift environment that is hard to duplicate or replicate. It means that our...

Thinking About Death

I wish I had an elegant way to dive into the topic of death, but right now it seems to elude me. And yet, I am thinking about it quite a bit these days. Usually with a prayer involved. It seems we have this odd relationship with death. An odd relationship that evolves over time. When we are younger we feel immortal. We don’t really invest a lot of time or energy thinking about death. It is something that we think we will deal with later. But the truth is we all experience the loss of people we know or love even when we’re young. Yet for our society, death has become something we try to avoid. A discomfort or desire to avoid it at all cost. We have created machines and devices, pills and potions and even environments to keep people alive. Some people are kept alive for years without any or very limited ability to use their bodies. They are alive and we think this is good, because death has been delayed. I am having lots of conversations about death with my mother. She has been taken by surprise by her recent decline. When she is lucid, she wonders aloud how she “got so old, so fast”? For me I wonder about her death. It appears her body is shutting down. Her mind is letting go. She comes in and out of awareness. Sometimes our conversations are sharp and alert. Others are weak and challenged. Is she in a dance with life or a dance with death. Dementia is cruel. It changes everything. Conversations, routines, plans, dreams...

Own the Spiral Baby

Do you ever wonder if all the random thoughts, beliefs, ideas and concepts in your head are magic or maddening? You know why I am asking.., right? As someone who is constantly turning over and processing the ‘meaning of life’, I sometimes hit this wall and ask myself – Why? How is that we can keep learning, growing and evolving and still encounter the same things or situations over and over again? For the longest time I thought that every time I had a reoccurring theme that I was dealing with, that it was as if I never really learned anything from the previous encounter at all! As a matter of fact, it always felt a bit like ‘starting over’. It was as if I was wandering down the path of life and suddenly encountered a challenging situation. Once I got to the other side of this unexpected challenge, I was sure I’d never fall into that trap again! I knew what preceded it. I had navigated it, regardless of how awkward I was… I had learned my lesson. Then I would ‘start over’.., this time paying attention for any potential risks. Doing everything I could to avoid the same situation. Only to discover I was in the middle of it again! How the hell did that happen.., and how would I make sure it never happens again!?! So… Once again ‘starting over’! Fast forward… Life is different. As a student of life, I have a different perspective. I have developed tools and skills that in the beginning I couldn’t even conceive. Yet as much as I feel like...

Another Piece to the Puzzle

One concept that I find I have embraced easily over the years is the idea that we live multiple lifetimes. It has always just resonated with me. At the same time, I am not that interested in exploring them or trying to figure out what they mean, or how they affect this lifetime. I guess I figure that if this is true, and it is somehow part of our exploration and evolution, then that would mean anything we do in this lifetime has a ripple effect in those. Otherwise, why have a shared connection or lineage. Heal something in this lifetime, heal it in the others. But the other day I was having a conversation with my friend Lindsay (Happy Birthday Lindsay!) who added another little gem to this equation. Her thought was that because we have evolved to the point where we live dramatically longer, that we are actually living multiple lifetimes in the same body! As a species as we become more advanced and efficient, that we have affected our own spiritual growth process. We are now staying in physical form longer in order to maximize our own evolution… We have found a way to expand consciousness without trading in one physical form and starting over in another! While we were talking, I just sat with the idea. I sat with the possibility to this new thought or idea and whether or not it might fit in with my scatter-box of beliefs. And you know… I like it. Overtime, when I look back at my life, there are timeframes or experiences that seem like they belong to...

Stepping Off the Treadmill 

Do you ever feel like you have one foot in one reality, with the other in another?   I ask because this is how my life feels right now. I could look to one or two different situation or circumstances and say that they are “the cause” of this sensation of living in two worlds.  But in truth, when I slow down and really contemplate this, I realize it is in every aspect of my life. One foot is still on the treadmill of our 3-D world where there are expectation, requirements, demands, opportunities and a whole lot of “should(s)”. We are told from a very young age what is expected, important, and valued.  We are conditioned to accept our place within limited and limiting hierarchical structures that are based on social, educational, cultural, religious, and place of origin norms. Without even realizing it, many of us fulfill our perceived destiny based on beliefs and internalized messages whose origin we barely remember.  We are navigating life as if we are asleep.  This is regardless of whether or not the life we have created is deemed good or bad; rich or poor; adventurous or boring. We are asleep because we rely solely on our five physical senses to navigate.  We assess and assign value to something or someone based on what we see, hear, taste, touch or smell.  From infancy we have relied on these physical senses to help us interpret life. For those who choose a spiritual path something else emerges.  We begin to listen for messages from the voice within.  When we first connect with this internal guidance, we...

Exactly What We Do

I decided to work with a group that helps small businesses with marketing. They focus on social media and mobile devices. I am just getting started with them so I have no idea how it will work or if it is money well spent. Sometimes you just have to trust. And the truth is, even if it works.., a lot of people who already use our site or even read this newsletter will never see it! Kind of weird to imagine.., but I guess that is the point of marketing; to reach those who don’t know who you are (yet!). So once I signed up with them, they set up an interview to get to know me and my business better. They wanted to key into what I felt was important and where I wanted their focus to be. I knew this and thought I was prepared. However, the first question they asked was.., “What is it about your business that would make someone want to do business with you and not the other guy?” Or “What distinguishes you”. You know what… That is a really hard question to answer! The truth is we have never really believed in or thought of ourselves as being in competition with anyone else. We have never thought of ourselves as the “one and only” place that someone would frequent or do business with. There are LOTS of great businesses that offer similar products or services to this community, while they also learn about things like taxes, so learning how to fill out 1099 MISC is essential as well. We are good friends...

Crisis of Compassion

I have been feeling like I am being tested! Of course, this testing is courtesy of the Universe. I don’t normally like to view my life lessons as a test. In fact most of the time, even when I am moving through a situation that is uncomfortable, I believe it is happening ‘for’ me, not ‘to’ me. So this feeling of being tested, usually indicates I am feeling like a martyr or victim. Yuck.., Being a martyr or victim never feels good, once you recognize it. But, whenever I get caught up in feeling like I am being tested; I know to look here first. Friday night Annie Bossingham lead/channeled an event at the store. Really it was an introduction to a two-day event they will be doing here in Phoenix next month on navigating the paradigm shift that is happening all around us. There were so many aspects we covered that I can’t wait to go deeper with. But the one that seemed the most timely for what I am experiencing right now was the ‘Crisis of Compassion’. They broke down compassion into three parts: love, intimacy, and caring. As a part of a response to a question about how to work with the challenges around compassion; they said to look at each situation and see where we are at with these three components … And we would start to see how to shift those energies. When I think about my current situation where I feel I am being tested… I realize that my sense of compassion is in crisis too. My mother, Ruthie lives with us. We...

Turn on the Light

Let’s talk about Energy. I frequently mention that I find myself navigating my day by sensing, feeling, or simply knowing where, what, when, or with whom I have a connection. What feels right.., what resonates. This means I am either drawn to something or I am not. Sometimes I even feel repelled by something or someone. When this happens, I want to move away from it or them. These sensations are all based on energies that either feel harmonious, static, or discordant. Energies that are either bumping up against our own energies or blending with them. Never forgetting that there are significantly more energies that we are oblivious to, simply because they neutral for us. Each one of us has our own energetic field. Everything we do affects this field. The food and exercise choices we make, the people we hang out with, our work environments, our attitude, our behavior, our thoughts and our emotions. As we walk around, people may be drawn to, repelled by or oblivious to us. AND, us to them. Basic and simple to understand.., right? Well here’s the rub. For a long time, most of us suppressed or did not trust our ability to sense or interpret the sensations that we got from the people, places and things around us… Unless it was dramatic or intense. This means that in order for us to reconnect with our ability to sense, feel and trust energies, we had to amplify our awareness of them. We had to turn up the volume. The easiest way to do that in a dualistic world is to divide them into...

Welcome to the Jungle

I love how perfect the analogy of ‘exploring a jungle’ aligns with our own self-discovery and personal journeys. Navigating our daily lives is akin to heading into the thicket of a never-ending primeval forest. Imagine a band of adventurers, wielding machetes, ropes and picks making their way through heavy underbrush and vines. Clearing paths as they go. Leaving markers and signs along the trail and documenting their trials and accomplishments. Savoring their successes and learning from their losses. Often times separated from one another because of terrain only large enough for one. Occasionally we encounter others who are also exploring this jungle. Sharing stories, legends, local lore and warnings while huddled around a campfire. Describing amazing beauty, riches and resources beyond our wildest dreams.., and offering warnings of the dangers and obstacles that will likely be encountered along the way. That is what we are up to as we navigate life. Whether we relate to being spiritual explorers or not; the truth is we are. It is in our nature to be curious, to want to know more, to expand our awareness and personal understanding of this physical 3-D world. Exploring the unknown and unseen. We are Consciousness incarnate and Consciousness wants to expand! We forget that we are an extension or a part of All-That-Is. Instead we imagine that we are trying to find our way back to the Source or Origin from which we came. Yet we are that Source. Each one of us representing a totally unique aspect, perspective and set of experiences. Expanded awareness and knowledge that will never be offered by any other Being....

Trees in the Forest

Fito and I went to Nogales Mexico for a couple of days to celebrate his birthday with friends. We had an amazing time with lots of delicious foods, music (some of it live!) and dance.., and a ton of laughter and story telling. It was a blast. At the same time it was such a departure from our daily routines. It was as if for two days we checked out of our lives. I don’t tend to think of my life as stressful. But, boy did I enjoy the break. It makes me wonder how much stress in life we could actually let go of.., “I could let go of!” By the time we got home last night I couldn’t recall anything that I have coming up this week. Meetings, engagements, bills, projects. Gone. You know what? That’s not a bad thing! It makes me think of the old expression about “not being able to see the forest through the trees”. How often are we so close to or immersed in a situation that we can’t see the whole of it? It is so easy to get caught up in whatever we are doing, that we can miss that it is also causing us stress. I love what I do and my life is good. But it was also perfect to step away completely. Even if it was only for two days. What are you doing to relieve stress? Are you seeing the forest? Or are you lost in the trees? I realize we are not all in either/or situations… But if someone had said to me I needed...

The Past – Not a Navigation Tool

For a number of years now I have been saying that “what worked in the past, is no longer working”. Most of the time this was a reference to the distorted worlds of corporate greed, political shenanigans, religious dogma and predominantly male dominated institutions. The way it seems to me, if we are to survive and thrive on the planet, we will need to bring balance and harmony to our co-existence with everything else on the planet; with each other; and All-That-Is. This means that the choices we made in the past, the tactics that we used, and the way we think about ourselves as stewards of the planet will need to shift. Dramatically. We all know people who were successful by using fear, manipulation and deceit. It was all just part of the game. Dominate others, before you are dominated! Yet what we have been witnessing for awhile now is that this approach is no longer working. Since many who use it are not awake enough to use a different approach… They are simply attempting more of the same, with diminishing returns on the results. That is still happening and will continue to happen. Accelerated even. But there is a new aspect that is emerging. Many of us are experiencing distortions in time. Mostly the feeling of time accelerating. Frequently at “warp speed”. What I have noticed recently is that with this feeling of rapid elapsing time, it is impossible to look to the past for answers or confirmation of the direction we are going towards. Of course it was NEVER intended that we would use the past...

Subtle Energy, Subtle Change

Sometimes I am so slow to catch on! Over the past 10-12 years what has shifted the most for me is my awareness of ‘energy’.  How something or someone feels.  How or if it/they resonate.  Whether I am drawn or repelled.  It has become the way I navigate day-to-day. I have been aware, almost since I started this journey, that developing this awareness means tuning into subtle energy.  Those fine, delicate and often mysterious characteristics of a person, place or thing.   An invisible nuance that can’t be hidden or concealed. The weight, fluidity, history, heat, strength and depth are some of the unfamiliar senses we can perceive about an object, place or person; if we try. So I get all of this.  I feel like it has become second nature for me.  I trust my unfamiliar senses more than our five physical senses!  I move through life following the flow of energies.  I get redirected when that flow stops. What I am just beginning to realize is that how our reality shifts as a result of working with or being guided by energies ALSO is subtle!  Duh! Maybe you got that all along.  For me, I am just starting to understand or accept this!  I guess I am just one of those people that always thinks that once something shifts or changes, it is completely different. Like painting a wall.  “Look, it was that color; now it is this!”  Instead, it is more like looking through a slightly tinted lens, that slowly adjusts to the amount of light. As a result of my way of thinking, I imagine that...

A Moving Ship

I am beginning to realize that there are two stages of self-change.  The first is the awareness or learning stage.  The second stage is adaption or integration!  AND… Sometimes I suck at the second stage! Everyone around me is continually talking about how fast time is moving these days.  I’m part of this group who is experiencing how rapidly things are shifting and changing and what this does to distort the passage of time.  A constant state of flux, sometimes experienced as chaos; plays tricks on the mind and seems to accelerate time.  Weeks seem like days. We are being bombarded with new information, insights and concepts that have us engaged in the creation of our life or lives.  Some of it we dismiss, a bit more we decide to delay and the rest we attempt to integrate into our already full existence(s). If you are like me, something happens in your day – a reflection; an insight; a revelation.  You realize that this is a piece of learning that you have been searching or waiting for.  An insight into a situation, behavior, tendency or challenge that you have been wanting to change or modify in some way.  One of those ‘ah-ha’ moments. Something clicks.  You can see how this new information could shift and change many aspects of your life.  You see the patterns that have kept the old you treading water, or feeling like you’re swimming up stream.  Suddenly the way forward seems obvious.  You make a new choice and choose to change.  You fully embrace this new awareness!  You are committed to this first stage of...

One can Dream

My brother and sister-in-law are visiting this week.  So I am experiencing something that is a rarity in my home.  Football games! I take it from the amount of activity and the bits and pieces that I hear that it is an important time in the season… Leading to the big game of the year or season.  Since I’m not really following any of it, we decided to go out for dinner and then for drinks.  In both the first place we went and then the second; the game was on.  In fact the second place it was full-on sport fans, cheering and a bar full of patrons absorbed in the game.  So of course we left!  🙂 But it got me thinking about how people rally around sports.  How much money is spent on them… Fans buying tickets, clothing, and memorabilia.  The owners and players and their salaries.  Plus television networks and all the commercials.  It is huge business. Just because I am not interested in football, doesn’t mean I am anti-football.  To each his own!  However, for the last 24 hours I have been thinking about how amazing it would be if we followed, supported, spent money on and talk about all the positive uplifting things that are happening around the world – in the same way we do sports and entertainment. If we bought jerseys to support people who are changing their communities; improving the lives of their neighbors, reducing pollution, improving access to water, growing organic sustainable food.   Bought tickets to hear people talk about community outreach programs, or to celebrate teachers who are making...

It’s the Kids

I am ready. In fact, I am in motion. Moving forward, towards whatever is next. Perhaps something new, or just as likely a different version of what has been. Either way, it has me keyed up and on the move. Life feels different right now. Maybe it is as simple as the newness of 2016 still being fresh. It could be that sense of completing another year. Or just as likely it is a shift or change in the energetic field that we all operate in and are a part of. I am hopeful, so I am going with the latter. There have been several noticeable behavioral shifts that have happened for me recently. I wonder if they are permanent or just anomalies in my routine. I wonder, because it doesn’t feel like I was aware of them even being up for modification! Change that sneaks up on you! Who knew!?! That has me contemplating what is happening in “the field”? What is different that would support new behaviors or change happening with such ease? I am someone who is use to working hard to make changes and shifts! Something is up! Maybe it’s the kids! Of course at my age a 25 year old is a kid… But seriously, the energy of the young people is shifting the planet! I belong to the Baby Boomer generation. And although we have created amazing “things”.., we have also been the most destructive. We have been more self absorbed. We have been the greediest. Hoarding, monopolizing, consuming and wasting. We are the generation that has orchestrated the greatest harm to the...

A New ‘Activity Center’

Inspired.  That is how I feel.  I know it is cliche to start anew at the beginning of a new year; but this doesn’t feel like any resolution I have ever made in the past.  In fact, I kind of let go of the idea of resolutions a few years ago. Instead, it feels like emerging from period of rest and reflection, revitalized and ready to go.  And one of the things about this emergence that I am loving, is that I don’t feel the need to ‘upset the apple cart’ or start all over with something completely different!  (Been there, done that!) Energetically it feels as if I have been reminded of what I am up to and why. With that comes insights into ways to do this simply; with ease and joy.  The best part?  I am inspired to do more of what I love! SO… One of the first things you will notice the next time you come into Storm Wisdom, is that the place looks different!  We have removed several large displays/fixtures and replaced them with smaller ones, some that are mobile.  Many of the new displays are vintage or reused/reclaimed pieces that are actually for sale… That is another story. The biggest motivation for all the changes you will see, is for us to be able to create an ‘Activity Center’. A multi-purpose space, where on the weekends we can host in-store events that focus on Intentional Living.  An I am very excited for this. I was inspired by a sign outside of Home Depot, where they were offering a demonstration on “How to...

Harmony and Balance

A new year begins! A fresh perspective. New and renewed passions. Forward momentum. At least this is what the energies of 2016 feels like to me. I am excited to see how it unfolds. It is interesting to observe how our internal worlds or thoughts and feelings interact and play with the external circumstances of our lives. Add to that the natural cycles of the Universe and cosmos.., and you get to witness an amazing dance. One that is simultaneously awkward and graceful; amateur and experienced; and slow to frenzied. Often it may seem that we are simply responding to what the Universe throws at us. That there is no rhyme or reason to the ups and downs we experience in our daily lives. However, when you slow them down, look for patterns or themes, and release attachment to some of the outcomes – a different picture begins to emerge. For those who have chosen to navigate this life with a sense of connection to the world around them, or to be in harmony with ‘All-That-Is’, there is something else. We are constantly getting insight and feedback about the ‘balance’ in our lives. Where are we in balance and where are we out? Are we taking care of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs? Are we eating foods that are aligned with and support our bodies? Are these temples we occupy getting the movement and stimulation they hunger for? Are we experiencing our emotions. Are we allowing them to move through us, inform and enliven us? Are we refusing to experience them? Stuffing them down or trying to...

Tools of the Trade

Living a spiritual life can be daunting!  How is that I didn’t know or see this coming?  It feels a bit like bait and switch sometimes!  It is as if I signed up for the ‘easy, breezy, love and light’ life… And got the ‘wade through, reach for, assembly required with no instructions’ life instead! To be clear, when I say spiritual life, for me that means following my own internal guidance (insight, intuition and senses); aligning mind, body, and spirit; while feeling a connection to All-That-Is.   Living a spiritual life means having a sense of responsibility for everything that is created, happening or is present around me.  Knowing that I am authoring the story of my life. With this in mind, I have spent the past 10 – 15 years developing tools and skills and new methods to navigate this journey.  Slowing down my thoughts, looking for patterns, connecting with emotions, developing trust with my senses and the ability to discern the energies of the people, places and circumstances that present themselves.  It also means uncovering old or limiting beliefs.  While incorporating new information and experiences.  It basically means being conscious or aware of what is happening around me. Shouldn’t this be easy?  Live in the moment; Breathe;  Be aware..? OMG…, then why does it feel as if I am wading through quicksand at times? If you follow my musings, you probably know I have been in this weird place of not knowing what is next.  I have been feeling the discomfort of the unknown.  At the same time, rather than doing something (anything!) for the sake of...

A New Perspective

I love this image! As soon as I saw it, I began thinking about the whole concept of ‘layers of the onion’. As we progress through life we learn lessons. Some through the school of hard knocks. Some through trial and error. Others simply stumbling towards ecstasy. The lessons that really stand out for us are the ones that we think we learned; only to experience them anew. Tendencies, behaviors or situations that we find ourselves in over and over. We imagine that we are done with the with these lessons; only to experience them again. Perhaps this time in a different area of our life. This is one of the ways that the expression ‘layers of the onion’ is used to describe our process or progress. We think we have evolved or move through a situation and are convince we will never repeat it. Only to discover that we are once again in the middle of a similar situation. A deeper layer of something we thought we were beyond. Personally.., I have struggled with this concept of ‘layers of the onion’! Perhaps because I seem to have HUGE onions, with unlimited layers. I use to really be hard on myself, when I found myself caught in a situation where I “should have known” better. But this image spoke to me of growth and perspective! We are continually on our journey toward becoming our Highest Self. Revealing our Divine nature. Integrating the truth and lessons of our journey into the essence of who we are; who we most desire to be. And regardless of where we are on our...

Super Powers On!

Do you ever feel like life is one big paradox? You know, when something in your life seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Or everything you are experiencing seems contrary to that which is right in front of you. That is how I am feeling this week! I am acutely aware of how much ‘energy’ has become a primary tool for navigating life for me these days. If something doesn’t “feel good”.., I don’t do (buy, choose, follow, accept, etc…) it. I am very comfortable with sensing energies and usually trust them more than my five physical senses. This is kind of a big deal, right? It is kind of like saying.., “Oh, by the way… I have a super power!” And mind you, I don’t think I am the only one! Many of us, through our own life experience and journey, have come to trust the ‘vibes’ we get. But for some of us, we cross a threshold where we trust the energies someone or something gives off more than anything else. More than how it looks, how it sounds… No matter how pretty something is packaged. We trust that which is unseen more than what is seen. Recognizing that this is how I am navigating life these days can be a big damn deal for a practical guy like me! I like logic. I relate to pros and cons. I cherish the ability to sort, organize, prioritize and evaluate. I like hard and fast rules. Or at least I use to! Sometimes I still revert to, or think that I will use...

Be Intentional – Gift Giving

It is hard to miss that the Christmas season has begun! Of course if you have spent anytime in the big box stores, it has been front and center since the beginning of October. However, Black Friday signals the official rush of the shopping season. Christmas is upon us. So even those of us who do not celebrate this particular holiday are submerged in it energetically. It is hard to escape. Yesterday I went to the ‘Unique and Unusual Gift Show’ hosted by Sandy Rogers and Jody Loren. It was held at the Embassy Suites on Camelback. I wasn’t looking for Christmas gifts, but I am always looking for ways to support local artists and small business. It was a nice event with a number of folks I knew already and a few more I got to meet for the first time. I got to have a number of nice conversations. Several people asked if I “needed to finish my gift shopping”? When I relayed that I didn’t really observe Christmas as a holiday, so there were no gifts to buy; several people looked envious! I even had a couple of exchanges where people were buying cool things for themselves… But they were actually feeling guilty about it. As if, they should not buy anything for themselves until they had bought for all the others that were on their list! It was a reminder that for all the festivities that are taking place, there is a lot of pressure that is also associated with the season. But where does that actually come from? I completely get why someone who...

The Joy of Crystals

On December 1st, Storm Wisdom will be 6 1/2 years old!! Sometimes I can’t believe how quickly that time has passed. Then there is the opposite sense that it has always been part of my life! As I think about this remarkable journey and what we have created, there are so many highlights and amazing things I have been fortunate enough to witness and experience. For some reason, today I am thinking about the Magic of Crystals. I remember being in a Lucid Living workshop back in 2004. All of their programs were about personal empowerment and authoring your own life. They always had us digging deep into emotional freedom and fluency; taking responsibility for what we create in our lives. In one particular series about “Creation and Manifestation” they introduced Crystals as potential tools and allies for focusing your intentions and actualizing your heart’s desires. I have always been a “live and let live” kind of guy. So when they were sharing this, I thought… “Great if it works for you…. It’s just not my thing!” On the other hand, I was completely taken by the idea that these amazing “specimens” were created by the elements and the earth! To me, they were ‘works of art’! Gifts from Nature. So, although I completely ignored all they were saying about them as spiritual tools and allies; I still bought several. I knew they were going to look beautiful as part of the decor of my home. Of course, once I took these first couple home, I started seeing or noticing more of them. I began to actually look for...

Taking Sides

I have been bumping up against this internal issue for awhile. It happens so often, that it feels as if it is a huge wall. Insurmountable, impenetrable and too vast. The internal issue is my natural tendency to choose a side. With small everyday events or circumstances, it is so ingrained, that most of the time I am not even aware I am doing it. Hearing a piece of music, food choices on a menu, service offered at a business. The list goes on. However, when I slow it down and I look at how I am sorting an categorizing these daily norms… I realize I am choosing a side. I like it or I don’t like it. It is good or it is bad. It is right or wrong. I am sorting and classifying every situation in my life. Now imagine (since this is my standard operating procedure), what happens when it becomes more significant. Politics, religion, racism, LGBT issues/civil rights, abortion, war, terrorism, pollution, cruelty to animals, diseases and their treatments. The same thing happens. I choose a side. As soon as I become aware of something happening in one of these areas, I decide which side I am on. I decide that the person or people who are on the other side are bad or wrong. I have chosen a side. I have effectively created a separation between myself and anyone who has a different perspective. And I don’t think I am alone! As a matter of fact, I usually have many allies on my side who appear to agree with me! We have effectively isolated...


In the spirit of writing about whatever is going on in my world, it is inevitable that this week my musings are about Archie. Archie was our 12 year old Welch Corgi who on Thursday made his journey across the Rainbow Bridge. Off to new adventures with his brother Chance whose been gone for almost three years. I know that many who read this newsletter are familiar with the sorrow of loosing a four-legged, furry family member. How much they are a part of our families. And the vacancy their departure leaves in our hearts and homes. What I have really noticed these past few days is how much I cherish the grief. Grief of course is not a single emotion. It includes many emotions and phases. And each one can be repeated multiple times.., depending upon the circumstances. I was a support group facilitator for a ‘grief and bereavement’ group for several years during the initial rise of the AIDS epidemic. So I know this emotional ride well. I am reminded once again what an honor it is to experience a loss through death. In the stillness and quiet, I am reminded of the joy, love, playfulness and loyalty that Archie brought to our home. It is apparent how many daily routines are in a state of disruption and realignment. I wonder how long it will take to break the expectation that he is waiting at the door each time we return home. I loved who he became as a senior dog. He was slower for sure. At the same time, he was less needy for attention than...

Cycles of Life

Things are popping all over the place! Well actually, my thoughts are popping all over the place! My only question is “why do they have to be the most prolific when I am trying to fall asleep? This burst of energy, new ideas, insights into the future and possibilities are exactly what I have been hoping or longing for. Yet now that they’re here, I would love to have an on/off switch! I love having all this new inspiration. I cherish the activated imagination. I just really like a good night sleep too!! Such are the cycles of life. I constantly need to remind myself that this is actually how all of life works. Each day has its own cycle. Every year has it seasons. Each of our lives moves in and through unique cycles. We just don’t always pay attention to them in this way. So when we have the opportunity to slow down and consider this; it may help us shift our perspective. Everyday when we wake up, we move into our day, hopefully renewed. We build momentum and find the sweet spot in our day when we naturally create in alignment with our thoughts and emotions. Whether we are aware of it or not there is an ebb and flow in our energy, until that point when our bodies begin to signal it is time to slow down. Eventually falling to sleep; rest and renewal – until the cycle begins all over again! Each year we move through seasons. First we imagine what we will create. We determine our area(s) of intention. Then we begin to...

Where’s My Crystal Ball?

Decisions, decisions, decisions! I guess no matter where we find ourselves on this journey through life; we are constantly presented with options. A variety of directions. Multiple choices! This is where a crystal ball that predicts the future would really come in handy! You see, there is change coming my way. I feel it and sense it. I know that something is stirring and wants to be revealed. Probably in many areas of my life, but right now, I am think about my business. I know we are moving into or towards something new. There are choices to be made. Options to choose between. Possible new futures. As I ponder these and try to decide what feels right. I realize I want some guarantee! I want to know that of the things I am considering; I will know which of them is “right”! Yet I also know.., this is not how it works! In some ways – there is no wrong choice. The end results may not look as I expect or assume it will. But even that is an opportunity to learn and grow. So it becomes (for me!) a guessing game! If I do ‘this’.., will X happen? If I choose ‘that’.., will Y be next? And, what if there is another option I am not even considering? You can see how these mind games get started! I get all caught up in weighing the possibilities and start to panic! I want to know the impact or results of any of these decisions before they are even made. I want to know I will be successful. I...

Ah… Movement

We have movement! I mean that both figuratively and literally! If you have been following along with my journey lately, you know I have been hanging out in the unknown! Passing through one of those thresholds that is a demarcation between “what was” and “what will be”. We all have them.., my latest one just seems to have lasted a LONG time! Personally, it feels like I handled this time of not knowing really well! There were certainly times of confusion, boredom, frustration and even a little bit of worry. But for the most part, what I want to celebrate was that I just stayed in the discomfort of not knowing. For a ‘control-freak’.., that’s a big-darn-deal! I spent plenty of time over the past few months internally observing my own situation. And, I have to say, I have a new appreciation for taking the time to develop “The Observer”. The ability to witness what you are going through (thinking, feeling and experiencing), with detachment and acceptance; knowing and allowing it to be okay. Experiencing your own journey not only from the path you are on, but also from a perch somewhere above. Where the ups and downs are not as dramatic. With a knowing that even though you can’t see what is around the next corner, you know you are right where you are suppose to be! It feels like this past few months (which at times felt like YEARS) of “observing” my own dance with the unknown, has been about ‘trust’. Trusting that everything will work out exactly as it is meant to be. Trusting that my...

Canned Green Beans

Maybe it’s the weather.  Perhaps it is the time of the year.  Whatever it is, there is something going on!  I feel the need to de-clutter!  Mind you.., I haven’t started yet.., but I can feel the desire!  Now we will just have to see if my energy and ambition is up to the task! I know a lot of people who believe that letting go of old junk, things you’re not using or wearing, or all the extra stuff that just seems to accumulate is cathartic work!  That it is a physical activity that supports our emotional health!  I am one of these people.., I just happen to put it off as much as I can!  Because as good as it feels; it also feels as if it is work! Maybe I need to learn to do this more frequently, when there is less to deal with!!  Oh heck.., we all know that is not likely.  These habits or tendencies are tedious to break! I can tell you that even thinking about de-cluttering makes me realize that there is an emotional component to the gathering and collecting of stuff.., or simply holding on to something that is beyond it’s usefulness. For me, it starts with the desire to make sure I have everything under “control”!  Yes, I know it is an illusion… But it is my FAVORITE illusion! What if I need ‘it’ sometime in the future – for some unknown project or in case one of the other 37 USB cables I have gets damaged?  It is possible to need 2 food processors and two blenders.., right?...

You’re Right Where You Belong – In a Funk!

It seems we are always talking about ‘shifts’.  Many of us relay our sense of the transformations that are occurring.  Just this past week there was a beautiful Blood Moon eclipse that was suppose to shake up the old and usher in a new wave of being. It occurs to me, that sometimes this can mean, it feels like we’re in a funk!  At least that is how I want to interpret it!   Shift or transformation subtlety implies that we have moved beyond an old situation and are now navigating in a new one.  It is likely that there is a different stage that some of us are experiencing or feeling.  I know this is true for me.  This stage is the liminal.  The in-between. We can experience this in different areas of our lives.  With relationships, spiritual journey, careers, health.., you name it.  But we can also experience this sense of the liminal internally.  How we identify and define ourselves.  And it is this internal review process that is currently being triggered for a lot of us.  Well, let me just say.., this is what is happening for me right now. But what does this mean and what does it look like?  This is where the word ‘funk’ comes in. When you have this sense or feeling of being in a state of transformation or transition~yet have know idea what this means or what is next.  You feel an energetic shift, but there is nothing in your physical reality that you can point to that helps define what you are sensing or feeling.  You are probably in...

Crystals to Focus on for Personal Evolution and Fulfillment (Almandine Garnet, Honey Calcite & Amazonite)

We are responsible for our own evolution. We decide how far and how fast we progress in our journey toward fulfillment; whatever that means to each of us. For some it might mean actualizing and manifesting something we desire. For others it might be about physical health. Still for others it will be creating loving, supportive relationships. Beneath whatever personal fulfillment means to us, there is a deeper desire to know and connect with our true SELF. What is it that lights me up? What is my purpose? How do I live the a meaningful life? The answers are unique to each person that asks these questions. Yet many of us are trying to answer them by observing, mimicking and repeating what others are doing or what they are telling us we ‘should’ do! “They” can be anyone from a family member, to a boss, church, magazine or corporation (or MANY others). We are bombarded with messages daily about how we are suppose to groom, dress, weigh, drive, believe, avoid, feel, etc… And even though this makes navigating and connecting with our personal truth more challenging; in reality it is an amazing opportunity to develop your own intuition and unfamiliar senses. A way for each of us to grow and evolve. Consider using this combination of crystals (Almandine Garnet, Honey Calcite & Amazonite) to support expanding your intuitive and unfamiliar senses for the purpose of evolving and personal expansion. Here’s why I like this combination! Almandine Garnet: First of all we need to be grounded and connected to our physical body whenever we want to shift of change anything....

57 – The New 56

I just turned 57 this weekend!  57!  How does that happen? Don’t get me wrong, this is not one of those birthdays that I have resisted!  I remember 29 being particularly challenging and 45 was no cake-walk either.  Instead, I realize that at 57.., I am in a state of ‘surprise’! Where does and did the time go?  When I was a kid, I thought 55 was about the time most people died!  It was OLD!  Back then, I assumed when I reached this age, I would have one foot in the grave, with the other supported by a cane!   Somehow I thought getting older was for other people!  Not me! Now is probably a good time to point out that I have also been blindsided by the aging of our physical bodies!  Anyone who is my age can probably attest to this.  But let me just say… Men don’t talk about this, so none of us are prepared for what comes (and maybe even more importantly-what goes!) Perhaps it is because the majority of marketing has been projected towards woman that we all know about their challenges with menopause, hormone imbalance, osteoporosis, etc… etc.  When a doctor told me my body wasn’t producing testosterone the way it use to… I didn’t even know that was possible.  (Okay that’s been a few years now and you see more about bio-identical hormones.., but not much!)  I thought I was a freak of nature! And let’s face it… Men can be really bad at communicating!  Revealing their emotions or deepest thoughts!  They are not going to say.., “Oh.., one of the...

Near and Far

I’ve always wanted to spend time in Seattle.  Almost 10 years ago, I was there for a day, to board a cruise ship headed for Alaska.  I loved the little bit I saw of it, and wanted to see and experience more!   As luck would have it, a dear friend moved there this year to be closer to grandkids.  And, this past week I spent time with her in this charming city. I always imagined it being a city of small neighborhoods.  Much like San Diego.  And it was.  I could see how you could become ingrained in a community with all of the unique things it has to offer.  I suppose it is like that in Phoenix too.  But, the uniqueness of each community is what is different.  Here, a new subdivision goes in and the first thing that happens is you see a new Home Depot, Costco, Walmart and Target. Restaurants are chains, and so are many of the shops.  Don’t get me wrong, I love living in Phoenix.  It is where I want to be.  And yet, I remember living in San Diego, where for years, I parked my car on Friday after work, and didn’t have to drive again until Monday morning when it was time to head back to the office. Ahh.., the pros and cons of life. My friend wanted to make sure I had a fulfilling taste of Seattle.  We checked out a number of places from Pike Place to the Museum of Flight.  We even drove outside the city to a small community called LaConner.  But in truth, we were simply...

Letting Go

We are waking up.  Remembering.  Expanding.  We came here at this particular time to be a part of one of the greatest possible leaps in the evolution of Consciousness.  Consciousness is committed to learning more and more of itself.  And it learns in multiple ways.  And believe it or not, awareness and expansion through physical form is one of the most powerful ways to evolve! Think about it for a moment.  Throughout All-That-Is… The entire Universe and millions of Galaxies, more than 99% of what exists is non-physical.   It’s space, air, nothingness, filled with minuscule amounts of physical matter!  Something solid, that has been created out of nothing.  And then on some of these host particles or planets, other physical life forms such as water, animals, mineral, plant, and humans have evolved. There is no mistake that one or more of these life forms began to become more aware.  First of their environment and then of their relationship to that environment.  Take that to the next level, and you begin to see sentient beings, who are aware of themselves, and begin to understand the power of choice and will.  Beings who begin to search and seek for the origin of SELF and to understand their relationship to All-That-Is. In this way, we are the part of God that seeks to understand what was, is and will be.  We not only study this planet, but we are exploring the micro or quantum as well as macro…, meaning beyond our own Universe. Make no mistake, we are Magical Beings.  We are Magicians! Many of us are shifting the way we experience...

Living in the Moment

Is it possible to “Live in the moment”?  So many teachings and philosophies have this at their core.  It seems like such a simple thing, yet for many of us, it is very elusive! I remember years ago I was participating in a year-long leadership program.  It was the kick-off retreat week, and we were on a rope corse set among the redwoods in Northern California.  We had to climb a ladder, then net, then a few sparse branches; on to a narrow platform; where from there we were suppose to leap out and catch a trapeze bar. While most of my friends were confronting fears and anxiety about the task ahead.., I was working out in my mind how much time each phase would take, and how I could shave as much time off each portion, so that I could do it faster than anyone else! When it was my turn, as I approached the tree, with my plan ready to execute; they told me to “Stop and hug the tree”.   I was not happy!  They were throwing off my plan.  I stood there hugging the tree, recalculating how I would ever make the time up!  It lasted long enough that I finally decided, I would start my time AFTER the whole tree hugging was over.  They kept saying “Be in the moment”.   WHAT???  I was in the moment as far as I was concerned.  I was present and clear with my plan to win!  (Even though this was not a competition!) Finally they said go!  And I was sprinting as fast as I could go!  I...

Naturally Revealed

Have you ever had one of those days when you wonder; “What am I pursuing?” You could substitute the word pursuing with a different one such as doing, chasing, after, looking for, etc.  But in general, you get the drift.  What am I searching for? At one point, I think we all search for the purpose of our life.  Why are we here?  The meaning of this life.  I remember very well this sense of being content with my life, but still unsure of my own purpose.  For a while, that became what I was pursuing.  Life’s purpose. It felt close, but elusive.  If I didn’t know my purpose, did that mean that what I was doing was not enough; or fulfilling; satisfying?  I remember at one time wanting to understand the meaning or purpose of this life so badly, that I was willing to upset everything in order to figure it out. I am no longer searching for my life purpose.  I understand why I am here, at least in a way that makes sense to me.  Yet, I still feel the energy of being in pursuit of something. But why?  What am I pursuing?  Am I missing something?  Will life be <more, better, complete> if I find this elusive thing that I am after?  Or have I just gotten so use to chasing after something, that I don’t know how not to be pursuing? As I sit with this, it feels as if there is some truth to the idea or concept that I am pursuing something, because that is what I do. Then it begs the...

Pull Me Off the Ledge

One thing I should realize by now is that I should never make a claim I am not willing to stand behind!  Actually, it might be more accurate to say; never claim I have learned my lesson, unless I want to be tested on that lesson! I think this is just one of the many gifts from our interconnected Universe… It is just hard to see it that way when I am in the middle of it!  Do you have the same experience? It goes something like this:  you are blissfully moving through life without a care in the world.  When suddenly, you are thrown into a chaotic or drama-filled situation.  Even though it is new, there is something familiar about this new situation you find yourself in. You realize it has happened before.  Maybe you always choose the mate who is emotionally unavailable.  Perhaps you over commit because you don’t want to disappoint your boss.  Or, someone borrows money from you; they had a really good reason for it, and had a plan for paying you back.  But you have seen your ‘friend’ or any money since. You realize that you’ve been burned by the same situation multiple times.  So much so that you realize it is something that you have to change.  You may have been burnt before…, but darn it that is the last time!  You claim with all the authority you can muster – “No more! Never Again!” And as soon as you do, someone who is just your type (and just a little unavailable!) walks in and starts a conversation.  Your boss asks you...

Herding Cats

They say patience is the ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. If so…, I may becoming more patient these days! Perhaps I am better at embracing that everything happens for a reason and in it’s own time! The idea or concept of going with the flow! Or… It could be that I am just too lazy to get worked up over some of the odd timing I seem to be experiencing these days! Oh heck… Maybe it is a little bit of all of these things!! One thing I know for sure is that delays, ambiguities, set backs or stretched time lines just don’t seem to affect me the way they did before! When things don’t go as planned; instead of freaking out, it seems easier to reassess and adjust. And, for someone who has worn the hat of ‘controlling’ a few times.., this is a significant change! The big realization out of all of this recent awareness is how much calmer life is when I am not trying to control or demand that it perform on my timeline! There is less stress, anxiety, confusion, frustration, anger, fear, blaming, or shaming. Not that all of these happen in every situation.., but the potential for any of them to be present is high! So instead, imagine that rather than defaulting to one of these constricting emotions or behaviors when things aren’t going as planned; you simply accept the reality of the circumstances and adjust accordingly!?! You tap into patience. Wow… What a concept! As I have experienced patience and going with the flow more...

An Altered Field

If you check out the banner below these musings, you will see that our online retail store went live yesterday!  It was activated intentionally at 8:08am on 8/8/2015!  And 2015 is an ‘8’ year!  The number 8 in Numerology means success in business and finance.., material wealth and self-mastery; among other things.  I am excited about this going live and it’s potential for the expansion of Storm Wisdom. As with many of these mundane events, (and that is really what this is in the scheme of things!) other aspects of our journey are highlighted and or standout as lessons.  Milestones, turning points, awareness or a knock on the head.  Anything is possible when we look at our daily lives and the people, events or circumstances that have our attention and intentions. For me, there is a new realization that nothing happens as it appears.  There is no straight line that leads from where we were – to where we are.  Life is an entangled web of pulsing, shifting energies, that affect the entirety of our Being.  Not just the section or portion of our lives we are trying to classify it under! Our reality is an illusion that is constantly in flux.  A hologram that we are interacting with and creating.  Depending upon where we put our focus and attention, shifts everything we experience. Sometimes that means that something, a person or situation, that was front and center for awhile, slips into the background and is no longer a featured attraction.  Or something small gets amplified and feels as if it is demanding or dominating the day.  Something new...

Getting Current

I have decided to be more mindful of the difference between change and transition. It occurs to me that I lump these two things together and then feel as if I am in a constant state of transition.., which actually feels like chaos! Yet, I think what might be more true is that I am constantly in a state of change. You see change is natural, and a lot of it comes as a part of our own choices. The new job, ending a relationship, having a baby, starting a business, trying online dating, buying or selling a house, the move to a new place, etc. Then there are those changes that are outside of our control, the loss of a loved one, your favorite business closing, a health scare or challenge. The bottom line is that our lives our filled with change. In fact, we live in a country that prides itself on change. The next new thing; exploring for the sake of ‘more’. We are consumers, we want ‘new’. Even if you or I personally think we don’t like change, the truth is, it’s in our DNA. As they say it is the “only constant besides death and taxes”. What it seems like we are forgetting is the transition or integration piece. We are forgetting that there can be change without transition. If we do not adjust to whatever has changed (and this happens a lot!) then the circumstances maybe be different; but our ability to adjust is compromised. And oftentimes, it is this lack of transition that actually weighs heavy on us. I remember writing about...

Feed the Dream

We are getting ready to launch a web-store for our in-house developed product line called ‘The Magic of Crystals’.  You are probably already familiar with most of these products (Energetic Mysts, Hand & Body Lotion, Crystal Knowledge Deck, Infused Sage.., etc.), and now whether you’re near or far, will be able to purchase them with ease online (US sales only) as well as at the center. The retail version of the site will be open soon, and within a month or two, we’ll have a wholesale web-store too! Isn’t that exciting! The reason I wanted to write about this is not so much about what will happen going forward, but how we got here in the first place! Now that it is almost here, I marvel at our ability to create.  Anyone who has spent anytime in the past 10 years following the human potential movement, law of attraction or visualization techniques for manifesting and creating via your thoughts, emotions and imagination; has heard all the suggestions, promises and possibilities. So without a doubt, I believe in the power of aligning our thoughts and feelings around a future dream or outcome.  It makes sense to me that the more we can visualize and imagine something, that the Universe starts to realign and create events and circumstances to bring these dreams into fruition.  I think these are all positive things to do, along with our own actions or steps in the direction of what we are trying to create. But… There is also something here about honoring time, space and energetic flow!  You see, we actually tried having a web-store...

Mental Hopscotch

Mental hopscotch is apparently one of my favorite forms of entertainment!  It seems there are a never-ending range of topics I will process, pull apart, re-imagine or simply allow my mind to jump around and through! I am sure that somewhere in all these mind games, there is actual stimulus for creating things in my life.  Yet, I wonder, what would happen if I just took the time to get specific.  Target what I really want.  And let the other 5000 possibilities go?  Would I create faster.  Would I be less stressed? Would I get where I am going with greater ease? Our minds are our greatest gifts and can be our heaviest burdens.  There is no rule book given when we enter this life that tell us how to master the mind.  We are simply following the lineage of perceptions, ideas, trials and tribulations that have been passed down from the generations before us.  Add to that our own fumbling experiences, and we are left with a map that only makes sense to one person. If it makes sense to us at all!! We of course know how to develop our intellect. Expansion of knowledge is constant. Wisdom is a possibility for all… Hopefully wisdom is something that we all get to enjoy someday as we reach the Sage years of our lives. Yet, our minds (my mind) goes wherever it wants!  I may be planning to go grocery shopping, but my mind has me replaying a scene from a television show, or trying to figure out who the first person was to eat an artichoke.  How many...

The Right First Step

I am tired of negativity, discrimination, divisiveness, fear-mongering, hate-talk, racism, misogyny, homophobia, bigotry and classism.  Actually, to be truthful, I am worn down by them.  Theses are tedious, never-ending energies that seem to be hurled around ad nauseam. I get it, we all have biases.  We have preferences.  We are drawn to some people and things, while we are repelled by others.  But these days, it feels like we are being manipulated by some external force that wants to increase these hurtful and harmful prejudices.  “They” wants us to feel and be isolated from one another. It is as if we are all part of a large marketing experiment, where if we all get isolated into our assigned group.., a market research group sort of.   Each group is then reinforced to believe that their position, issues, concerns, traits, and perspectives are right and good.  Each group is fed regular doses of information that categorize, reinforce and support their rightness.  We are led to believe that if our segment does not achieve its goal, we will lose, possibly even cease to exist.   We become so focused on the group that were sorted into, that we begin to lose the perspective of the other groups.  Those groups become ‘them’.  If any of ‘them’..,  are not aligned or don’t share our perspective, they are viewed as the “other-side”.  They become the bad guys. They are the enemy.  We are good, they are bad.  Us against Them.  Justice against Evil. This means each group has been successfully separated from the whole.  This means they have been reduced in size.  Yet, because members...

Yay or Nay

Intuition plays an important part in my day-to-day life. Actually, I believe it plays a big part in EVERYONE’S life.., some of us just have the volume turned down so low, it is harder to hear! But.., that’s another story! What I am noticing this week is that sometimes, when we need it the most, our intuition has a tendency to hide! Okay, the truth is when I get excited and start exploring possibilities, my intuition takes a lunch break! That is what is going on right now. I am considering a new project that has lots of possibilities, some unknown, some risk, some rewards. Basically there are several possible ways I could see this project going. When I talk to some of my closest allies, they all ask the same thing: “What is your intuition telling you?” Aaahhgh… I don’t know! Instead, my mind wants to make-up what my intuition is telling me! My mind barters, makes deals and contrives multiple ‘what if’ scenarios. My mind knows nothing about intuition! If it did, it would know that ‘intuitive hits’ are definitive! They are yes or no. ‘Maybe’ is not an intuitive hit! That is until I remember that there are always multiple ways for us to grow, learn and evolve. And isn’t that where our intuition really supports us? It points out open doors when there are new opportunities; or tells us when it is time to close one. It tells us when the path we are on is leading us in a circle. Our intuition points us towards (or away from) those people and experiences that are...


What a week it has been. Marriage Equality is now the law of the land! Trust me, this is a BIG deal when you have experienced the desire to take that oath of commitment with someone you love and have been denied. To see other family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers.., hell, even strangers celebrate the magic of their relationship; yet be denied that same joy. This is a BIG deal for a lot of us! And yet, there is another side to this story. There are also many people, some who are reading this, that aren’t celebrating this decision. Some who know and even love me or other gay people, who are trying to reconcile this against religious or cultural teachings and beliefs that they have held for a long time. For others, they are so opposed to it, they feel as if they have been hit in the gut. Life will never be the same for any of us again. And the impact and adjustments will play out over time. Much as they have for other significant human rights and social changes. This is the beginning of a new chapter. For me, I typed the hashtag #LoveWins so many times the last couple of days, that it became a mantra. I was celebrating. Feeling recognized. Feeling equal in the eyes of the law. Probably even gloating over those who worked so tirelessly against this new law. Maybe even a little superior for being on the side that won. Yet the entire time, I also realized this came down to a difference of one person’s position. I also felt...

Pack Everything

Watch out what you ask for! You’ll probably get it!! I tend to be a seeker. I want to understand how things work, how the pieces fit together. I like to explore the unknown. I want to chart my own course and choose my route. Often times I will carve out a new path, or attempt to venture where it feels no one has gone before (at least not in the same way!). Of course I am mostly referring to spiritual exploration… Our purpose, our connection to a higher source, what makes us tick, and how the heck did we get where we are? It is the pursuit of spiritual truths that motivates and propels many of our journeys. And if you are like me, then just following the pack isn’t all that inspiring. I want to experience for myself what it means to evolve, expand awareness or deepen the connection to consciousness. Hearing about someone else’s experience may be informative, but it is not enough to feed the hunger and longing of my spirit. So we open ourselves to change. We explore new territories and embrace transformation. Chaos feels like a constant companion. And then we ask ourselves “why”? You see, when we set these intentions to expand and embrace deeper truths or invite new levels of awareness; we think the answers or the insights will come to us in our dreams, meditations, or through our imagination. Yet, we live in a physical world. That which we seek appears in our day-to-day lives. We open ourselves to change and then assume that automatically the cells in our body...

They are All Unique!

On Wednesday of this past week, I drove to Tucson for a buying trip! I was in search of Crystals for the store. There are several vendors in the area, thanks in large part to the ‘Gem And Mineral Show’ that happens there every year! After several hours and two locations, the back of my SUV was loaded with new goodies. My mother Ruthie had joined me for this day trip adventure and as we were driving home, she said “Gisela is going to think it’s Christmas!” That is exactly how it felt as all these wrapped gems were unloaded on to the back counter! As each one was unwrapped and revealed, we were ooooing and awwwwing. Even for me, it felt as if each crystal was being experienced anew! I realized, once again how blessed I am! To get to be surrounded by Nature’s art, and then to help each one find their keepers and caretakers is such a joy! And the connections, conversations and experience that occur because of being in this role of steward – are priceless! Some people buy crystals for their beauty. Some get them as a way to focus their attention on something they are wanting to create or perhaps release. Still others are using them as tools to enhance their meditation or spiritual practice. Then there are those who want to work with these minerals in their most natural form for healing. ALL of them choose crystals because they are drawn to them! This means that when people come into the center or the store, they are intentionally choosing crystals that support...

Multiple Gears

Channeling has opened up a whole new world for me. It shifts my perspective and alters how I view things. Today I realize it helps me understand that we all have our limits. I think before I consciously chose to channel, I imagined that anyone who was connected to a higher source, entity or collective energies must have access to ALL information. From anytime, any place. Any subject; past present or future. Now all of that has changed for me. Instead, I am clear that there is no “all-knowing”. That is not how it works. Even All-That-Is, God, the Universe or any other name used to define the Origin and Source of all consciousness.., doesn’t have access to “ALL” information, because it continues to evolve and learn as each of us expands our personal awareness. And since we have the gift of free will; what we learn through our choices and our experiences can’t be known until we know it! All of this is to say that there is something humbling about the awareness that channeling brings. It helps me to see that I don’t have all the answers. It seems to me that because we see ourselves as intellectual beings, we think we should ‘know’. Because we are physical beings, we should know how to ‘do’. Add to that those of us who choose to look through the lens of spirituality.., and you have the pursuit of ‘Being’. Mind, Body, Spirit! But we are making it up as we go along. We create relationships and experiences that shape our attitudes, beliefs, values and desires. We study what intrigues...

Dropping Excess Weight

These days it seems as if most of my energies are directed towards letting go of something that I created in the past!  Whether it is a painful memory, an emotional wound or a limiting belief; it seems they insist on being released, forgiven and forgotten! Don’t think this means I am being intentional about selecting these experiences or memories.  Instead, out of the blue I realize I am mentally reliving or remembering them.  Sometimes in my remembering or recalling of these life events, I am mentally reliving them in a new way.  I get to say what I wanted to say or I stop the interaction before it goes to far.  In my mind I am altering the past. Yet, it is not the mental gymnastics that is important here.  It is that I realize that some event from my past is up for review.  I can sense the part of me who wants to win, come out on top or avoid the sorrow or pain altogether.  It is during the awareness of the replay that the realization comes to me, that this is a situation that is up for healing. By running the stories over and over in my mind, I use to think I was gathering resources for the future.  Preparing myself for the next time I had a similar encounter.  Or.., even more likely, building a wall around my heart or emotional body in an attempt to protect it from ever having one of these experiences again. These days, I still need my mind to create the distraction and bring the experiences forward.  But not...

Right For You

What is your experience of our ever changing world?  Does it seem dramatically different than it did a few years ago?  Or, is it the same old status quo? Different day, same challenges and opportunities? To me, it feels really different!  I feel different.  And the majority of me loves the shifts and changes I sense or feel.  While a part of me longs for the days of predictability and a time of stability. If you are like me and can feel or sense the energetic changes that our planet is going through; What are some of the ways that you notice these subtle shifts (or even not so subtle!).  It seems like a good practice to stay aware of what feels like it is evolving.  What no longer resonates, and/or what does. One thing that seems noticeable these days, for me (and for a number of people in my life) is our relationship with the authority figures in our lives. Doctors, therapists, lawyers, elected officials, police, clergy, financial or business leaders, and others who have a specialized area of focus or responsibility.  We rely of them for their expertise. But the way that we have relied on them has become out of balance.  We have given them too much authority, control or influence in our lives.  For a long time we simply trusted what they said and followed their instruction to the letter. But many, if not all of these authority figures are losing their sway and influence over us.  Their message or directions no longer feel aligned with us as individuals.  This does not mean they are...